Esty and wish
The Blind Eternities forum
Posted on Jan. 10, 2017, 8:44 p.m. by shadow63
Has anyone bought any mtg cards, products or proxies from either of these sites. Me and my family have gotten cheap stuff like watches and jewellery from wish and its just that cheap. So I'm a little weary of buying a $12 play net from them. Thanks in advance
Ok Sloanan I'll have to make a small purchase and see how I like it. The site just seemed kinda shady
January 11, 2017 12:41 p.m.
It's not too bad at all. My girlfriend shops on there sometimes and my sister even used to sell stuff on it. It's essentially a place for arts n' craftsy folk to sell their wares - and also pretty decent for buying proxies and alters. If I'm not mistaken I think it might be an affiliate of ebay or something? Either way it's a legit business. I've never had any issues.
Sloanan says... #2
I haven't used Wish, but I've done Etsy a few times and they're usually pretty good about cards/proxies. I usually avoid the handcrafted products like deckboxes and stuff only because they're usually a little out of my price range, though the site's reliable enough to where I would get one if I could afford it. If you get like a proxy though note that it's not going to be an absolutely perfect copy - depending on the store, the cards may be either slightly thicker or less durable. Generally speaking though I'd recommend Etsy at least.
January 11, 2017 7:42 a.m.