The Blind Eternities forum
Posted on July 18, 2018, 7:12 a.m. by HARDsofty
I've just recently started playing Fortnite on my Switch.
Anyone else play?
I also have the game on my XBOX One X.
The best I've ever placed in solo Battle Doyle was 4th. Just did that this morning.
I do like the portability of the Switch version though.
July 18, 2018 9:43 a.m.
I started playing a couple weeks ago, while I'm transitioning between jobs. My family lives in NJ, and I moved to Oregon. My little bro plays on his PS4, and I play on my PC, with an XBOX ONE controller.
It's been a really great way to play games and interact across the continent (and on different consoles).
That being said, I'm gonna go give him a ring and blast some llamas!
July 18, 2018 11:32 a.m.
I still get bots and noobs, so I always land edge of map... either lighthouse or mountain top.
May 27, 2020 5:49 a.m.
aaron_the_great says... #8
hmm i like to land at the crackshot cabin it has 3 chests 4-3 ammo crates and some mats or guns and ammo behind the bookshelf its not a marked location but it is a Christmas themed cabin close to frenzied farms and the agency
May 27, 2020 9:13 a.m.
aaron_the_great says... #11
i play on a switch but didnt have the double helix bundle though :( (not that i got the bundle)
May 27, 2020 10:12 a.m.
aaron_the_great says... #12
maxon you dont play across the continents unless you change the server
May 27, 2020 10:16 a.m.
i typically play on Switch, but can also play on Xbox and mobile as well. Throw me a friend request: TheTrueBenD
May 29, 2020 5:32 a.m.
aaron_the_great says... #19
why does that matter i can just play with my brother
Scytec says... #2
Wait...fortnite is on switch now?!
July 18, 2018 8:53 a.m.