I know this isn't the right place to be asking...
The Blind Eternities forum
Posted on June 18, 2014, 2:38 a.m. by FALLEN-X-ANGEL
I know that this isn't the right place to be asking but, How's life? I'd like to know where to ask some questions that don't have to do with card interactions etc. Like i know about the MTG topics and stuff but i want to talk about something else, yet the format for asking different questions is based on a different format, yet some of them don't get viewed that much. But back to the question. How's everybody doing?
FALLEN-X-ANGEL says... #1
I love how this is going really well. Conversation nowadays is what we need. I have a long ways to go judging from what i hear. I'm only 14 so it's just a matter of time i will begin to deal with Life at it is.
July 7, 2014 11:44 a.m.