Just MORE Chatting
The Blind Eternities forum
Posted on Feb. 27, 2015, 12:54 p.m. by PreZchoICE1
fresh start. GO
Femme_Fatale says... #3
Ryotenchi, because that strip isn't error-proofed, hence the lack of a 2nd pupil, three hands and the lizard. The character the lizard is supposed to be is a little rodent (forget if mouse/chipmunk or whatever) that is Erin's (the female character at the end of the strip) pet for a long while. There's a little storyline about how to never "die on Erin", the generations of rodents after the first one all take the place as Erin's pet.
March 27, 2015 5:56 p.m.
Lol just reading through Independant's forum on pod... LULZ.. XD
If I make top 100 on the site I dont think I can change my rank to village idiot... Itll have to be Ninja Kitten Overlord..
March 27, 2015 5:57 p.m.
Femme_Fatale I got the joke, though I didnt know the lizard was sopposed to be a chipmunk. :3
March 27, 2015 5:58 p.m.
Does anyone else honestly feel bad for Independent? I honestly don't think he means to troll, he just...does.
March 27, 2015 6:08 p.m.
Some where inside me I feel the need to help him.. but damn dude.. I take one look at his posts and his decks and Just dont feel the energy required...
Hes just 'that guy'...
March 27, 2015 6:21 p.m.
He says hes 100% legit guys.. Whatever that means. XD
March 27, 2015 6:43 p.m.
Damnit guys I commented on Independent's post. I was doing so well avoiding him too.
March 27, 2015 6:50 p.m.
I gotta stop... Just Just... Yeah... If he had any credibility at all... He just lost it all with 'yugioh' for me. XD
March 27, 2015 6:55 p.m.
Yeah, you know how I said I didn't think he was intentionally trolling? Ever since he started talking about his super duper important "team" I gave up on that.
March 27, 2015 6:57 p.m.
Oh God. The thought. That's worse than a horror movie right there.
March 27, 2015 6:59 p.m.
Didgeridooda says... #19
Ahh that guy. I found the thread, I remember the username from past threads. Did not think that guy was genuine before. That thread did make me laugh at the beginning though. (the new one)
March 27, 2015 6:59 p.m.
Yeh... I cant imagine how one of him came to be.. let alone a team of similar thinkers...
Not trying to put him down or anything.
..just damn.. I wonder if he feels the way I did when ChiefBell ripped my pretty not so good deck apart and I got offended cause I treated it as art... only to realize months later after becoming more competitive that it was a pile of really really REALLY bad Jank.
March 27, 2015 7 p.m.
VampireArmy says... #21
We all go through that. It took Femme nearly a year to make me stop playing aristocrats in modern (this was pre khans) and even then we went through about 40 revisions of the deck before it became what it is now :P
It's hard to believe she even stuck around this long and still pops into my decks XD
Fer realzies though guys...ge says he works for a company affiliated with WOTC. explains a lot eh???
March 27, 2015 7:10 p.m.
I don't know whether or not he ever said exactly who he was affiliated with. I think he wants to sound all mysterious and crap. I don't think he realizes how much of an idiot he looks like.
March 27, 2015 7:13 p.m.
There was a time when I thought mono white tokens were better than b/w tokens. True story.
March 27, 2015 7:14 p.m.
VampireArmy says... #25
Honestly he might actually be mentally impaired. In which case i would feel bad
March 27, 2015 7:16 p.m.
ChiefBell, Nah man, I still believe you did what was right... I build much better, slightly spiky-er decks now.
Im still not up to the point where I build beautiful things like your significant others deck.. but yeh.. Im fearing that Anger of the Gods and Sword of Light and Shadow will be hard to deal with. :3
(Deck in question:Exiled to the Corner a bad flicker build.. I was only attached cause of the name and I wanted to run Venser, the Sojourner)
March 27, 2015 7:19 p.m.
I don't think that's the case Vamp. I just think he's an idiot.
March 27, 2015 7:22 p.m.
Didgeridooda says... #28
Why is Masterwork of Ingenuity only 2 bucks? I thought it was going to be much higher then that.
March 27, 2015 7:28 p.m.
ThisIsBullshit says... #31
Also lol I saw the title of Indepenent's thread and I just lost it
March 27, 2015 7:38 p.m.
Epochalyptik - any ideas? We've lost like 150+ pages from this thread?
March 27, 2015 7:40 p.m.
Something weird is going on with the thread Independent made as well. Instead of going on to a new page at the 20th comment it compressed them into a giant page.
March 27, 2015 7:41 p.m.
elpokitolama says... #35
ChiefBell: the first pages are still the same, so do the last ones...
March 27, 2015 7:42 p.m.
Epochalyptik says... #36
Don't have a heart attack.
The site is set to display 50 comments per thread page now. This is to help make it easier to reference earlier points in the discussion and to reduce the effort spent page hunting.
March 27, 2015 7:42 p.m.
Darn, and I was just about to suggest that as my theory before Epoch commented.
March 27, 2015 7:43 p.m.
Epochalyptik says... #40
waits patiently for Femme to have a heart attack upon logging in
March 27, 2015 7:55 p.m.
GoldGhost012 says... #41
I feel like you're waiting to release a PSA announcing the change until after she logs in...
March 27, 2015 7:58 p.m.
That's gonna make hitting 500 pages like the last thread take just a little bit longer.
March 27, 2015 8:01 p.m.
Forums are messed up? Don't know what you're talking about Femme, nothing seems different to me. Must be on your end.
March 27, 2015 8:12 p.m.
GoldGhost012 says... #46
Oh lord, I can only guess how well that would go over.
March 27, 2015 8:13 p.m.
Guys I'm in love with the deck I made for the tournament. I might buy the necessary cards just for casual play. People will hate me, but it will be worth it.
March 27, 2015 8:31 p.m.
After seeing the comment you made on Femme's wall? Yes. But we appreciate you all the more for it.
elpokitolama says... #1
Yeah Kitty, I know, I know...
Because she is Sultai confirmed?
March 27, 2015 5:43 p.m.