Just MORE Chatting

The Blind Eternities forum

Posted on Feb. 27, 2015, 12:54 p.m. by PreZchoICE1

fresh start. GO

Admin Edit: Please post Magic-related discussions in separate threads as appropriate. This thread is for non-MTG or very casual discussions; we want to foster new and continual game discussion across the rest of the site as well.

should I just change my name to "THAT_jerk_again"?

April 8, 2015 12:33 a.m.

ThisIsBullshit says... #2

Why can't I sleep?? I just want sleep dammit!

April 8, 2015 12:34 a.m.

enpc says... #3

I can give you some of my engineering stuff, that'll put you right to sleep if you want?

April 8, 2015 12:37 a.m.

Man you folk have some stories. Even when I got into Magic I never got good stuff or had those moments. Again... I'm your Online guy... scrub? I dunno I think I know my way around the game well enough, but I;m still waiting for ChiefBell to admit his wrongness. :p

DERPLINGSUPREME I think you should do several things, one of them is stop being a nuisance.

April 8, 2015 12:39 a.m.

sirbar says... #5

Are Snapcaster Mages hard for people to find? I've never had that problem. Weird. Now lily is like gold around here.

April 8, 2015 12:40 a.m.

:( goodbye

April 8, 2015 12:45 a.m.

HARDsofty says... #7

Like Godsmack: NA GO AWAY

April 8, 2015 12:47 a.m.

sirbar says... #8

Derp you don't have to go just not spam. Interact in a constructive manner not copy what people say or just generally spaz out on the keyboard.

April 8, 2015 12:48 a.m.

HARDsofty says... #9

DAMNIT!!! I am the Wolverine

April 8, 2015 1:32 a.m.

VampireArmy says... #10


3 Hours later updating binder

My tradebinder is fucking glorious

I don't even know what to put in my want list right now

April 8, 2015 2:08 a.m.

sirbar says... #11

Where did you go to get so many new cards?

April 8, 2015 2:11 a.m.

VampireArmy says... #12

Home town to my best friends house where he let me take whatever since he basically quit

April 8, 2015 2:15 a.m.

VampireArmy says... #13

Though I've posted about it a million times now

That'll be the last. I just wanted to alert those who were wondering the specifics

April 8, 2015 2:18 a.m.

sirbar says... #14

I know that you went home. I was wondering if you went to like some convention or something but ok cool.

April 8, 2015 2:21 a.m.

GoldGhost012 says... #15

Never thought I'd say this, but I'm starting to get reeeeaaaaalllll sick of Hershey's Cookies 'n' Cream chocolate.

April 8, 2015 2:21 a.m.

VampireArmy says... #16

Nah I've been bugging him for years to let me scour his collection

He had all these stacked in about ten fat pack boxes. Damn near slapped him :p

April 8, 2015 2:25 a.m.

enpc says... #17

I've noticed a bunch of users (myself included) have had their title changed from Deckling to Deckspert. Just wondering what the requirement for that was (not that I'm complaining)?

April 8, 2015 2:54 a.m.

kyuuri117 says... #18

Just saw the results of last weekends SCG Open series. Every single top 8 deck was an aggro list. Not even joking. Time to reconfigure the ol' control list.

April 8, 2015 3:24 a.m.

Ryotenchi says... #19

kyuuri117 Is it posted to Mtgtop8?

April 8, 2015 3:51 a.m.

Ryotenchi says... #20

Holy F! A Hatebears list made 2nd. o.o

Checks if breathing.

April 8, 2015 3:52 a.m.

ChiefBell says... #21

Hey. Just woke up.

April 8, 2015 5:30 a.m.

enpc There's like three different threads about this, and none of them have actually figured out what the requirements are. Probably Epoch just decksperting people who are decently active :)

ChiefBell Ditto.

April 8, 2015 7:48 a.m.

Femme_Fatale says... #23

You know, I just had a crazy thought. What if, 20 of me existed in the same place at the same time?



Scary thought. I can't tell if we'd get stuff done or if we'd just spiral down into an endless sexual orgy.

April 8, 2015 8:54 a.m.

6tennis says... #24

I just watched 31 episodes of Fullmetal Alchemist because I'm sick.

Trying to turn my TurboFlip deck into something good. Won some games T3. Untap and/or Cockatrice, anyone?

April 8, 2015 9:28 a.m.

VampireArmy says... #25

Femme_Fatale if there 20 of you it would certainly become an orgy

April 8, 2015 10:23 a.m.

Didgeridooda says... #26

Driving stick shift is easy once you get the hang of 1st.

My buddy took me to an empty construction site with loose dirt. If I could get going without spinning out there, I was good anywhere.

April 8, 2015 10:30 a.m.

Morning all! I am officially done classes now! Going to take it easy today since it's rainy and generally unpleasant outside.

April 8, 2015 11:42 a.m.

Congrats Canadian! Enjoy your soggy break!

April 8, 2015 12:13 p.m.

6tennis says... #29

Gotta love them soggy breaks.

April 8, 2015 12:16 p.m.

I'm in Georgia here in the States, and it's rainy as shit over here too. (At least it has been the past few days. At least it's not actively raining at the moment. Lol)

April 8, 2015 12:21 p.m.

ChiefBell says... #31

I'm on untap if anyone wants to come at me.

Weather is mild in the UK. Cloudy but warm.

April 8, 2015 12:33 p.m.

Femme_Fatale says... #32

You know what's awesome? Being able to beat someone without using any lands in modern. I had 0 lands but two mox opals and 2 other artifacts in hand. Started out with dumping three artifacts down and playing Myth Realized. Turn 2 came down the 2nd mox and a Puresteel Paladin, equiping a Paradise Mantle to it. Turn 3 was a Kitesail Apprentice followed by a Basilisk Collar. Turn 4, Monastery Mentor, swinging with the apprentice to give me some life. Turn 5 was Steelshaper's Gift, getting Accorder's Shield, Path to Exile'ing one of their creatures, and animating Myth Realized, equipping Basilisk Collar onto it, equipping Accorder's Shield onto Monastery Mentor, and swinging in their face for 10.

I was playing against merfolk :D

April 8, 2015 12:51 p.m.

Dekordius says... #33

Wait, you know Mox Opal is legendary right?

April 8, 2015 1:37 p.m.

xzzane says... #34

I imagine she tapped the first for Mana, played the second, sacrificing the first, and then tapped the 2nd one for the 2nd Mana.

April 8, 2015 1:39 p.m.

Dekordius says... #35

Yeah, on turn two. How'd she play a Monastery Mentor turn 4?

April 8, 2015 2:11 p.m.

xzzane says... #36

With Puresteel Paladin out, all her equips are 0 Mana. She had a Kitesail Apprentice and the paladin out as well as Paradise Mantle. Between equipping the mantle to both creatures and the opal that's 3 Mana. Also what part of Georgia, canterlot? I live in Georgia as well.

April 8, 2015 2:14 p.m.

kyuuri117 says... #37

Ryotenchi i just googled scg open deck lists, and it takes you to the recent scg opens/invitations. Click the one in april, and it will bring em up. 7 aggro and 1 heroic deck.

April 8, 2015 2:31 p.m.

Ryotenchi says... #38

kk, I just assumed the one on top8 was it.. Ill go check that out.

April 8, 2015 2:33 p.m.

Didgeridooda says... #39

You could leave it, or educate them.

April 8, 2015 4:17 p.m.

VampireArmy says... #40

LIVEFORCHAOS That's tricky. Gut tells me that someone with authority should be involved but it's possible they're just running their mouth.

Either way, suggesting to lynch someone is extremely hateful even if not intended to be a joke. That's a pretty racially charged term.

April 8, 2015 4:21 p.m.

sirbar says... #41

anyone wanna play modern on untap?

April 8, 2015 4:46 p.m.

kyuuri117 says... #42

Did anyone ever play Deus Ex: Human Revolution? It was definitely one of my favorite games on the ps3, definitely the best atmosphere of any game i've ever played. If you own a ps3, xbox 360 or a decent computer, i'd definitely recommend playing this.

Anyway, Square Enix just announced Deus Ex: Mankind Divided. I know they haven't had much success in sequels due to how the games end, so they usually do prequels, but this definitely has some awesome potential.

April 8, 2015 4:48 p.m.

Wow, that's pretty shocking... I don't actually think that theyhewill do anything (like saying f*** you, I'm not actually going to do it... or will I :) ) but it proves that his thinking is a bit off... I don't know, maybe talk to the teacher involved or something.

April 8, 2015 4:49 p.m.

sirbar I would, but A) no more places and B) my faerie deck isn't done yet :(

April 8, 2015 4:50 p.m.

sirbar Just started a game if you want to play though :)

April 8, 2015 4:54 p.m.

sirbar says... #46

ok I'm sirninj4

April 8, 2015 4:55 p.m.

Dekordius says... #47

Oh, that's clever. Thanks for explaining that to me xzzane

April 8, 2015 5:45 p.m.

ChiefBell says... #48

Femme_Fatale - but what's your tech for grixis. Or was it mardu?

Show me the money, show me the money.

April 8, 2015 5:46 p.m.

xzzane says... #49

No problem, Dekordius. And I'd be interested in seeing that list of yours as well femme.

April 8, 2015 5:52 p.m.

sirbar says... #50

Her tech for grixis was Percy.

April 8, 2015 5:57 p.m.

This discussion has been closed