Just MORE Chatting
The Blind Eternities forum
Posted on Feb. 27, 2015, 12:54 p.m. by PreZchoICE1
fresh start. GO
GlistenerAgent says... #2
It's still confusing to new players. Why not just have these be subtypes and do "if this shares a subtype with it bla bla bla"?
Also, there are gigantic rules implications with subsubtypes. Hell, I don't know what they are. And I don't think you're using them correctly.
March 9, 2015 9:47 p.m.
Femme_Fatale says... #4
Because there isn't enough room in the first bar for the teams. The number of teams a card can belong to varies greatly. And I still need to keep the original types, because things like equipment and aura are important.
March 9, 2015 9:57 p.m.
Femme_Fatale says... #7
Much effort with all the threads being this active.
March 9, 2015 10:08 p.m.
People seem really hyped over blue devotion possibly making a comeback. Master has risen a dollar over the last few days and thassa has gone up two.
March 9, 2015 10:16 p.m.
GlistenerAgent says... #9
Why/ The new AEtherling guy dies to Abrupt Decay.
...Standard is stupid.
March 9, 2015 10:18 p.m.
VampireArmy says... #11
Mono blue was okay. More fun than mono black at least
March 9, 2015 10:21 p.m.
Well abrupt decay isn't in standard and mono-blue devotion doesn't exist in modern so i'm a bit confused.
Mono-blue was definitely more interested than mono-black. I love gray merchant. But mono-black was stupidly good.
March 9, 2015 10:24 p.m.
GlistenerAgent says... #14
My joke was that Mono-blue devotion sucks because the new guy dies to Decay.
Then, I had a mock realization that Decay isn't Standard legal, causing me to state my opinion that Standard sucks.
However, I'm currently 17-2 and undefeated in matches with RW Aggro, so maybe I like Standard.
March 9, 2015 10:27 p.m.
My page? Well, that calls for this
I'm not sure he likes the scarf.
March 9, 2015 10:31 p.m.
GlistenerAgent says... #20
I haven't won a game with Abzan since weeks ago. Not my thing anymore.
Sultai Whip is also a hell of a lot of fun. I find it interesting that I enjoy playing all five colors, and two completely opposite decks.
March 9, 2015 10:38 p.m.
Aggro isn't even fun to play. It's like, "Oh, this is going sideways. Boom."
March 9, 2015 10:38 p.m.
GlistenerAgent says... #23
Actually, RW is interesting. Four Outpost Sieges and four Soulfire Grand Masters make it a more controlling build than normal. I can still kill you on turn 5, but more often I'll have 10 lands in play and be drawing three cards a turn even though you're Whipping Queens.
I've seen a lot of both sides of the matchup. I've been through having not enough answers to fast creatures and dying, I've barely stabilized by topdecking one more removal spell and taken over the game, but I've also just got there with creatures and topdecked a million lands while my opponent lands good stuff.
This game is sweet.
March 9, 2015 10:42 p.m.
U/W control actually has a much better matchup with R/W Aggro than UB Control purely because we can banishing light the damn outpost siege.
Also, last breath hits like, 100% of your threats which is great. Brimaz is a bitch though if he's in the sideboard.
March 9, 2015 10:57 p.m.
slovakattack says... #27
Does the user Ind.meta weird anyone else out? I can barely make out what he's saying. Seems well-intentioned enough tho.
March 9, 2015 11 p.m.
GlistenerAgent says... #28
I think I'm kinda happy with you Banishing Lighting my Siege, honestly. That means you're spending a removal spell on one of my not-a-creatures, and I get to kill you.
Mastery of the Unseen may create too many problems postboard, though.
March 9, 2015 11 p.m.
VampireArmy says... #29
Some abzan lists are packing utter end lately for outpost by the by
March 9, 2015 11:03 p.m.
GlistenerAgent says... #30
Well screw that. Maybe I want blue for Dispel?
Standard is dumb.
March 9, 2015 11:04 p.m.
CanadianShinobi says... #31
slovakattack weird me out? Somewhat. He irritates me more than anything because he makes a lot of nonsensical threads and then argues with people when they tell him he's wrong.
March 9, 2015 11:09 p.m.
CommanderOfBolas says... #32
@GA: postboard, us u/w players get Glare of Heresy as well, not too mention the fact that even thoug our removal is hitting your enchantment, we still have End Hostilities to sweep up the creatures. all we have to do is limit your card advantage and make it to turn 6 for Elspeth
March 9, 2015 11:09 p.m.
I never got the usage of "we," "us," and "our" when talking about decks. They just sound off-putting.
March 9, 2015 11:17 p.m.
I just thought that dude was trolling... I didnt read into it that far I guess... : /
March 9, 2015 11:22 p.m.
I'm bee? That makes sense to me.
I guess it's because I don't think it's a group thing nor should it be. The deck is yours and you're listing your options. It's not, "We have this, this, and this," it's, "I think this is good and can use this." But that's just me. Most people seem to disagree.
March 9, 2015 11:33 p.m.
I just say it how it sounds good.... Aint proper.. but.. urgh.. so..
March 9, 2015 11:34 p.m.
Like if its my deck description for an archtype, I say we run instead of I run... so.. didnt really think about it til now.
March 9, 2015 11:36 p.m.
VampireArmy says... #42
guess it could go either way.
On the one hand, you are the one talking about the strategy therefore "me" would be appropriate
On the other hand when it comes to tier decks, a lot of people tend to run the same things under the same strategy therefore we could very well mean "I and everyone else who plays this deck has..."
Then again that's all up to perception.
March 9, 2015 11:36 p.m.
bijschjdbcd says... #43
Pretty much anything can be summarised by the sentence "It comes down to perspective."
March 9, 2015 11:38 p.m.
VampireArmy says... #44
I would just rather not come off as saying "my opinion is the right opinion" is all...
March 9, 2015 11:39 p.m.
Exactely! xD Cause I do some dumb shit myself when testing..
March 9, 2015 11:40 p.m.
I've heard it described as we being "me and my deck" but I think it sounds a bit weird. The other thign could be the Royal We which makes sense, though I find to be a bit wanky. Unless there are arectually two+ deckbuilders working on one deck.
March 9, 2015 11:59 p.m.
Reminds me of the time my older brother said "so do I shuffle my deck now"... Parents teased him cause thats not what it sounded like...
"me and my deck".....
March 10, 2015 12:01 a.m.
ThisIsBullshit says... #48
lolol guys lets get indepenentmeta and ty together and see what happens lol
Femme_Fatale says... #1
It is a form of subtype sirbar. It's a subsubtype.
March 9, 2015 9:45 p.m.