Just MORE Chatting
The Blind Eternities forum
Posted on Feb. 27, 2015, 12:54 p.m. by PreZchoICE1
fresh start. GO
CanadianShinobi: from the narset comment or the eating cards comment?
March 10, 2015 11:24 p.m.
Well I'm looking to trade for an Ugin if you wanna check out my binder
March 10, 2015 11:44 p.m.
bijschjdbcd says... #12
Still looking for Remands, Tarns and Rainforests if anyone has any spare.
March 10, 2015 11:57 p.m.
I still have to saythat the best version of remand is the FNM Promo (don't know how to link alternates in text).
March 11, 2015 12:08 a.m.
bijschjdbcd says... #15
Mate, When I compliled stuff for UWR I had three Cryptics but only ran two because one is Lorwyn and the others Modern Masters.
March 11, 2015 12:08 a.m.
CanadianShinobi says... #17
Youngster bijschjdbcd used: WRONG PRIORITIES! He became confused!
Youngster bijschjdbcd is confused! He hurt himself in his confusion!
March 11, 2015 12:10 a.m.
I understand, bij. I'm anal about which sets my cards are from too. Out for those Ravnica Remands just like you.
March 11, 2015 12:15 a.m.
SCG has them for $25 USD. too bad the conversion rate sucks.
I remember buying my Cryptic Commands back when they were $16 a piece before modern was a thing. I was umming over those for a while. Same with the 2 Bitterblossoms. $15 a piece. So glad I did.
March 11, 2015 12:16 a.m.
bijschjdbcd says... #24
When you watch old Channel Fireball vuds with Tarmos for like $20.
March 11, 2015 12:23 a.m.
Oh. Woops lol, didn't realize that was some autotone remix. Thought it was just a clip from the video. Anyway, it's basically James Franco bragging about buying shorts and guns and perfume from the money he makes selling drugs.
March 11, 2015 12:42 a.m.
Faries, just because I don't agree with how the UWR one is built.
March 11, 2015 12:47 a.m.
VampireArmy says... #30
there was another that had only snaps. That be better?
March 11, 2015 12:50 a.m.
VampireArmy If you are interested you could try my faerie build Cute Little Faeries. It's my main deck right now and I've done a lot of tuning with it.
March 11, 2015 1:04 a.m.
VampireArmy says... #32
sirbar I'll do that :P The list I linked looks.....actually really weird
March 11, 2015 1:06 a.m.
the one seriously lacked card draw. No Serum Visions even. As it, the card draw doesn't kick in until Electrolyze. Seems like you will run out of steam.
The faerie one looks cool. I would mainboard the Breeding Pool as a two off. I'm also o nthe fence about River of Tears. Don't get me wrong, I run it but I find it to be a bit clunky sometimes.
Figure out what kind of control deck you want then build from first principles in my opinion. You'll get a list much more suited to your playstyle.
March 11, 2015 1:07 a.m.
Yea there were way to many cantrips in it and they were trying to force taz, which isn't as good as he looks in this build.
March 11, 2015 1:11 a.m.
VampireArmy says... #36
I haven't ever really considered control as something to play in about a year and a half to be honest. I don't even remember how to play control hence why finding a deck to start with is proving difficult
March 11, 2015 1:11 a.m.
Well you can break it down into a few questions which will help you build the deck. Basically:
What kind of control deck am I building? Is it Jeskai, Grixis, U/B, faeries, etc.
How do I want to win? Is the deck using bombs like Tasigur, the Golden Fang or Batterskull? Am i playing a game of attrition so I can beat my opponent's life total down with manlands?
What kind of contro ldo I lean towards? What kind of counterspells do I like? Am I going for hard counters or cards like Remand to cantrip into a Dismember?
How am I getting my card advantage? (this links with 3).
What are my biggest threats and how do I deal with them? Use this to tweak 2 and 3.
Do you have a choice of colours at least?
March 11, 2015 1:18 a.m.
VampireArmy says... #38
Honestly I've always wanted to beat people to death with Colonnades stuff. My gut choice is UWr since it contains 2 of 3 colors i'm accustomed to using anyways. I used to love watching those I just never bothered building one. Guess that's a start.
Fae is cool but I think I want to start somewhere I at least have a little knowledge of. Now to find a sufficient list I think? I know it hasn't been really placing well lately
March 11, 2015 1:22 a.m.
Jeskai isn't very well positioned right now. Red just isn't a good color in control right now because it gives you damage that isn't enough to kill the big things.
March 11, 2015 1:26 a.m.
VampireArmy says... #40
Well this is a dilema. I suppooooooose Esper can play similarly correct? replace the burn with kill spells?
March 11, 2015 1:27 a.m.
Jund dredge with alesha, acidic slime, huntmaster, hornet queen, and golgari grave troll...ive bee. Having a blast with it...I miss drs
March 11, 2015 1:39 a.m.
CommanderOfBolas says... #42
Or play grixis. still 2 colors you enjoy, and you have access to hard removal and burn for when you decide to beat face
March 11, 2015 1:40 a.m.
VampireArmy says... #43
I feel like a child being lead into 3 different professions lol.
March 11, 2015 1:41 a.m.
CommanderOfBolas says... #45
And also I don't think Jeskai and Esper play similarly at all. Jeskai can be pretty aggressive with bolts and Lightning Helix, where as esper is much more heavy on the control aspect of the deck
March 11, 2015 1:42 a.m.
You have access to some nice cards in esper. Tasigur is a bomb and Dismember can be brutal. You also have acces to hand disruption like Thoughtseize. The only downside is that burn can also hit players. Thats the tradeoff.
March 11, 2015 1:45 a.m.
CommanderOfBolas says... #47
If you play Grixis, you get burn, hard removal, tasigur. The only downside is that you need creeping tar pit instead of collonade.
March 11, 2015 1:47 a.m.
Thats why cards like Path to Exile are invaluable in Jeskai builds. I honestly don't know why people would run any less than 4.
enpc says... #1
CanadianShinobi: That sucks. Games that drag on for the sake of draggin on are the worst. I had a game over the weekend playing against a Narset autopilot deck. Basically the game boiled down to Narset, destroy all lands, take an extra turn, take an extra turn, take an extra turn, etc. Turns would be draw a card, play a land if you had one then pass turn. We ended up just declaring him the winner so we could finish the game.
March 10, 2015 11:07 p.m.