Let's talk Dark Souls 3.
The Blind Eternities forum
Posted on April 19, 2016, 1:59 p.m. by RegisteredDecksOffender
First of all, I'd like to start by saying let's make this a spoiler-free thread. There's nothing worse than some asshole ruining the suspense and mystery in a book/game/or movie.If you must speak of spoilers, throw them into an accordion marked "SPOILER".
Now that's said and done... Let's talk shop about Dark Souls!
If you have played the newly released Dark Souls 3 what are your first impressions?
How does it compare in your eyes to the rest of the Souls series, or even other FromSoftware titles?
What builds/weapons have you found success with?
What builds/weapons have you found lacking?
For me personally, I have been overall a little disappointed with DS3. Something just seems to be missing atmospherically thus far compared to the other 2 titles and Bloodborne .I felt Bloodborne did an excellent job at portraying a Lovecraftian, Victorian, hopelessness that DS3's atmosphere has yet to capture for me save for a handful of locations.Admittedly, I've yet to finish Dark Souls 3 and there are things about it that impress me such as the weapon selection and diversity. I may just have Bloodborne goggles on and might be a little biased.
On the flip side I have been captivated by the character storytelling that FromSoft is renown for, and DS3 has no short supply of interesting/funny/and or mysterious characters.
So what is everyone else's thoughts on the newest installment of Dark Souls?
RegisteredDecksOffender says... #3
Hey there DrFunk27! Good to hear from you again!
And I'm inclined to disagree with that statement on a few levels. I feel the questions I have thrown out there for fuel make it easy to dance around spoilers.For instance, your first impression could be "I found the first 2 boss fights easy, but the third was challenging and unique."
Or even:"The build I'm working on is a Dex build. I was using the Rapier with a Sharp Gem infusion to great avail until I got a little bored with the moveset. I came across the Farron Greatsword after beating
With this little bit of a safeguard I feel that people get the choice of if they care about spoilers or not.I understand the concern this might raise in regards to talking specifically and in detail about bosses (which tends to be a huge topic in the series) but I'd like to avoid that and talk about weapons, builds, the atmosphere, what impressed people, and what has fallen short in terms of gameplay and feeling overall.
April 19, 2016 2:28 p.m.
StealthyGunnar says... #4
I've only fought one boss so far, which happened to be on my cousin's playthrough which he was stuck on. Really challenging. But I'm loving how the physics felt.
April 19, 2016 2:31 p.m.
RegisteredDecksOffender says... #5
StealthyGunnar at only 5 or so bosses in myself I have yet to be thoroughly challenged and maybe that's my issue you know? By no means am I an amazing Souls player, but I'm fairly seasoned and just came off of beating Bloodborne, so maybe since I didn't have a real chance to get rusty the bosses haven't been an issue yet :/That said, I am eagerly awaiting a boss that will whoop my ass and put me at the brink of tears. I love a challenge.
On the topic of physics however, I think they nailed it again. I hope they incorporate something like the Beast Roar weapon in Bloodborne that knocked away projectiles if timed correctly. I thought that was a really nice touch and I'd like to see that attention to detail again!
April 19, 2016 2:36 p.m.
TheBoraxKid Fair enough! I think letting people use the Spoiler button is helpful too, but I like that you are trying not to spoil it for other players. More people should be considerate like that.
I've yet to play DS3 but I loved the first 2. I played a little bit of Bloodborne. I think I will pick it up once I've gotten through the other endless titles I'm still trying to finish. lol MGS:Phantom Pain tho.
April 19, 2016 2:39 p.m.
slovakattack says... #8
I'm what I assume is extremely far in, having played it pretty consistently over the past week. It's my favorite Dark Souls game yet. For me, it captures the feel of mystery, while being a bit more accessible than other souls games. Maybe it's because I was more prepared for this one? I dunno.
The bosses seem a bit easier in this one as opposed to DS1. There was only one boss I had a really hard time with so far.
DrFunk27 says... #2
Just throwing this out there but it's going to be really difficult to talk about what you liked vs disliked without spoilers. Plus, it will be hard to have a meaningful conversation about the game without actually TALKING about it. Just my opinion. lol
April 19, 2016 2:11 p.m.