Munchkin Help!
The Blind Eternities forum
Posted on April 5, 2016, 11:15 p.m. by BlueMageBrandon
Does anyone here play Munchkin? If so, I need your help. There are four cards in play: Elf, Half-Breed, Fungus, and Humungus. Would the player lose 2 levels or none? Please help ASAP as we really want to continue our game.
Also, please visit this other forum.
BlueMageBrandon says... #3
Here are those two cards:
"Level 5
If the Fungus becomes Humongous, it gains, not the normal +10, but +25! Do not truffle with the Humongous Fungus.
Bad Stuff: Elfes lose 2 levels. Anyone else loses 1. Double the penalty if the Fungus was Humongous."
+10 to Monster
Play during combat. If the monster is defeated, draw two extra Treasures."
April 5, 2016 11:42 p.m.
First of all, good luck facing a lv30 monster.
Second, as the player with Elf and Half-Breed is an Elf (yes, they are technically only half elf), they will lose two levels when/if they suffer the bad stuff (I presume when, hence the question). Now, since the Fungus is a Humungus Fungus (I love this game) the bad stuff will double and your poor Half-Elf will lose 4 levels.
April 5, 2016 11:54 p.m.
BlueMageBrandon says... #5
But the Half-Breed card says: "Or you may have one race card and all of its advantages and none of its disadvantages (for example, monsters that hate Elves will have no bonus against a half-Elf)."
April 5, 2016 11:59 p.m.
As far as I know, that only affects Monster level bonuses, and not potential bad stuff. Example, as a half-dwarf, a monster with a +10 bonus against dwarves would not get that bonus. I could be wrong though. It has been a while since I have played and read all the cards and rules.
April 6, 2016 12:02 a.m.
BlueMageBrandon says... #7
idk. i also posted this in the official Munchkin Forum. i will let you know when they answer, if you want.
April 6, 2016 12:04 a.m.
I found another forum. Half breed removes negative bad stuff, so your lucky half-elf does not count as elf for bad stuff either.
(S)he will lose 1 level, doubled to two levels because the Fungus is Humungus.
April 6, 2016 12:12 a.m.
BlueMageBrandon says... #9
Okay, TheHroth, they replied on the other thread. The link is above.
April 6, 2016 12:11 p.m.
In response to your grandpa's appeal:
The bad stuff on the monster happens in two ways:
- Elf loses two levels
- Anyone else loses 1 level.
Since the Half-Breed bonus grants immunity from Elf related bad stuff, the monster fails to see an Elf in the first check for the bad stuff. Fungus will then proceed to eat one of your levels. However, since your Fungus is Humungus, it is a very hungry Humungus Fungus, so will eat two levels.
There is no way to lose 0 levels to the bad stuff of this monster, as your race has to fall into one of the two check categories (Elf vs Non-Elf).
April 6, 2016 1:15 p.m. Edited.
BlueMageBrandon says... #11
The elf is one race on the half breed card...and have none of its not bad stuff a disadvantage as well as bonus points against it?
April 6, 2016 4:22 p.m.
BlueMageBrandon says... #14
I don't either. I'll just say that he will lose two levels because that's what the Moderator on the other Forum said was the Official Answer.
TheHroth says... #2
I am not familiar with that expansion...what are Fungus and Humungus?
April 5, 2016 11:18 p.m.