Pokemon GO! Discussion Thread

The Blind Eternities forum

Posted on July 7, 2016, 2:48 p.m. by TMBRLZ

Official Tappedout Discussion Thread For Pokmon GO! Mobile Game

A place for discussion about the game, questions, excitement, and such. I know there's enough pokemon fans on this site. Download the game from your favorite appstore. Prepare for your life to change. Relive your childhood.

So... tried PGO again on my lunch since the servers were nuts last night.

Caught me a Bulbasaur on my lunch.

I'm so giddy right now. I never dreamed something like this would happen.

The world has experienced a radical change in the last 24 hours. If you haven't already, you should download Pokmon GO! (for free) from your favorite appstore.

I really think that they forced this game out due to seasonal timing and fan base pressure. The game still has so many problems that it shouldn't have been released. The combat is terrible with a few massively overpowered Pokemon, the proximity tracker is useless (and now removed), the distance traveled is inconsistent, this newest update has brought massive GPS issues (at least for me). The user interface is clunky is far from intuitive. It's not like there's any guide on how to play the game either.

I know I just slammed them for everything wrong with the game, but it is worth noting that this app has actually changed society. It has helped improve both mental and physical health, as well as helped some address social anxiety and other conditions (my apologies if this isn't the right term). I think this game can continue to be great, but the development team is going to have to make some real fixes soon.

July 31, 2016 12:37 p.m.

Phaetion says... #2

I've had time to reflect on the changes. Here's my real thoughts:

I'm in the minority that the 3-step radar being gone is a Godsend. I hated it when a Magmar or something was either on someone else's property or forced me to go out into the inferno. I would get out there, but it's been too hot. :( It's just torture to see a Pokemon you want being inaccessible for what ever reason. So, HURRAY!

The nice/great/excellent throw XP is gone. Boo. Every XP counts, especially in the higher levels.

Move changing. I'm indifferent; this just requires adapting.

July 31, 2016 1:09 p.m.

This discussion has been closed