Rate my horrible ORAS Pokemon team (balanced, non-competitive)
The Blind Eternities forum
Posted on Sept. 6, 2016, 11:45 a.m. by kengiczar
Non Smogon/Official battling team. I wanted something type balanced even though that means I have to use a few sub-par pokemon. I also don't like using Legendaries.
Plan is to open with Drapion and get some Toxic Spikes in then depending on what my opponent does switch to Cradily or Sylveon . If I can go Cradily then set rocks. If I have to go Sylveon then only keep it in for 3 rounds for Wish / Protect / Rain Dance or Wish / Hyper Voice / Rain Dance. After that you really want to finish the opponent's pokemon off quickly or switch into either Galv, Mega-Swampert, or threaten with Machamp if you are absolutely sure that they have nothing that can 2 shot him. (Yeah I know a lot can 2-shot machamp.)
Here are potential move-sets:
Mega-Swampert (212HP / 252Atk / 44 Speed Adamant)
Sylveon (252 HP and S.Def. Wall/Scout W/Damp Rock)
Cradily (252 Def/S.Def, Leftovers, Stealth Rock Pokemon)
Drapion (Defensive Toxic-Spikes W/Battle Armor & Black Sludge.)
Galvantula (Glass Special Sweeper / Utility)
Machamp (252 Attack & HP / 4 Def Physical Sweeper W/"No Guard")
When I do double battles I might throw a Dig onto Sylveon so she can Rain Dance then Dig whenever Swampert uses his AoE water moves or Galvantula uses Discharge.
GoldGhost012 - I've updated it to reflect your suggestions regarding Swampert, Machamp w/no Guard, and Hyper Voice.
About Gastric Acid. The biggest threats in the wild frontier (or at least the ones that appear most often) are Mega-Kangaskhan's ability as well as Heatran's Flash Fire.
My thinking is I would gladly exchange a Galvantula for removing Mega-K's ability. Not sure if it'll actually work or not. I've tried before with Gastric Acid + Leech Life + Thunder Wave + Thunder and it was a lot of fun killing that Mega-K. I got real lucky that time though.
September 6, 2016 2:03 p.m. Edited.
GoldGhost012 says... #4
Wait, why are you worried about Flash Fire? You don't have any Fire-type moves on this team, lol.
Regarding M-Swampert's last move: if you want consistency and Reflect and Light Screen are big, go with Brick Break. Otherwise probably go for max damage with Superpower.
GoldGhost012 says... #2
No Guard Machamp hits so much harder with Dynamic Punch.
Knock Off on Drapion is good. Even if every team has Mega Evolutions, getting rid of items can be critical (and what are the odds of every Pokemon on a team having a Mega Stone?).
252 in Swampert's ATK instead of DEF. Mega Swampert is much more interested in beating down than tanking hits. I'd also use Waterfall, Brine seems weird to me.
Gastro Acid is weird, but whatever. Consider Sticky Web over it or T-Wave.
Hyper Voice is going to do more damage than Return because it bypasses Substitute and Sylveon's ATK is bad compared to its S.ATK. Rain Dance is weird, but whatever.
September 6, 2016 12:49 p.m.