Free Contest: Ring in the New Year with a New Commander Deck!
The Blind Eternities forum
Posted on Dec. 31, 2020, 2:15 a.m. by Azdranax
Hello fellow TappedOut users,
2020 has been a pretty rough year, and I’m sure that applies to a lot of us. Rather than sit around this New Year’s Eve wishing I could do something other than quarantining at home, trying to remember how many months it has been since I played an actual game of Magic at my LGS, I’ve decided to send 2020 packing by helping a fellow site user start 2021 off on a positive note with a brand-new custom commander deck – for free!
Despite the inability to actually play, Magic has been a great distraction for me during this train wreck of a year, but that also includes accumulating way too many cards. 100 of them could soon be yours – just respond on this thread with your favorite color(s) and/or commander theme and why receiving a new commander deck of that flavor would make 2021 a better year for you and you might just get what you ask for, no strings attached.
Whoever responds by midnight PST on Sunday will have a chance to win – all users, please feel free to upvote the responses you like the most as well, although that won’t be the deciding factor in who wins, I will definitely weigh it heavily in my decision. Who knows, if there are multiple really compelling responses, maybe I’ll build a couple decks to give away.
Finally, if you think this is too good to be true or it will just be a stack of bulk, just browse my trade binder to understand that is just a fraction of my total collection – my intent here is to do something fun for this great MtG community, and although I’m not going to be throwing in any ABU duals or the like, the final product will be a lot cooler than your basic precon deck.
Best luck to everyone and here’s to a better year in 2021.
LordBagnus says... #3
Well.. I was introduced to this game by my best friend just this year so I'm not an experienced player but I immediately found it very interesting to play. We used to have 1vs1 matches almost every day at my place during the pandemic and I hope we'll keep doing it even after the exam session.
I don't know much about specific decks or strategies but I found out I really like the vampire faction and the counterspell mechanic of the blue color, so I built my first 60 cards deck using black vampires and bought the snake blue/green commander deck and used them to duel against my friend's decks. I found the vampire one surprisingly good and fun to use given the low budget I used. This said, I find the idea of a vampire themed commander deck interesting, but I think I don't know the game enough to express a more precise preference. Any advice to build a good deck would be very appreciated! May this new year be better than the last one! Ps. sorry for my bad english...
December 31, 2020 8:20 a.m.
King_marchesa says... #4
Over quarantine I have made and taken apart multiple commander decks, but recently I have been feeling really uninspired. I like all the colors of magic but I can’t find a good commander that really suits my taste. I really need a random idea and see how it plays. I only have one commander deck, but I love commander and it has been my main format for the past 2 years. I appreciate you doing this for the community and I’m even if I don’t get picked I hope the person who did enjoys their deck. Once again, thank you Azdranax for doing this.
December 31, 2020 8:50 a.m.
Happy to see a few responses already, which makes me even more excited to build something fun for some lucky TappedOut user. Just to incentivize everyone a bit more to respond, I've decided on the first card going into the deck regardless or the winner chosen - back in 1997 I purchased an opened but unsorted box of Italian black-bordered Revised from my LGS while I was finishing up college, and in that box was a Sol Ring that luckily found its way into storage when I sold the majority of my collection in 2000. After 23 years, it's time for that Sol Ring to find a new home...good luck everyone.
December 31, 2020 11:19 a.m.
Omniscience_is_life says... #6
I play Boros more than I should, so I'd love to try my hand in Sultai. (I've built EDH decks in Boros, Naya, Izzet, Orzhov, and Bant... the common thread being Boros, as you can see haha!)
I've been playing Magic a lot during 2020--and I've been hyperlucky enough to regularly get webcam games in with a friend--but (up until 2 weeks ago, when I started a Reyav deck--note that it's also Boros) for that entire time I've been playing one singular deck--an Atla Palani, Nest Tender deck that I love, but is a little hard for me to get excited about every time.
For that reason I elect myself as candidate ;)
You're an excellent person with a big heart, Azdranax, and I wish the best of luck to all parties included!
December 31, 2020 12:19 p.m.
Everyone can follow along with the final decklist here as well:
2021 New Year Commander Deck Giveaway!
Commander / EDH*
December 31, 2020 12:59 p.m.
@Azdranax: This is a great thing you are doing and I want to add my appreciation to the thread.
December 31, 2020 3:14 p.m.
I just added 50+ commanders I definitely have available under the "maybe" list on the deck link above, so hopefully they can provide a bit of inspiration for those of you responding. The list of possibilities is far greater though, as those were just cards I had on my table, so imagine away and comment on what idea might inspire you for a new commander deck in 2021.
Thanks for all the responses thus far, this is going to be a lot of fun.
December 31, 2020 5:12 p.m.
King_marchesa says... #11
Azdranax Maelstrom Wanderer, Amareth, the Lustrous, and nymriss oona’s trickster seem interesting.
December 31, 2020 5:26 p.m.
LordBlackblade says... #12
As others have said, this is a really nice gesture, Azdranax!
2020 has been a low year for me (and I'm sure many others) in Magic. I started playing back in '98, then kinda fell off as I got older. I picked it up really again in college, when I learned about EDH. I had been playing weekly until this year put a stop to that (for obvious reasons).
I was really hoping the "Year of Commander" would give me enough brewing ideas to see me through until our local LGS opened up again. Unfortunately nothing really peaked my interest all year, save two exceptions: Tinybones, Trinket Thief and Belbe, Corrupted Observer.
I've tried building discard EDH in the past, and the commander was always the weakest part. I tried The Haunt of Hightower, but it was just too vulnerable and expensive. Enter Tinybones, Trinket Thief, and I was like "Yeah, that's what I am talking about!" Then, the supply issue and apparent high demand for the card pushed it to a point where I was more like, "It's good, but not $60+ good!" I'm glad to see the price has come down, still seems a bit pricey for what I consider a pretty janky concept for EDH.
Belbe, Corrupted Observer peaked my interest once she was spoiled. Her ability seems so breakable, but I was never able to come up with any list that really satisfied me. It's kind of a weird ability for Golgari (it feels really red IMO), and I wouldn't mind seeing how you would approach that!
Well this is getting a bit long, and I'm breaking my own rule of keeping it short and sweet. I look forward to seeing what you build!
December 31, 2020 9:40 p.m.
I see the thread has fallen off of the recent forum activity page, so to keep this in front of as many eyes as possible, I'm responding to encourage users to comment and have an opportunity to win a new custom commander deck. Good luck everyone.
January 1, 2021 12:50 p.m.
King_marchesa says... #14
Azdranax, do you want me to make my own thread with a link to this one so that more people can see it?
January 1, 2021 1:22 p.m.
King_marchesa that would be great, the more visibility the better. Thanks.
January 1, 2021 1:54 p.m.
This is a really cool thing you're doing, Azdranax. Shoutout to King_marchesa for drawing my attention to this.
2020 has been a rather normal year for me. I haven't been impacted that much by it other than not being able to attend very many FNMs. In spite of that, I still play magic just as much as before. I've recently even gotten into cEDH with Kinnan.
As I've been playing and brewing, I've realized that all of my decks fall into the same category. Mana dorks into big stuff. I've always used creature-centric strategies, so I want to branch into a different kind of strategy that involves creatures. Namely, reanimator. I want to try my hands out with an abzan reanimator deck. It's close enough to what I'm used to but also different enough to make me stretch and learn new interactions and styles of play. It sounds like fun! It also sounds like a good excuse for me to make my first partner commander deck with Kodama of the East Tree and Ravos, Soultender. As hyped as Kodama of the East Tree is, he also works great with reanimation strategies.
January 1, 2021 2:17 p.m.
This is such a thoughtful gesture, Azdranax! I love the TappedOut community! For me, EDH has been the glue that kept myself and my roommates together during COVID - we had some very stressful times between two of them being essential workers and family drama - but EDH has been the flexible time-togetherness we all needed to unwind and destress. I've been really grateful for MTG in general during lockdown. I'm looking forward to much more of that in 2021, and I definitely won't be taking my LGS for granted anymore...
I have a colorless deck and a bunch of other 2/3 color decks I rotate around, but I can never find the resources to build a true 5c deck. I built this Sisay list based on my favorite show, but I just don't have enough cards to build even a shell of it without taking apart all of my other decks. (Though I did buy the main "characters" and I'll be trying to alter them soon!) So that's my new cool idea for 2021. I'm also super interested in the new pirate commanders but haven't been able to figure out what they would do best. Hope you all had a good New Year's!
January 1, 2021 2:36 p.m. Edited.
This is a super touching thing to do for people Azdranax so kudos to you for doing it!
It's something more people should do -- Not even necessarily making and giving a deck away, but just facilitating ways for people to be able to play, be it someone looking to begin themselves or someone looking for a friend who's interested. I think that this year I'm going to try and facilitate that somehow; I'm a sucker for trying to make budget decks so that's probably how I'll do it. So also thank you for giving me a small resolution for the year!
January 1, 2021 3:37 p.m.
Thesmallmeat121 says... #21
What a great way to start the 2021. Hope y'all are safe and well <3
January 1, 2021 4:28 p.m.
FormOverFunction says... #22
So glad to see things like this!! Have fun, and here’s to a better year for all of us!!
January 1, 2021 6:37 p.m.
This is a really cool thing to do, I've only really used this site to make decks but new year new me I guess. I would like a liesa or sigarda deck, because angels are my favorite tribe. Im currently in the process of making a temur deck with sakashima and tana, for some weird token and cloning stuff, maybe just get a bunch of value from the saprolings. By the way if anyone knows the ruling on having two tana's with the attack trigger, please let me know since the commander legends sakashima adds a whole bunch of new possibilities. Also I messed up since Im not too familiar with this site and accidentally commented on the "decklist" lol. oops
January 1, 2021 7:04 p.m.
TheRealSpecialK says... #24
This is such a cool idea!!! Azdranax - you are one stand up person :)
I love finding interesting niches to explore in deck building and mechanics that are unique, but powerful. For that reason, one of the more recent commanders/strategies I am really interested in is Obeka, Brute Chronologist. That card has such a cool design - plus I am trying to get my brother to play more, and I love teaching him the mechanics. The stack is a really challenging concept to grasp sometimes, so I think that it would be awesome to use a deck that helps him see the stack in action more.
Though that has been tickling my fancy lately, I really love all colors and types of decks. Learning to play a variety of decks adds variety to life and helps me appreciate the game better.
January 1, 2021 7:10 p.m.
I’m so glad I found this community here at Tappedout. I don’t have very many people to play with (living in Alaska in a pretty far out of the way place) and so it’s hard finding the time to play or brew when I have nobody to share it with, but since coming here I find myself wanting to get people I know into the game and share with them what I have found here. The two people I do get to play with sometimes only play casual kitchen table but I’ve been trying to convince them to play commander because it seems super fun! Been trying to work on my own creation of elemental commander deck, hopefully if I can get a few decks together I can show others the format. Happy new year everyone!
January 1, 2021 8:11 p.m.
RNR_Gaming says... #26
Awesome way to start off the new year. is my favorite color combination and tempo turns/combo is my favorite way to play. The incremental advantage combined with low to the ground value creatures/elves would make any hard core casual player Tear their hair out - (I would ask if they're okay with playing against it before sitting down at a casual table)
So, one of the main reasons I've been so active on tappedout is I love seeing the game in other prospectives. I've had many not so great interactions at my lgs due to my lack of understanding of the casual side of edh - after glancing through decks, helping other users and watching a lot of edh content I feel I've become a much more palatable player/person. Less abrasive and a positive addition to the community. Basically, a new deck would give me insight into your style of play and how you like to play/build and Gods Willing if there's a commandfest this year we could probably jam some very good games.
Anyways, happy New Year!
January 2, 2021 12:53 a.m.
I enjoy running long before the color combination was given a solid gameplay-identity in Khans of Tarkir. I love the spells to pick from but the commanders feel like they always fit into two categories - either gimmicky-tribal or group-politics which both feel so narrow to me. These colors together want to act fast and disrupt/remove opposition fast. The issue is aggro is pretty bad when life totals start at 40 and single target disruption is bad in multiplayer environments which means these colors have to rely on politics, tribalism or both as a crutch to get the job done, but tribal decks and political decks exist in multiple other color combinations so this color combination I feel has this color-identity crisis in EDH.
I’ve tried to make Mardu decks that fit the fast-to-hit, fast-to-disrupt theme without relying on tribes such as vampires, knights and humans and I’ve tried to do it without political cards that try to incentivize opponents to beat each other up such as with Monarch, Goading, Curses, etc. but the best I could manage is a very passive infinite combo deck. I would love to run a more aggressive deck that doesn’t need tribe mechanics or political mechanics to pull off wins in my favorite colors.
January 2, 2021 4:09 a.m.
This is an amazing idea, credit to you for pulling it off.
I haven't played as muhc commander this year as I would have liked, but it has given me time to tear through decks and finally update them with my piles of "Oh, that would be great in a deck, let me set it aside with no note and hope I remember what it's for."
I've always tried to play a bit of everything in terms of color and archetype, but I'm realizing that, even with a monoblue control deck, I do just love to end the game by whacking my opponents directly in the face.
Also, I think mutate is my favorite mechanic what came out this year. I was brewing a deck before they'd finish releasing spoilers
January 2, 2021 9:07 a.m.
RiotRunner789 says... #29
Well my favorite mtg color is black by far and my favorite strategy are non-blue control that bleeds the table dry. Essentially a ton of Painful Quandary effects.
Though if I win, I'd prefer something not black and a strategy I don't use. I'm thinking Grual. I steer away from creature heavy decks, go-wide aggro, chaos, and landfall / land strategies.
January 2, 2021 11:09 a.m.
MagicWizard1993 says... #30
I have a question Azdranax. What is your favorite commander on your list? Thanks you for the gift you are giving. The deck that piques my interest the most is Kess, Dissident Mage. It would be my first three-color deck and my third deck ever. I have been glad for the time at home because it has enabled me to fine-tune my decks. Thank you for this opportunity to lift our spirits and brighten our days. Have a Happy New Year! And don't forget to sleeve the deck! wink
January 2, 2021 2:32 p.m.
MagicWizard1993 says... #31
Azdranax just a heads up. I wouldn't mind a budget version so I can upgrade it with my own cards. Sorry for being pushy. I know I won't win, just in case. I'm very unlucky.
January 2, 2021 2:38 p.m.
A little less than 36 hours to go...make sure to comment at the thread linked above for a chance to win. Happy New Year everyone.
January 2, 2021 3:45 p.m.
MagicWizard1993 hopefully in answering your question I can encourage other users to respond as well, although I'm not sure it's much of an answer at all. If you happened to look through all three pages of my profile decks, which at this point are limited entirely to commander due to dismantling all of my legacy and modern decks, everything except for the Simic Politics deck (currently under construction looking to abuse infinite ETBs of Mystic Sanctuary with an extra turn spell for infinite turns) and the Arcum Dagsson deck, which has been modifed to an Urza, Lord High Artificer deck (currently shown as Emry but will be updated next week) are completed based on the decklists noted. Page 3 of my deck lists are all sold or dismantled except for Animar, which is still ready to play, so a total of 19 decks at this point, which is a lot to choose from obviously.
As for your question, which is my favorite? Honestly, it depends on the day and the pod I'm playing in, but since the very early days of unlimited and revised in 1993-1994, I've heavily favored in that order, so Sultai always calls to me above all else. Reanimator has always been my favorite playstyle as well, so my Sidisi, Brood Tyrant deck is probably my first love, but my Urza and Kess decks are both more viable in a cEDH setting. That said, due to my job and family, I rarely get the opportunity to play live games unless I specifically make time, even before COVID hit, so I collect cards and build decks regularly, but intentionally build many of my other decks as glass-cannon variations of competitive to end games quickly without stalling opponents with a lot of interaction. Prior to COVID, I played about once a month at my LGS, trying to get at least 10 games in on each of those occasions - in a 6-8 hour session. I haven't played since April at this point though.
Due to the lack of regular play, I'm admittedly an average pilot of my decks, which is another reason why I limit the number of truly cEDH builds I have, as in those serious pods I need to know exactly what I intend my deck to do against whatever my opponents throw my direction. Kess and Urza make that relatively easy to remember, as those game plans are fairly straightforward and usually end with Thassa's Oracle.
Hopefully this helps provide a little more color, if that's what you were looking for, and to confirm your last comment, the deck will be sleeved in grim reaper themed sleeves, which I hope is more of a portent for the new deck owner's opponents. Best of luck and thanks for your response...happy new year.
January 2, 2021 6:56 p.m.
King_marchesa says... #34
I have a Sidisi, Brood Tyrant commander deck too, it is super fun to play!
January 2, 2021 7:09 p.m.
MagicWizard1993 says... #35
Thank you for answering my question Azdranax.I like playing every color, but Sultai is a great contender. Hats off to you for all the good decks you've built and for doing this contest. Thanks.
January 2, 2021 7:57 p.m.
I'm really happy I saw this, and this is a very generous offer, Azdranax. Thanks for putting this together!
I've designed way more decks than I've actually put together. At least three quarters of the decks I have on this site are more like wishlist items than anything I carry around. Also, I don't partake of Commander that often, and I want to improve. Between my job, the lack of LGSs in my area, and unreliable internet connections, I haven't played a match, paper or digital, since August 2019.
I tend toward different flavors of --Abzan, Golgari, or Sultai--and enjoy wars of attrition, using control or midrange. I love the feeling of knowing that my opponents threw everything they had at me, I faced the best they had to offer, and I came out on top. (I have to admit, I'm not good enough to get that feeling a lot of the time.) The Commander I've used the most is Jarad, Golgari Lich Lord, followed by Vorosh, the Hunter.
Once again, thank you for your time and generosity, Azdranax. Best of luck to all, and an early congratulations to the winner!
January 3, 2021 2:31 a.m.
After sorting through some additional gold rares and mythics laying around, I found another 42 multi-color legendary creatures, bringing the current list to 99 available options on the deck link - I'm sure I have that many or more additional mono-colored commander options as well, so as we enter the final 24 hours, let's see some more responses and, if you so choose, feel free to edit and add to your previous responses. I'll read everything again after tomorrow night, but only responses received prior to midnight tomorrow will be considered.
Good luck and thanks for playing along - looking forward to starting the new year off right and making someone's day very soon.
January 3, 2021 3:02 a.m.
I've always loved playing card games, my dad taught me to play cribbage when I was in second grade. I spent a short time playing YuGiOh but didn't have anyone to play against. Now 2 months ago I was introduced to magic by some friends. I started out playing standard on my Mac so that I could learn the rules. One of my friends has been playing magic for years and has me playing commander. In the past 3 weeks I have made my first deck (a black/white life-gain) and purchased my first cards. I actually used my deck for the first time today and had blast, even when getting recked by my friends tournament deck. I haven't played nearly enough to have a favorite color and/or theme. But all my cards are white or black so I would want any color other than those. And same goes for the theme, anything other than life-gain. Thank you for taking the time to read this and for putting a deck together for whoever wins. This is a great way to start out the new year and I will have to consider doing this myself, after I beef up my collection (and learn how to build a decent deck).
January 3, 2021 4:24 a.m.
Frogocalypse says... #39
Sounds like a pretty wicked idea and hopefully will get people involved that use this site for ideas but can't afford some of the builds. Gives them a chance to get a decently competitive deck or at least a fun one, to play with their friends or the local community. Keep on keeping on
January 3, 2021 1:08 p.m.
MagicWizard1993 says... #40
If I was to choose a different commander I would pick Grenzo, Dungeon Warden or Ruric Thar, the Unbowed from your updated list. I also had a question about how we are sending and receiving the deck. Would you mind explaining? Just in case.
January 3, 2021 1:10 p.m.
RangerOfPower says... #41
Man I just got back into commander, I've played one time at a local card store and I gotta say that I'm in love with the community. If everyone is as kind hearted as you and the people I played with, I think I'm gonna be playing magic for a long ass time. I don't even care too much about winning, I just love to see so much positivity in one place and had to say something. Keep doing your thing man, because its people like you who keep magic alive.
January 3, 2021 1:18 p.m.
tyler_wasyes says... #42
2020 has definitely been a very interesting year. Plenty of different legends and new abilities have hit the scene. My favorite color scheme has to be BANT or NAYA. I saw that Jared Carthalion had been spoiled and instantly wanted to make a monarch/politics deck. Receiving a commander deck of that flavor would make my 2021. Having a political/monarch style deck, would bring so much fun to my commander group. With the meta constantly shifting towards cEDH, my group had gotten waaaaaay more competitive and I wouldn't mind having a more relaxing deck that's not revolved around isochron + dramatic reversal, rather than a deck that would put a smile on my friends faces, as well as mine! I'm very appreciative of this opportunity! Thank you!
January 3, 2021 1:32 p.m.
For me, WU or UR are my favorite colors. Combinations of control and response. When I saw Kwain, Itinerant Meddler I realized I want a commander deck built around it. Alice In Wonderland, Through the Looking Glass and Fantasia inspired me to get into RPGS and then MTG when I was younger.
At last there is a fitting Commander for a WU fantasy deck.
But I have been struggling with function versus theme trying to come up with a solid deck for this card.
I would really like a thematic Commander deck with good interaction and flavor built around Kwain, Itinerant Meddler because it sort of embodies what motivates me creatively as a Vorthos player and is in my favorite colors.
January 3, 2021 2:01 p.m.
First, shoutout to Azdranax for doing such a thing when it's not necessary to do so at all!
To answer Azdranax's question, I prepared a little background and context.
Like Binny123, I loved playing card games since I was really young, but beating my dad at Uno didn't give me enough brain stimulus. I then got into YuGiOh, but again, like Binny123, I had no one to play with. At a summer camp a long time ago, I was introduced to Magic by a friend with some old school magic cards. But I stopped playing after the summer ended since again, I had no one to play with. Finally, about three years ago, my friends picked up Magic as a hobby and I joined them in doing so, which resulted in many days of fun, interactive, and social gameplay.
Possibly like many of us here, I'm a broke college senior. Due to the pandemic, I actually stayed home for an entire semester and a half just to save money. (Again, I'm sure many of us have done the same thing. I know I'm not special lol.) Safe to say though, my social life has not been good this past year and a half. (More like practically non-existant.) Because of this, I applied to a program that will enable me to be with peers in a safe way during my last semester. But to help me subsidize the cost of the program, I've been trying to sell my decks on Ebay. (You can check my decks out if you want; there's more to come.)
What a new deck and would do for me is help me rebuild my collection, stimulate my brian with a new and fun strategy I haven't tried out yet, and have another deck to bring to this program to hopefully convince someone to either play or learn how to play such that I can have more days like the the days I had before 2020 started.
I've had a lot of ideas in the past about what commanders I wished I could build. Therefore, if I was to be fortunate enough to win, I'd love to play an Obeka, Brute Chronologist or a Marchesa, the Black Rose deck. Grixis is a color combination I have never played with before and both of the strategies tied with these commanders and their respective decks really pique my interest.
Anyways, good luck to all the contestants, congratulations to the winner, and may we all have a better year than the previous one!
January 3, 2021 2:07 p.m.
Another good question MagicWizard1993 - as someone who regularly trades on TappedOut, I'd prefer to create a trade with the winner and then send the deck to them based on the verified trade information provided. Obviously there wouldn't be anything on the end of the winner, so maybe just note a basic land to complete the trade, if necessary.
While this would require the winner to be an upgraded user of the site, I think it's reasonable to ask, as this community in which we all benefit is thanks to the site developers and administrators of TappedOut, so any additional support we can provide to them as a community ensures that the site remains the wonderful place we've come to love and enjoy. If for whatever reason the winner is unable to upgrade their account, then we can handle the details via private chat or email, but the deck building process will be transparent via the deck list link...even for those that don't win, I'd like everyone to have the opportunity to see what is built as it happens.
I'll be staying up this evening to announce the winner at midnight PST, but based on work and personal commitments Monday through Friday, my best guess is I won't have the completed deck ready to send until next weekend, so this week will include the process of building out the final version and updating the deck list.
Again, good luck to everyone - in just a little more than 12 hours I'll have the announcement declaring our winner. Everyone who has responded will have the opportunity to win, but if you win and prefer to defer to another user, then you will have the opportunity to pick the recipient. Good luck to everyone.
January 3, 2021 2:32 p.m.
King_marchesa says... #46
A Niambi, Esteemed Speaker legendary reanimated deck seems cool, I’ve always wanted to make one but never really had the cards to do so.
January 3, 2021 2:45 p.m.
Omniscience_is_life says... #47
Azdranax doesn't offering to make a free deck for someone and then requiring that they pay money for it (circuitously, to T/O in this case) a bit counterintuitive? I personally can afford to do so, but considering the reason many here may want this deck is because of budgetary reasons... IDK. I think that e-mail option should stay available.
January 3, 2021 3:05 p.m.
On a side note, I think everyone here deserves to win regardless of their financial situation, as that is the most fair and I'm sure 2020 was hard on everyone. If winning the deck requires an upgraded account, I would be willing to do so in this case, as I've been meaning to upgrade as it is as well as being more active and adding more decks as they get finished. That being said I understand Omniscience_is_life's point, but Azdranax didn't say it was required. P.S my fav color combos are Golgari, Abzan, and Dimir, but I would like to get into other colors. I dont have a favorite commander as I just recently started the format. Fav tribe is Vampires, but I've been getting into Angels and others also. Good luck everyone
January 3, 2021 3:55 p.m.
Absolutely, my intent was simply to acknowledge the value TappedOut provides to all of us as users. While I generically encourage everyone to support the site however they can (and I have zero affiliation whatsoever to be clear), the free deck offer is not tied to any requirement. My experience with trades on the site using the provided features would simply make it the easiest process. Hope that clarifies for everyone.
January 3, 2021 3:57 p.m.
Omniscience_is_life says... #50
BigRed907, Azdranax--understood, that's what that last part of my comment was for. I think making this as easy as possible to the person doing such a good deed is in general ideal, but I just wanted to put a red circle on that second option so it wasn't eclipsed by the membership mention :)
Hate to cause a scene, may the hedrons align for all of you
plakjekaas says... #2
As someone who started the year with like 4 commander decks and ended with 12, I understand where you're coming from. My LGS has been open over the summer, for Standard FNMs mostly, completely compliant with the 1,5 meter distance government measures. For 1v1 formats it worked well enough, but for multiplayer I have been confined to kitchen tables in my own bubble, it's been forever since I've played commander with my FNM casual friends.
I'm not really in need of a deck, I'm commenting to encourage the initiative, please make someone happy with this who needs it more than I do, but complying to the posed question: I love to play mono colors. It shortens the card pool, mana gets way more consistent, and you're invited to get creative to solve the weakness of your colors. The only deck I'm struggling to make actually enjoyable to play for me is Mono Blue. I've constructed a pile just to finish my color pie, but my heart isn't really into it. If I could find the configuration that would make me happy with the last of my mono color decks, to roll a die to decide what deck to play and never be disappointed with the outcome, would be awesome.
Cheers, and may 2021 bring us back to the table for many memorable matches of Magic!
December 31, 2020 5:44 a.m.