Free Contest: Ring in the New Year with a New Commander Deck!
The Blind Eternities forum
Posted on Dec. 31, 2020, 2:15 a.m. by Azdranax
Hello fellow TappedOut users,
2020 has been a pretty rough year, and I’m sure that applies to a lot of us. Rather than sit around this New Year’s Eve wishing I could do something other than quarantining at home, trying to remember how many months it has been since I played an actual game of Magic at my LGS, I’ve decided to send 2020 packing by helping a fellow site user start 2021 off on a positive note with a brand-new custom commander deck – for free!
Despite the inability to actually play, Magic has been a great distraction for me during this train wreck of a year, but that also includes accumulating way too many cards. 100 of them could soon be yours – just respond on this thread with your favorite color(s) and/or commander theme and why receiving a new commander deck of that flavor would make 2021 a better year for you and you might just get what you ask for, no strings attached.
Whoever responds by midnight PST on Sunday will have a chance to win – all users, please feel free to upvote the responses you like the most as well, although that won’t be the deciding factor in who wins, I will definitely weigh it heavily in my decision. Who knows, if there are multiple really compelling responses, maybe I’ll build a couple decks to give away.
Finally, if you think this is too good to be true or it will just be a stack of bulk, just browse my trade binder to understand that is just a fraction of my total collection – my intent here is to do something fun for this great MtG community, and although I’m not going to be throwing in any ABU duals or the like, the final product will be a lot cooler than your basic precon deck.
Best luck to everyone and here’s to a better year in 2021.
PartnerJumpstartCube says... #2
What a cool idea! I'm starting to notice a trend in my own deckbuilding that I really like red decks. I don't really identify with red's philosophy, but it has so many interesting cards that other colors don't have. If I could build any deck right now, though, it might be a Breya, Etherium Sculptor deck with only 2 artifacts in the whole deck. I know it sounds kind of funny, but my vision for it is really cool. Unfortunately, the deck looks fairly similar to a Obeka, Brute Chronologist list, so the pieces are pretty expensive right now. I wouldn't mind bringing a deck like that to an online commander game sometime this year!
January 4, 2021 1:31 a.m.
With less than one hour until it's time to determine the winner, I wanted to provide some specifics on the selection process. If you've ever been involved in a sealed collectible box break, then the process will sound familiar. Every user who has responded to the contest thread and/or deck list is included - if you win and decide you'd prefer to pass along the option to another user, then the selection will be yours to make among those that have responded, if you so choose. includes a feature for list randomization, which will be the basis for deciding the winner. I rolled a D6 to determine how many times to randomize the list of users (currently 30), and the result of the roll was 5 (I recorded a video of the roll if anyone wants to see, so the list will be randomized 5 times, with the top of the list on random result #5 being the winner.
In addition to the deck winner, I've also decided to have a second random drawing, with those included being specific responses thus far that resonated with me beyond just MtG. Right now that list of potential winners includes 8 users - if one of those 8 wins the deck, the list will be reduced to the 7 remaining responses. My goal for that winner is to build a slightly more casual cube of kitchen table/commander options to facilitate up to 4 players, depending on how the winner would prefer to draft the cube.
I hope this provides the information everyone was hoping to see before the winner is announced. Good luck.
January 4, 2021 2:14 a.m.
The results have been randomized and the winners of the drawings are: Lanzo493 is the winner of the commander deck (commander/theme of their choosing) and LordBagnus is the winner of the casual/EDH cube. Congratulations to you both.
Please feel free to respond directly on my user page or the deck page 2021 New Year Commander Deck Giveaway! to start the process of getting your new goodies. Lanzo493 you previously stated Abzan reanimator was your preference for the deck, but please confirm your final choice and I'll get it put together this week. For those of you interested to see the end result, keep watching the deck link this week as it comes into complete focus.
Thanks again everyone for participating and I wish you all a safe and happy 2021!
January 4, 2021 3:14 a.m.
Congratulations, Lanzo493 & LordBagnus!
This is a fun way to start the new year and I look forward to seeing what gets put together for you both.
Thank you, Azdranax for donating your time and effort to provide such a cool opportunity to the great people here at T/O.
January 4, 2021 11:16 a.m.
Lanzo493 and LordBagnus Congratulations! I'll be watching to see how it comes together.
January 5, 2021 12:58 a.m.
Wow! Thanks Azdranax!! It’s a pleasure and an honor. I’m sticking with the Abzan reanimator idea. My understanding is that you’ll be putting the deck together, so I look forward to it. If that’s not entirely the case, let me know. Thanks, again! Cheers to the new year!!
January 6, 2021 12:59 a.m.
Lanzo493 I’ll have the list up late tonight...I hope you like +1/+1 counters, explosive draw and infinite combos that win the game.
January 6, 2021 12:51 p.m.
Omniscience_is_life says... #10
Can't have Abzan EDH without infinites...
January 6, 2021 12:54 p.m.
Azdranax I’m all down for competitive play. I look forward to it!
Azdranax says... #1
Not at all, it was a good point of clarification.
Prior to announcing the winner, I will provide clarification for the process of the selection as well, and everyone who has responded will have an equal opportunity to win. There may be an additional surprise or two as well...
January 3, 2021 4:58 p.m.