Skyrim 2015! How do you play?
The Blind Eternities forum
Posted on June 29, 2015, 12:44 a.m. by kengiczar
Hello all. This thread is a way for us to discuss what mods we use and not meant for discussion such as technical help on modifying files, downloading and installing files or using the Creation Kit. In short, post what mods you use and why you started using them. Lets begin!
General Game Enhancements
SkyUI - Makes for a better interface. Not really mandatory, but nice to have.
Longer Range Vanilla Weapons - I don't feel like it's increased the range quite enough but it's a start.
High Resolution Texture Pack - I wanted to make the game prettier but not invest 20 hours into that alone so I found this on the workshop for free.
Revised Armor Rating - By default you have a cap on benifits armor points grant around 520-ish armor rating. This is achievable through light armor witha shield and I dislike that. So now my main (A Light Armor wearing Orc Female) is not as Lydia.
Amazing Follower Tweaks - Lydias now has 600 health, 200 magic, and 400 stamina, 100 2-handed skill, 100 heavy armor skill, 90 sneak, 100 archery, 100 one handed and 100 shield. Huzzah! Finally my follower can reliably be used as the juggernaut that she was always meant to be.
Better Females by Bella - Vanilla chars, both male and female, are ugly. This is like the first step on the path to perversion so it's as far as I went. If I want to see beautiful females IRL i'll just go talk to some of my friends. But for making vanilla NPCS less...ugly..this is an easy fix.
Questing Mods
Faalskar - i have yet to actually start the quest yet so I can't really comment.
Wyrmstooth - I wanted more quests and areas to explore so I put this in and was not dissapointed. 10/10 would play again. Dwemer Ruins, Falmer caves underneath them, old Nordic dungeons, an entire Island!? Seriously modding only getting better every year.
Weapon and armor mods
Wheel Style Weapons - Because they are sweet. Fun to use and the only weapon that I feel matches all my sweet dual wielding perks.
Magic Mods
Alteration and Restoration Redux - adds a few new spells, changes how some of the spells scale. If you want a mod to focus on just these two trees, this is the mod to get.
Apocaplyse Spell package - If you want to enjoy picking up new spells well past level 50 then this is the mod for you. Like Redux it changes how some spells scale and introduces several new spells, over 100 to be more precise! Tons of fun. I liked how the gameplay went with just Alteration and restoration REdux, but since I stopped wearing robes and just using Dragonflesh all the time I am thinking about reenabling this mod. Throwing around those new spells is so much fun!
Mods that add more variety in monster type
Skyrim More Creature and Monster Mod. It added a significant amount of value to the game for me. For Pure fun this was probably my best download ever. I quickly got bored of killing the same 4-6 stock mobs in every ancient nord tomb and this has made the game way more fun for me. For now it's disabled while I test the next mod..
High Level Enemies - The description made it sound like the previous mod on steroids but I am not sure it makes the game more "fun" like the last mod did. It is nice not being able to auto kill every witch I run into. Before this mod I simply pressed both mouse keys and dual wield power attacked nearly everything in 1 shot, now not so much. Also I find myself relying on those ward spells from the Restoration and Alteration mod more often, and even have to summon using Conjuration to have more boddies to absorb ice bolts for me. So combat wise the scaling version is great but I think i'll need the last mod in conjunction with this to really add the "fun" back to the game at level 72.
WARZONES 2015 - Civil Unrest by MyGoodEye. This just looks like sooooo much fun but am afraid it might blow up my PC. Still i'll be trying it out within the next week. More mobs means less boring am I right?
So there we go. Again this is not a thread for asking for mods to be made or to help you find a mod that does X, Y, Z. There are plenty of resources for that. With that said feel free to let your fellow MTG players know how you play Skyrim between set releases.
@ TheDevicer: I'll be trying out for sure tonight. This time, as an armorless Druid! I just stumbled upon one of my old favorites while searching for something different...anyway it's called "Druidism Skill Tree" from the Workshop.
It's great for characters who to role play as somebody more "in tune" with nature. It changes the layout of the Alteration skill tree, actually making the tree look like..well..a tree. The alteration perks are on the right and the Druidism on the left. Has shapeshifting, healing, and a couple of other things.
The closest thing to Druidism Skill Tree I know of is the "Wrath of Nature" mod but I haven't gotten to play it yet because I need to find a quill and ink. Blasted writing tools! So elusive!
June 29, 2015 2:52 a.m.
Just found the sickest mod ever! Organized Bandits In Skyrim. Adds cough 2500 cough bandits cough to skyrim. Says it requires the Dragonborn DLC though so i'll have to wait a little while. Also you have to "bash" it with High Level Enimies, which I don't know how to do yet..oh well in a couple of weeks I'll have the sickest bandits ever.
As a side note, when I found this at the exact moment Time to Pretend starting playing on Pandora I nearly had a Joy Overload and fell out of my chair due to the huge dopamine influx my brain just got hit by.
Arvail says... #2
I began a new file last week using a heavily modded vanilla after having repeated issues with SkyRe and Perkus Maximus. Haven't played in a long while.
I role play as a highly racist high elf who is a member of the Ald Dom. My personal goals are to stabilize Skyrim, to master all forms of magic, and to attain wealth and power.
From past XP, I can tell you that Faalskar is a lot of fun. Just be prepared to hear some less than perfect voice work on occasion. If you're looking for a few hours of good fun, try it out.
June 29, 2015 1:56 a.m.