So....did anyone else have a 3 hour conspiracy game?
The Blind Eternities forum
Posted on Aug. 28, 2016, 1:18 p.m. by EmblemMan
Hey everyone I just did my first conspiracy draft last night and it was pretty cool not something I would do all the time though. We had pods of 3 or 4 people (mine was 4) and I drafted a mostly blue splash white control deck. Had some counter spells and 0-x creatures along with the conspiracy that made my creatures deal damage with their toughness so that was cool.
Unfortunately the other three people were all big green-x decks and all their creatures were insane and so I just kind of sat there countering big threats and making people not attack me. We ended up just passing and building a board until someone had the monarch for like 8 turns and was about to deck.
He alpha swung on a guy that was at low life and that guy ended up dying, then the attacker decked. Then the third guy got the monarch and a bigger board then me so he tried attacking me while I just blocked and tried to deck him since he was at over 30 life. I stopped his creatures with my small "butt attacking creatures" and a 1 of Kill Shot being recurred twice with 2 Mnemonic Wall s. So I ended up decking 2 opponents and one I guess lol.
How were your drafts?
GoldGhost012 says... #3
Draft was pretty great, drafted a decent 45-card W/U fliers deck. The 4-person pod I was in stalled out for a long time; one of my opponents played bombs.dec and rushed out to an early lead with Burgeoning and Forgotten Ancient while another opponent dropped a turn 2 Kami of the Crescent Moon. Eventually we managed to get into a stalemate, where being the monarch was actually a liability, because drawing 3 cards a turn meant you would deck out fast. So the bombs.dec player killed the Kami player, then was killed by the fourth player through 2 Ghostly Prisons, then because he misevaluated my board, I was able to kill him on the crackback.
Then at the winner's pod, I was just able to curve out better than my two opponents and beat them quickly. Won me a playmat.
tl;dr won the first pod through political boardstall and the second pod with aggro.
August 28, 2016 2:38 p.m.
I had a sick G/R deck with Burgeoning, Weight Advantage, and 3 copies of Natural Unity. I got passed a Beast Within, and like 3 or 4 Fiery Fall, people seriously underestimate that card. I also got 2 Animus of Predation, but all the only decent ability I ended up finding for it was flying.
Unfortunately I got teamed up on and was out of the game pretty quickly...oh well *shrug*
August 28, 2016 3:50 p.m.
@GoldGhost012 Yeah I have noticed that being the monarch can be a liability if the game gets stalled. One of the people in my pod played Phyrexian Arena and Thorn of the Black Rose, then proceeded to deck himself. He even gave a Goblin Balloon Brigade a Ghostly Possession for maximum durdle.
Good times.
August 28, 2016 3:54 p.m.
I had a fun experience with Conspiracy2. I played a blue-green-black deck because I got Leovold, Emissary of Trest.
I got to the winners table thanks to politics (we faced 2 green-white decks that got very big and large very fast, but the other non-white/green player and I played them out against eachother). At the winners table it was the monstreous creatures Nessian Asp and Skittering Crustacean (Krabby) that turned out to be very good. I waited for the right time to play Sangromancer which won me the event.
It was a fun experience for all I think and both melee and monarch are very nice mechanics for multi-player games, can't wait to use them in Commander.
I faced nice decks that used the conspiracies to help them, but I myself barely used the conspiracies or draft matters cards (except Regicide which is awesome)
ThoAlmighty says... #2
Mine were great, really salty I missed the original Conspiracy and was overjoyed when Take the Crown was announced. I ended up doing 2, I sold a Berserk. Anyway, in my first, I pulled a Recruiter of the Guard on my first and the person to my right mistakenly passed me a Selvala, Heart of the Wilds. I ended up getting a weight advantage and ran GW creatures. In my second draft I started with a Hamletback Goliath and eventually got a summoner's bond on it with 3 Opaline Unicorns, but was beaten out with Dragonlair Spider tokens and Trumpet Blast. Anyway, it was a lot of fun and I hope all of you guys enjoyed the experience as much as I did!
August 28, 2016 2:37 p.m.