steam trading
The Blind Eternities forum
Posted on Aug. 2, 2014, 12:55 p.m. by Viaggro
Okay okay, I know this isn't mtg related but it kind of sorta relates to it. I also dont know where else to look because I don't have any friends on steam who I can talk to. Steam's FAQ is not helpful, and I have way to many question to send an email. I also dont know where to put this in the thread so its just going here.
I'm really getting into TF2, and I've had the game for a few years and bought it before it went free. The thing is I just never really cared for the game before, I know I've seen some people on tappedout saying they have steam and play a lot of games with it, so im asking for nice honest advise about tf2 trading, like how do I know I'm not getting scammed or sharked? What do we use as prices (is it the shops prices or something else) and what to trade for? So please fellow mtg players help a kid out please!
p.s. im really looking for the Hong Kong Cone unusual