The Blind Eternities forum
Posted on June 13, 2015, 2:15 p.m. by kyuuri117
So I recently had an argument with someone about taunting in professional sports. He was of the opinion that taunting was an accepted part of professional sports, and that it was normal for pros to do this.
I'm of the opinion that no matter how skilled you are at your sport, if you are going to waste time, energy, and leave yourself open by taunting, you shouldn't be considered a professional at all. I feel the definition of a professional in sports is someone who gives their all to their sport while they are on the court/ in their arena. On top of that, it's about showing respect for the game and the people you are competing against. Taunting goes against all of that.
Needless to say, we didn't come to an agreement. Guess i'm curious to see where others stand on this.
I said, "look at Jeter, King James, Jordon, Gretzky, Robinson, Federer, Messi, etc. The best of the best don't waste time taunting."
And he responded with "well maybe some of them don't, but that's just your opinion. Look at Mayweather, he taunts all the time."
I basically just left after that.
June 13, 2015 2:20 p.m. Edited.
Unforgivn_II says... #5
There are plenty of professional assholes. Jordan did taunt, as did Kobe and KG. Every sport has em. Not to say that its encouraged (in fact, most sports have penalties for doing it), but it doesn't stop people from pushing the limits with it. So I'd probably go somewhere in the middle. I don't think its right, but I don't think that you're automatically the worst for doing it
June 13, 2015 2:31 p.m.
Personally, I don't like taunting in sports, but I understand why people do it. Mental toughness is a big part of every sport, and if you can get in someone's head and throw them off, I think it is well worth it.
June 13, 2015 2:32 p.m.
I think timing has a good amount to do with it. Like, if your having a 1v1 with someone in basketball and try and taunt em, I think that's pretty dumb. On the other hand, if you are given the chance to go for an over the top dunk on a break away, that's different. You haven't done anything to give yourself less of a chance to win, and it doesn't really take that much extra energy. And yea, it's super demoralizing to the other team.
On the other hand, if you're gonna drop your arms or hold em out while boxing, there's really no excuse.
June 13, 2015 2:40 p.m.
I'm with kyuuri117 here. A certain amount of flaunting is ok. Nowhere is this really as prominent as in competitive fighters. You'll see two camps: people who say nothing and act cool at all times and those who get louder than their controllers and the game itself. I personally think it's incredibly childish to dish stuff out mid-game, but some talk is fine. A snarky remark between rounds is ok. If you legit don't stop talking to me, I'll never play against you if I have a say in it.
I agree, and the other should be burned.
June 13, 2015 2:16 p.m.