The Elder Scrolls: Legends
The Blind Eternities forum
Posted on June 11, 2017, 6:15 p.m. by TMBRLZ
Anybody play it? It's basically Hearthstone revamped and reskinned with TES lore and I think it's fantastic. It's free to play and just went live on Steam just a few weeks ago. It's a lot of fun and I feel like the cards are a lot more dynamic than Hearthstone. The introduction of two different lanes for creatures to exist in creates a lot of interesting strategy too.
Definitely worth checking out.
Been looking for a community of players that are active, but the only decent site for the game is almost a graveyard as far as the Forums go. It seems like the game was all that and a bag of chips during beta and just after release in mid 2016 and now all the original players left.
Game seems to be doing well though.
But yeah if you play let me know. Would love to have some folks to play with. My name in game is SpeedJaeger.
Also - I originally posted this because I ran into a card called Skeever Infestation which reminds me a lot of Pack Rat, but better, and now I just want to build an awesome deck for it, but the card draw support isn't as consistent in a new game like TESL like it would be in MTG. Hopefully that'll change in time.
If you enjoyed Hearthstone at all, or really check out The Elder Scrolls: Legends.
You'll have to add me LeaPlath. I'm on just about every night lately trying to earn and learn what I can. I just bought the Dark Brotherhood storyline when I got paid on Friday so I've been having fun with that. Great stuff.
Would love to jam some games and learn from somebody who's been playing more.
June 11, 2017 7:05 p.m.
This is the deck that's been carrying me through most of the story and some of my online play. I've managed to finally create a few decent ones myself when a control deck wasn't going to cut it in the story, so I've got a decent Warrior and Battlemage deck built out too. Really wanting to get more cards so I can build a solid Khajiit Monk deck. Had a ton of fun using the provided ones in the story. Having three Dune Smugglers in play (with friends) and then jamming down a Great Ball was a pretty amazing way to beat in the computers face.
MollyMab says... #2
I'm currently playing with it. Went infinate on solo arena runs early on, now playing Green Yellow Control monk. The game is fun with a lot of play too it and I'm working on some stuff for it.
June 11, 2017 6:27 p.m.