The reason why GRN Mythic edition and Ultimate Masters exist
The Blind Eternities forum
Posted on Nov. 29, 2018, 9:56 a.m. by Boza
Why do these two products seem so out-of-line with what WOTC normally produces? The super-art cards and little added production cost, for a much larger MSRP?
My theory is Hasbro is in the dumps and has to rely WOTC to pull through:
OMG the sky is falling!! Reserved List Masters is coming next!!
November 29, 2018 4:31 p.m.
However, you have to combine all of the above with removal of the WPN store and heavier reliance on distributors and recently increased wholesale MSRP of a box, both putting extra pressure on LGS, while fattenning WOTC's bottomline.
Additionally, we have continued support for more magic-related boardgames, turning them into a yearly thing as of recently - Explorers of Ixalan (a bad mashup of boardgame and magic) and in Q1 2019 - Heroes of Dominaria, which at least looks like a proper boardgame. I would be surprised if they do not announce a ravnica boardgame right after HoD ships. Even further, we have the Creature Forge miniature thing and if that does not feel like corporate-mandated product, I do not know what is. Heck, even artbooks for every single set.
Furthermore, what are the other Hasbro lines besides WOTC? Barbie and monopoly? What are the other profitable lines?
November 30, 2018 2:58 a.m.
Dreamweav3r says... #6
The way I look at it: (Spoilers, I'm expressing an opinion)
People often like to argue that WotC manipulate the cards in the masters sets to increase profits, and while they can choose specific cards to include to increase hype for the set- Jace, the Mind Sculptor, ultimately that can only effect weather or not people think it's worth it to buy the set (Is the EV worth the MSRP?) because all WotC can do is sell packs, not singles. As such while they are pumping out these high ev sets, their profits remain similar to regular sets since masters sets aren't highly minted.
TLDR Whenever someone complains about WotC and set finances/profit they need to realize that Magic's physical TCG game doesn't actually make Hasbro as much profit as you think. (They can only sell packs)
So what do they do? Sell their (exclusive sets) ie the Con exclusive box sets, which is as close as they can get to selling singles for maximum profit.
The Ultimate Box Toppers I think are an extension of this idea, perhaps more subtly. Now you have a set, with a very high MSRP, super low print run (even for Masters products) with an EV that only adds up favorably if you include the Box Topper promo. Unfortunately, the grand majority of players wont be getting boxes of Ultimate Masters due to the inflated price. (which I believe is due in part to the Box Toppers) Additionally, if you feel like spending $45 to participate in a draft (which is likely the only shot some people have at opening packs at MSRP) then they will not even be getting the benefit of the Box Toppers' whos cost is front loaded in the MSRP.
Might sound like Alex Jones here, but this is just the way I see it.
November 30, 2018 1:09 p.m.
ork_mcgork says... #7
The Mythic Edition and Ultimate Masters are just continuations in the sequence of products that see just how much we, the MTG consumers, are willing to pay for sealed product. UMA has sold super well (not surprised), and while it was out of my price range for a box, it's not out of my price range to draft. Where that ceiling is, we cannot say for certain. Are there enough people to pay $500? $800? $1000? Who can really say for sure.
It does add to that pump up of sales that makes WotC, and by extension Hasbro, look at shareholder meetings. We see the same thing with other companies, like Games Workshop. They sell exclusive miniatures, limited-run board games, and other stuff to help pump up their short-term sales for quarterly reports. Why wouldn't Hasbro do the same?
I don't much care for it though, if I'm being honest. I would rather have a set that has much needed modern staple reprints with 100% no foils in the packs, if it meant I could get it at a reasonable price. However, such a product wouldn't be in the best interest of the company. So instead, I patiently wait to draft UMA next Friday (pretty excited, looks like it should be a heckin' good time!) and then will continue to wait while prices on Modern staples go down with these printings (eventually, hopefully) so that I can access the format like I want to.
Though, I thought the implementation of the Mythic Edition was really weird - I"m sure that WotC could have sold just the planeswalkers in an FTV type set for, say, $100, and people would've snapped it up anyway. Would've saved them the trouble of the gimped booster boxes and stuff.
LordBlackblade says... #2
I’ve heard a few people talk about this theory since the mythic edition was first spoiled. Around that time I recall seeing an article discussing Hasbro’s finances. It was a corporate letter, so you can’t take everything at face value. The noteworthy part that I recall was that Wizards, specifically Magic, was one of only a handful of departments that had showed growth that fiscal year. That would seem to make your idea plausible at the very least. Hasbro could very well be putting additional pressure on Wizards to cover shortfalls.
November 29, 2018 3:50 p.m.