Why Cannot More Television Series Follow Legend of Korra's Example (read for details)?

The Blind Eternities forum

Posted on Dec. 16, 2017, 11:43 p.m. by DemonDragonJ

Legend of Korra is an amazing television series, with well-developed and relatable characters, a detailed world, and stories that are engaging and thrilling. However, one of the aspects about it that I liked most was that, although there was continuity between its season, each season had its own self-contained story and, most importantly, each season finale was written to be a potential series finale in the case that the series was not renewed for an additional season. Two other prominent animated series, Justice League and Teen Titans, also followed this example, with each finale also working as a series finale, if that had ever been necessary.

However, some television series do not follow this example: they will have a story the runs through multiple seasons, leaving out viewers who arrive late to the series, and, even worse, will end a season on a cliffhanger, forcing the audience to wait for several months to see the resolution, with one of the worst offenders in that instance being Bones, a series that I followed for four or five seasons, and I was very angry when nearly ever season ended with a cliffhanger. I was immensely relieved when its tenth season left no major unresolved plot lines, so I could finally stop watching it.

Therefore, I wish to ask: why cannot more television series follow the excellent example of Legend of Korra and have each season be self-contained and end as if it will be the final season? What does everyone else say about this subject?

Homura_Akemi says... #2

I totally agree that Legend of Korra and Teen Titans were so well done with great characters. As for why so many other shows fail to self-contain each season and drag stuff out, I can only think that there must be poor writers and a low budget cough cough looking at you RWBY, Raven is the only good thing about Vol. 5 and it feels like a repeat of 4.

Star Wars the Clone Wars is a personal favorite of mine for animated series, and the last three seasons of it were great because the animation and character design improved, the plot finally got serious with an end game for many characters, and the character development was through the roof. They even planned out another season before Disney bought the franchise and cancelled it, but it had a solid ending even without the Lost Missions and some new book material.

December 17, 2017 7:53 a.m.

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