Wuts uh.. the deal?
The Blind Eternities forum
Posted on Feb. 25, 2015, 10:05 p.m. by CharlesMandore
I just spotted the card Vizzerdrix in T/O's group chat, and I'm wondering.. WHAT!? What is this even? Maybe being out of school for so long has damaged my circuitry, but I really don't get this card. What do you think?
ThisIsBullshit says... #3
It's just a derpy vanilla creature. There are a lot of them.
February 25, 2015 10:13 p.m.
Rhadamanthus says... #4
It's a dumb riff on an earlier card - Kezzerdrix - because reasons
February 25, 2015 10:51 p.m.
Kezzerdrix looks like the bunny Chimera Ant that was the first to learn Nen in HunterXHunter
February 25, 2015 11:01 p.m.
JexInfinite says... #8
I don't think the bunny cards are meant to be taken seriously.
February 26, 2015 2:11 a.m.
ApocryphalSaint now that you said it, it really, really looks like Kiriko creatures from HxH. Maybe a "infected" version of them though.
Havok.Bane says... #2
Best card ever printed! I should add this card was printed back when Serra Angel was rare and blue didn't have many big creatures. Times have surely changed.
February 25, 2015 10:11 p.m.