5 mana t1
Challenges and Articles forum
Posted on Nov. 12, 2016, 11:22 p.m. by _person_
Can you build an EDH deck that can consistently generate 5+ mana turns 1-3?
America, Land(less) of the Free [Creatureless Too]
Look at my t1 win description. If I don't win, I could easily get more mana rocks through Narset, Enlightened Master.
November 13, 2016 12:27 a.m.
The problem with consistency is that nothing is ever truly consistent. There are many ways to get 5+ mana on t1-3, and if you fit them all into a singular deck, then surely you'll have a greater chance, yet there will be still times when all you get is a single land on t1 and could be mana screwed from then on.
November 13, 2016 1:50 a.m.
If you could generate so much mana turn 2, the deck would be to good. There's simply no way to generate so much mana consistently. Azusa might be the best general for ramping, but she won't go off before turn 3.
November 13, 2016 4:48 a.m. Edited.
It's not difficult to generate 5 mana on t3. If you play Scorned Villager Flip or Devoted Druid on t2 this can usually be achieved. A mana elf on t1 followed by Priest of Titania on t2 can give you 6 mana on t3. And two mana dorks, one played on t1 and another played on t2 will also give you 5 by t3.
Probably the best thing you could do would be:
t1 Arbor Elf,
t2 Utopia Sprawl onto the untapped forest then a Voyaging Satyr
t3 you can tap the land with the Utopia Sprawl on it 3 times which gives 6 and then you'll have two other lands which brings you to 8.
The best thing for t2 would probably be:
t1 Sol Ring, Mana Crypt, Mana Vault, Lion's Eye Diamond etc etc (all the 0 mana stuff along with 2 manas worth of artifacts that youre given from sol ring)
November 13, 2016 5:03 a.m.
JohnnyBaggins says... #9
It's not possible consistently. The Arbor Elf + Voyaging Satyr//Kiora's Follower combos are disrupted easily and the combinations like Land, Sol Ring, Signet/Talisman are just incredibly hard to draw. Neither combination gives you time to use a tutor. You just need to draw them. And that might not be super good either. You dump 5 / 8 cards in your starting hand to the board, if an opponent has a counterpsell for your last impactful card in hand, you'll fall behind very quickly. I'd rather have a slower start that has more to follow up with. Both lines are also incredibly breakable. When you are facing down a Forked Bolt or a Stony Silence later - or just that turn, you have literally nothing. Nothing on board and no stuff in hand. I'd personally much rather see a solid 2 Lands, Rampant Growth, Kodama's Reach and three to four good spells.
November 13, 2016 5:58 a.m.
Just play a bunch of rituals. The only problem is, you're then stuck with no payoffs.
November 13, 2016 8:41 a.m.
If you can score t1 Sol Ring or Mana Crypt into T2 Thran Dynamo: 8 mana turn 3.
Pretty much turn 1 Mana Crypt into anything like Cultivate is amazing
T1 land, dork
T2 land, Harrow, Nature's Lore, Crop Rotation for Temple of the False God
T3 land (7 mana on turn 3 for under $5)
If you're running 15-20+ ramp options you might run into late game problems. i.e. Really hoping to topdeck a bomb or boardwipe and getting a signet. That's the nature of the game though. Sometimes you might not ramp at all and sometimes you'll godhand
One of my favorite simple plays I've had a few times is T2 Bloom Tender, T3 Animar, Soul of Elements tap bloom for 3
November 13, 2016 10:02 a.m.
You can get infinite mana by turn 3, there are several combos. But setting yourself so far apart in the early game will draw a large target on your head.
November 13, 2016 12:29 p.m.
I just want to step back a bit here and ask the question: "Why do you want to generate 5+ mana? What's the end game?"
If you're playing storm, yeah, you can generate a bunch of mana for the turn. You simply play a bunch of rituals and one-shot mana effects. But here your end goal is to storm out. You only need the mana for the turn.
If you're playing big beaters, again, sure you can do it. You might have 5-6 mana at the end of turn 3 but it's all tapped. Next turn you have access to a bunch of mana to play a big creature, which will hopefully move your board posiition forward. Or you're trying to elfball. But just because you can generate 8 mana on turn 4 to be useable isn't helpful if you're just going to play a Craterhoof Behemoth into a bunch of tapped dorks. Again, you could play an Avenger of Zendikar but realisitically you're only going to get a few tokens.
So back to the original question, what are you trying to ramp into?
November 13, 2016 9:18 p.m.
Ohthenoises says... #14
A high density of 0-1 drop rocks and 1 drop mana dorks can consistently get you T3 5 mana. My Yisan REGULARLY gets a T2 Yisan so it's not hard in the slightest to get another 2 if I spend that T2 casting more dorks/rocks instead.
That being said, enpc brings up a good point. What is the ultimate goal?
November 13, 2016 11:16 p.m. Edited.
asasinater13 says... #15
my friend has a Kozilek, Butcher of Truth deck that's mostly mana rocks and relies on kozilek to keep drawing cards and eventually hit their bigger spells, along with being a bigger threat. I see it pretty consistently get to 5 mana by turn three.
November 13, 2016 11:26 p.m.
JohnnyBaggins says... #16
A deck that wins thorugh its commander alone can invest much more into ramp, especially if that wincon also draws four cards. You get those four cards, even when Kozilek is countered. Most decks don't have that kind of power.
zephramtripp says... #2
Yeah, just play Azusa, Lost but Seeking. Pretty much guaranteed 5 mana on turn three.
November 12, 2016 11:46 p.m.