Blue in reanimator
Challenges and Articles forum
Posted on Nov. 30, 2012, 1:46 a.m. by BLEATH
It's occurred to me that there is almost no blue used for reanimator decks. I mean, come on, stuff like Stormtide Leviathan is a huge game ender that people usually look past for "better"(not blue) beatsticks. Just wanted to see a 4-5 color reanimator that actually uses blue creatures to animate. Plus, with blue, you always get that much more control if you can cram it in somewhere.
unfortunately you would be wrong about Stormtide Leviathan in a competitive standard as it lacks any extra value before it's killed off by even sorcery speed removal. Now Sphinx of Uthuun on the other hand can actually give you value by putting cards in your hand and more cards in your graveyard.
November 30, 2012 2:59 a.m.
I've always been a proponent of Sphinx of Uthuun in Reanimator decks. The value it generates can easily rival (and surpass) that of Angel of Serenity .
November 30, 2012 12:26 p.m.
When I played Esper Reanimator (before Scars of Mirrodin rotated out), I ran the Sphinx of Uthuun . It was so good.
November 30, 2012 1:40 p.m.
CrimsonKing says... #6
Stormtide Leviathan is cute but doesn't provide a lick of advantage when it hits the board unless you have a crap ton of flyers ready to kill your opponent, and in a re-animator deck you probably don't. I agree with Demarge and zandl, The sheer advantage Sphinx of Uthuun will provide you the moment it hits the board will probably win you the game in two turns. An ability like what's on Fact or Fiction is really powerful and slapped on a creature it's just bonkers.
November 30, 2012 2:29 p.m.
Right. Fact or Fiction + 3 mana for a 5/6 Flying body that can be Reanimated is exactly the kind of thing Reanimator wants 4 of.
November 30, 2012 2:40 p.m.
gheridarigaaz says... #8
I guess i'd run stormtide in a reanimator deck if i could get the opponent locked out of playing removal on it, but the fact or fiction tacked onto Sphinx of Uthuun is invaluable. On another note Inkwell Leviathan is blue and has seen competetive play in reanimator, so has Sphinx of the Steel Wind and Crosis, the Purger . And it's pretty hard to forget the Sun Titan + Phantasmal Image interactions we've seen in recent UW and solar flare control decks.
November 30, 2012 6:38 p.m.
If we're talking Modern, then there's Iona, Shield of Emeria , Akroma, Angel of Wrath , Angel of Despair , Blazing Archon , Bogardan Hellkite , card:Demon of Death's Gate, Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite , Empyrial Archangel , Jin-Gitaxias, Core Augur , Kederekt Leviathan , Mossbridge Troll , Myojin of Cleansing Fire , etc.
And that's just the list up to M.
December 1, 2012 1:29 p.m.
I have a commander reanimator deck that has blue creatures in it: the aforementioned Sphinx, card:Geralf's Mindcrusher, and Sphinx of Magosi , are the three mono-blue hitters, plus some multicolored guys like Blood Tyrant .
BLEATH says... #2
Standard, of course.
November 30, 2012 1:47 a.m.