Caw Blade is Falling
Challenges and Articles forum
Posted on June 17, 2011, 5:29 p.m. by Eadenoth
Okay, so we all know, caw blade is probably gonna start to die down when Jace, the Mind Sculptor steps off the plate, also Stoneforge Mystic . Do you guys think that the format will slow down for Innistrad and M12. Well anyways, my goal for you, is to use only SoM. MBS, and NPH, otherwise known as Scars block, to make a deck that can be as powerful as Caw-Blade is now, in about 4 months, when everything cycles out. Post below and we can all discuss.
I believe the game play should slow way down, due to the fact that most SoM block decks are slower than most. Infect decks will be more viable, and U/W control will more than likely come back as the major deck. This challenge though is very difficult, because it limits us to just a block, instead of a core set and a block, but here's one for your challenge.
June 17, 2011 8:29 p.m.
My Kuldotha Red Remix deck is Scars block and prospective M12 cards only.
June 17, 2011 10:01 p.m.
metalmagic says... #6
I actually think UB Control will be more prominent than UW. The Titans are getting reprinted in M12, and we all remember those games of staring down Wurmcoils, Grave Titans and Frost Titans without being able to do anything about them. Black will still have great hand control and spot removal, along with BSZ for aggro, but we will just have to see the complete spoiler for M12 and wait for Innistrad to be released to see what is in store for us.
June 17, 2011 11:56 p.m.
Seeing as JtMS and Stoneforge are both leaving, along with the fact that it is not very likely they would reprint sqwuaks, it makes a lot of sense that Caw-go/blade is dieing.
However, scars of mirrodin is no slower than zendikar was. K-red, darkblade (even without stoneforge), puresteel weenie and tezzy infect are just as, if not occasionally faster, than caw ever was.
Of course, it is good that not everybody will be using caw, but I honestly doubt standard is going to slow down at all unless Innistrad can force it to. But that will require waiting another year for innistrad standard.
June 18, 2011 11:31 a.m.
metalmagic says... #8
Squadron Hawk also has yet to be announced to be printed in M12, so there may be no more 'Caw,' which I would be perfectly fine with.
June 18, 2011 1:41 p.m.
metalmagic says... #10
I seriously doubt it, too. We saw how easily it was to abuse the little bird once people got past the misconception that having a hand full of 1/1 flyers is useless.
birdseed says... #2
I really don't think that can be accurately discussed considering we have no idea what Innistrad is going to be like. M12 doesn't have much power though, so I think based off of that and SoM block alone, I think the good decks will be the more recently emerging decks, like the Birthing Pod decks and stuff. But yeah, Innistrad could turn everything upside down for all we know.
June 17, 2011 8:28 p.m.