I challenge you! - standard match up
Challenges and Articles forum
Posted on Aug. 14, 2014, 5:58 a.m. by bretters
playtest against my deck The Heroes of the Boros Legion challenge YOU with your POST ROTATION standard deck and beat it. i wanna know what deck can beat mine - in a normal best of 3. try aggro/control/mid-range/kill/discard. i wanna know what this decks weakness is. I think i built a deck that will kill you by turn 6 every game.
thanks for the +1 i think i have protection in God's willing and a side board of ajani's prescence. Also, the deck main board is 100% focused on heroic. so it is either a creature with heroic (besides iroas, God of victory) or a card that triggers heroic - there is nothing else main board. So- i will end up drawing a heroic creature or a heroic spell for sure. there are only 20 lands - maybe i could go to 19? i dont think i want to do that though. i want to get 4 lands in play.
Arvail says... #2
Well, I haven't looked at Standard for a while now, so I don't really have a deck to playtest against yours. Mine is still built pre-m15.
Regardless, I can tell you a few things about your deck. All heroic decks require a careful balance of creatures, heroic triggers, and ways to protect against blow-outs. As such, these decks tend to have low redundancy and get picked apart by hand disruption well. If you can faulter their sequence of plays, they tend to lose out quickly since these decks have no way of breaking the standard 1 land, 1 card per turn limitations of magic. Heroic has terrible top-deck too. As a result, many black decks that run Thoughtseize and a proper suite of removal can deal with your deck. As with any aggro deck, you need to be careful about how you proceed past turn 4 and when playing on the draw. Though I do think R/W is better positioned as a burn deck, I still like the idea behind heroic. +1 to you mate.
August 14, 2014 6:25 a.m.