I have a challange 4 u all.
Challenges and Articles forum
Posted on June 15, 2015, 1:34 a.m. by DERPLINGSUPREME
Using only cards available from the modern masters sets, make a decent legacy deck.
go! or dont.
Well, I will be happy to spearhead this effort....As in vain my effort will become, I suppose we should start off with a little brainstorming shall we ;) (Pun intended)
Instead of looking at constructed legacy decks now, lets look at what modern masters gives us to work with.
Tarmogoyf, v-clique, and dark confidant are all great places to start.
If were in black, we get:Bobtombstalker, (non-bo with dark conf)...., bitterblossom, and thats about it on the surface.
If were in green:Tarmogoyf, krosan grip, life from the loam, primeval titan,
Blue: V-clique, cryptic command, gifts, spell snare, mana leak, remand,
White: ehtersworn canonist, flickerwisp, path to exile,
Red:Lightning bolt
So,looking at the 4 possible colors (sorry Lbolt) what do we have?Well, let's take a moment to think about the legacy meta:According to MTG top 8, the main decks areDelver, miracles, stoneblade, BUG, show and tell, and storm. Lets go piece by piece here.
What are all of these decks weak too? Hand disruption. I think that makes black an auto include in our new legacy deck. What hand disruption is available in MM? tidehollow sculler, raven's crime
Not exactly what we were looking for....Nonetheless, I think Black/white is a good starting point for the deck.
With hand disruption, comes graveyard. With graveyard, comes tarmogoyfs. Now were looking at Junk colors. While we are at it, it looks like were following a pretty low curve, and I think Bob can easily find a great home in here. Going along with the Junk theme, ethersworn canonist really hits against all the decks that want to try to run brainstorm. Delver is severely limited, storm has to deal with it, show and tell frowns and looks at it funny, so I think it for sure deserves a place in the deck.
4 Bob, 4 tidehollow sculler, 4 tarmogoyf, 3 ethersworn canonist,
Interesting that all of these are two drops...Are there any good 1 drops in the MM sets that we can use? Not really... What is legacy all about? 1 drops. Brainstorms and ponders, dark rituals and tops, delvers and well, you get the point. So I think that 4 chalice of the void should be an auto include for this deck.
4 goyf, 4 Bob, 4 sculler, 4 chalice, 3 canonist.
Now on to some removal, which is typically rather important. path to exile is a worse swords to plowshares, but I think a 1 mana removal spell is too hard to pass up. In goes 4. what else fits in the colors of junk? Maelstrom pulse, a tad bit expensive, but deals with just about anything we need it too. We also have krosan grip to deal with those damn batterskulls and whatnot, so they are certainly finding a place in the board. Against quite a few decks, engineered explosives doesn't seem all that bad either. Definitely deserves a spot. Also, one our answers to true name nemesis is shrivel, so that is for sure going in the sideboard somewhere.
4 goyf, 4 bob, 4 sculler, 3 canonist, 4 chalice, 4 path, 2 maelstrom pulse, 1 krosan grip, 2 engineered explosives,
Well, we got ourselves a little hatebear list over here. Lets move on to winning and deck manipulation. We have very little in the way of deck manip. However, commune with nature seems to fill the gap perfectly. Swords seem like they are pretty good against decks, so we should throw a couple in there as well.
4 goyf, 2 eternal witness, 4 bob, 4 sculler, 3 canonist, 4 chalice, 4 path, 2 maelstrom pulse, 1 krosan grip, 2 engineered explosives, 4 commune with nature, 2 sword of fire and ice, 1 sword of light and shadow, 3 city of brass, 3 vivid grove, 1 vivid marsh, 1 vivid meadow, 5 forest, 5 plains, 5 swamp,
That is my final decklist. Let me know what ya'll think.
June 15, 2015 2:41 a.m.
Yeh my point was no shocks, no fetches, no ABUR duals means you cant even reliably play multicolored decks.
June 15, 2015 9:22 a.m.
akay, the mana base is the biggest issue. I forgot about that. you are allowed basics, of course, along with shocks and fetches, b/c those are a must in legacy.
@isaac418 wow. that was some really good work there. That could actually play really well!
June 15, 2015 10:16 a.m.
BloodoftheBloodMoon says... #12
I like how you used vivid lands and city of brass's to fix your mana. That's something I would definitely play at a legacy event, or even a modern event :P if I had money
June 15, 2015 11:45 a.m.
canterlotguardian says... #13
isaac418 are you going to post that as an actual decklist so we can comment on it?
June 15, 2015 12:12 p.m.
Noble Hierarch needs to be in that Abzan list. Just cast it before Chalice, that is.
June 15, 2015 12:39 p.m.
BloodoftheBloodMoon says... #15
We have access to AEther Vial, knight of the reliquary, life from the loam, progenitus, and tooth and nail.I think we could make something sweet with a T&N
June 15, 2015 4:14 p.m.
Oh um, sure. Ill make up a list now...If we are allowed shocks and fetches, I will update it with those.
erabel says... #2
I feel like the landbase would be the trickiest bit. It'd have to be something resembling Robots. Blinkmoth Nexus, Mox Opal, Darksteel Citadel, Glimmervoid, Academy Ruins maybe. You allow basic lands?
June 15, 2015 2:05 a.m.