
Challenges and Articles forum

Posted on Jan. 8, 2015, 1:21 a.m. by tyforthevenom

It's turn 3 you're playing modern what is the maximum number of lands you are able to play and how?

JWiley129 says... #2

something to do with Summer Bloom and or Azusa, Lost but Seeking. But I could see around 3-4 lands depending on the draw.

January 8, 2015 1:24 a.m.

tyforthevenom says... #3

I'm Looking for the maximum potential lands played

January 8, 2015 1:58 a.m.

erabel says... #4

Is this about land plays or mana generation?

Um. I'm gonna assume you're on the draw and only played lands on your first two turns, so you start with 8 cards and 2 lands.

Untapped land, Amulet of Vigor, Summer Bloom, the same Simic Growth Chamber three times, three more Summer Bloom, the same Growth Chamber four more times (five land plays left), a copy of Explore that draws a copy of Explore that draws a copy of Explore that draws a copy of Explore that draws a Primeval Titan (back up to nine land plays available; seven so far; and no cards in hand other than the Titan and the Chamber), the same Chamber 3 more times (six plays left, 10 so far), the Titan, grabbing another bounce land and Mikokoro, Center of the Sea. Use the new bounce land to get enough mana to use Mikokoro, draw Patron of the Moon, use it, the two bounce lands, and Amulet of Vigor to generate infinite mana and landfall. Once you have that, play a bounce land, use it to bounce and replay Mikokoro, draw Oboro Breezecaller, use it to reset your lands and draw your deck with your infinite mana.

January 8, 2015 2:05 a.m.

erabel says... #5

I really wanna type "hashtag DidIWin?" but I can't because the pound sign makes everything SUPER BIG TEXT.

January 8, 2015 2:15 a.m.

tyforthevenom says... #6

It's about land plays, so how much generic mana can you untap turn 4 with (excluding any dorks you might have played)

January 8, 2015 2:16 a.m.

erabel says... #7

Literally infinite mana. I mean, with the setup I put down up there, after you draw your deck, you can use Patron to put down every land in your deck, so, since that combo took... eight nonland cards (I realize after the fact that the Explores were all unnecessary), plus three very specific lands (two bounce lands and Mikokoro), you could literally have a deck with nothing but lands in it after that. Or whatever the heck you want.

January 8, 2015 2:21 a.m.

erabel says... #8

Now did I win?

January 8, 2015 2:28 a.m.

tyforthevenom says... #9

No you tried to draw a card turn 4 and nothing was left so you lost... (Totally not annoyed about not thinking this first)

January 8, 2015 2:33 a.m.

erabel says... #10

Naw, I just killed them at upkeep with my infinite mana. Or cast Psychic Spiral. Or whatever.

January 8, 2015 2:35 a.m.

tyforthevenom says... #11

Blue Sun's Zenith coz high tide tribute

January 8, 2015 2:37 a.m.

erabel says... #12

Realized I could do this in fewer cards, and on the play too.

  • T1 Land, Amulet (5 cards left)
  • T2 Land, Amulet (4 cards left)
  • T3 Summer Bloom (4 cards left), Growth Chamber 4 times, untapping twice each, for 16 mana total (3 cards left), Primetime (2 cards left) getting bounceland and Mikokoro; since the bounceland gives you 4 more mana you're up to 14, cast the Patron and the Breezecaller with 5 mana to spare, go infinite.

6 nonland cards and 5 lands total. 11 cards.

January 8, 2015 2:46 a.m.

It'd be pretty crazy if you managed to find a time to throw down a Hedron Crab somewhere in that turn 3 lol.

January 8, 2015 10:15 a.m.

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