Mind Rot Combo
Challenges and Articles forum
Posted on Oct. 21, 2011, 7 p.m. by cryptichorror
Help me come up with a good Mind Rot combo that can be used in a U/B combo/control deck I would like to build. Must be standard.
mechanistorange says... #3
Mind Rot just isn't strong enough as a card, especially in this format, to really combo out. A similar strategy might be to play Shrine of Limitless Power and a number of low cmc spells, like Despise or Distress or Vault Skirge , Typhoid Rats , Diregraf Ghoul , and removal spells. Discard just ain't what it used to be, especially since Duress and Inquisition of Kozilek are gone :((((
October 21, 2011 10:43 p.m.
cryptichorror says... #4
I frequently play mill decks, but need a good idea for a U/B combo/control deck. Where should I start, since Mind Rot sounds like a dead end.
October 21, 2011 11:56 p.m.
You can mill your opponent by drawing cards... card:Jace's Erasure Curse of the Bloody Tome Trepanation Blade and Sword of Body and Mind are good mill cards. Jace, Memory Adept naturally mills lol Decimator Web does a lil of it all
October 22, 2011 12:06 a.m.
cryptichorror says... #6
That's pretty much what another deck of mine is like deck:passing-thought. I don't really know what I want, but I was looking for something different.
October 22, 2011 12:22 a.m.
Yea black mill is gone pretty much I can't find to much to help you there, maybe a Liliana of the Veil ? lol
October 22, 2011 12:30 a.m.
My friend runs a Zombie-tribal mill that uses Undead Alchemist , along with cards like Curse of the Bloody Tome (which is REALLY good, actually), Jace, Memory Adept , and Nephalia Drownyard . He made Top 8 last night out of about 25 players.
DukeNicky says... #2
Well maybe an obvious choice of flashbacking it via Snapcaster Mage . Perhaps Monomania , Visions of Beyond would possibly enable you to draw 3. I wish card:Liliana's Caress was still standard coz I would say that lol
October 21, 2011 8:53 p.m.