Old School Extended Challenge: Part Deux

Challenges and Articles forum

Posted on Nov. 12, 2014, 9:29 p.m. by reverendvile777

Shoutout to tooTimid for winning the last challenge with his build seen here: B/W Tokens | Extended Challenge. The winner of this challenge with battle tooTimid for the title of Old School Extended Champion. The same rules apply as last time, all cards from the Shards of Alara block and m11 core set to the present are legal, sans the banlist.


Treasure Cruise

Deathrite Shaman

Mental Misstep

Jace, the Mind Sculptor

Stoneforge Mystic

Since there was a serious lack of aggro in the previous challenge, I'm gonna go ahead and unban Bloodbraid Elf for this challenge. (Let's see some aggro brews this time around!)

The following archetypes were used last challenge, I ask you to not use the same archetype without drastically changing it.

-Esper Control

-Dimir Control

-RUG Twin

-BW Tokens

-Red Deck Wins

-5 Color Chromantic-Goodstuff


-Jund Titans

My archetype for this challenge will be Mono Black Devotion. Get to brewing y'all! :D

owenk2 says... #1

Here's mine:

Old School Extended Zoo Playtest

Standard* owenk2


November 14, 2014 9:51 p.m.

BlackyMTG says... #2

@reverendvile777 when will results be posted?

November 16, 2014 3:41 p.m.

Asher18 says... #3

what happened? It has been days!

November 19, 2014 4:19 p.m.

BlackyMTG says... #4

IKR! @Asher18

November 19, 2014 6:25 p.m.

JA14732 says... #5

I forgot that this was still a thing. PLEASE BRING SOME CLOSURE TO MY LIFE.

November 19, 2014 8:15 p.m.

Sorry guys my hd blew out on me, but I'm about to get together with Fred and get this going! So sorry for the immense delay!

November 19, 2014 10:17 p.m.

TheHroth says... #7


No worries!



November 19, 2014 10:23 p.m.

Ok and so it resumes...I hope the better write ups make up for the delays! The next matchup: Extended deux eldrazi vs. R/G Humans!

Congratulations to Kiora_Fan-01 for taking the match 2-1! However Asher18, I gave you your game win in the most upsetting way possible, so rejoice!!! :D

I'm piloting Eldrazi Ramp, Fred is running Humans.

Game one I win the roll. I keep a hand of 3 Forest, Arbor Elf, Elvish Archdruid, Green Sun's Zenith, and Spawnsire of Ulamog. Fred mulls a 5-lander and keeps Wolfbitten Captive  Flip, 3 Cavern of Souls, Wooded Foothills, Lightning Bolt. I win the roll and go first, playing a forest and Arbor Elf and passing.Fred draws a Forest, plays Wooded Foothills and cracks it for a mountain (Humans:19) and casts Lightning Bolt on the Arbor Elf and passes.

I draw a forest, play one and pass. Fred draws Firefist Striker, plays a forest and casts the Striker.

I draw a forest and cast an Elvish Archdruid and pass, praying a Lightning Bolt doesn't show up (the Green Sun's Zenith in hand is giving me ideas...). Fred draws a mountain and casts Wolfbitten Captive  Flip and swings for 2 with Firefist Striker. (Ramp:18)

Next turn I draw an Elvish Mystic, play a forest, tap out to cast Zenith for 3, fetching another Elvish Archdruid and then tapping the first to cast Elvish Mystic. Fred draws Stomping Ground, plays it tapped, and swings with both creatures. I choose not to block and Fred pumps Captive to 3/3. (Ramp:13)

Next turn I draw an Explore, play a forest and cast it only to top into another....you guessed it...motherfucking Green Sun's Zenith (am I really about to live this dream?). I cast it to pull yet another Archdruid and pass. Fred draws Gore-House Chainwalker, plays Cavern of Souls and casts the Walker, choosing not to unleash it.

Next turn...I couldn't make this up if I tried...I topdeck....another Green Sun's Zenith (after this game I'm a lot more ok with GSZ getting the hammer in modern lmao), cast it to find the last Archdruid, and cast Spawnsire of Ulamog, ready to untap and bring in the whole sideboard. Fred draws a Lightning Mauler and scoops.

Wow is all I could say about what happened.

Anyways, since my sideboard is fully stocked for Spawnsire of Ulamog, no changes for me. Fred swaps Wolfbitten Captive  Flip for 2 Pillar of Flame and 2 Mark of Mutiny.

I keep Darksteel Colossus, Forest, Llanowar Elves, Elvish Mystic, Ulamog, the Infinite Gyre, Oracle of Mul Daya, and Chord of Calling. Fred keeps 2 Cavern of Souls, Experiment One, Lightning Mauler, Lightning Bolt, and Rancor. Fred opens with a Cavern into Exp. One. I draw a forest, play it and cast Elvish Mystic.

Fred draws Cavern #3, plays one, and casts Lightning Mauler, pairing it with and evolving Experiment One, and swings for 4 (Ramp:16). I draw another forest, play it and cast Llanowar Elves. Not having much else going for me, I swing with Elvish Mystic (Humans: 19).

Fred was blessed with an amazing topdeck in the form of Burning-Tree Emissary and, with a wicked grin on his face, plays Cavern #3 and casts the Shaman, using the mana to cast Lightning Bolt on Llanowar Elves and Rancor onto Experiment One, and swings for 6 (Ramp:10). I draw a forest, play the forest, cast Oracle of Mul Daya, showing a forest on top and playing it, then showing another forest on top :/.

Fred draws another Lightning Mauler and casts it, pairing it with Burning-Tree Emissary, and makes a near-lethal swing. Oracle of Mul Daya blocks one of the Lightning Maulers and I go down to 2. I topdeck the previously shown forest and scoop.

Game 3 saw no board changes. I keep a hand of 2 Forest, Cavern of Souls, 2 Elvish Archdruid, Explore, and It That Betrays. Fred keeps 2 Wooded Foothills, Lightning Bolt, Firefist Striker, Pillar of Flame, Stomping Ground, and Gore-House Chainwalker. I open with a forest and pass. Fred drops Wooded Foothills and pass.

Next turn I draw Big Daddy Emrakul, the Aeons Torn, play a forest and cast Explore, drawing an Elvish Mystic. I play my Cavern and then the Mystic and pass. At the end of my turn, Fred fetches a mountain (Humans: 19) and casts his Lightning Bolt on my Mystic. Fred draws another Gore-House Chainwalker. He plays a fetch and cracks it for a forest (Humans:18) and casts his first Gore-House, unleashing it, and passes.

My turn I draw an Arbor Elf and cast Elvish Archdruid and pass. Fred draws a Cavern of Souls, plays it, casts Pillar of Flame on my Archdruid and casts his 2nd Gore-House Chainwalker, also unleashed, and swings with the first one (Ramp:17).

Hoping for a miracle, I am disappointed by a topdeck of a Forest. I play it and cast my 2nd Archdruid and my Arbor Elf and pass. Fred draws Lightning Mauler, shocks himself for Stomping Ground, cast the Lightning Mauler, then casts and pairs it with Firefist Striker, going for a big swing and choosing Arbor Elf to be unable to block from his Battalion Trigger. I have no real hope but to hope for a miracle so I take the damage (Ramp:7).

On my turn I draw an Oracle of Mul Daya, cast it and see....Ulamog, the Infinite Gyre and proceed to scoop.

Though I lost this match, I was more than satisfied with the condition my one victory did come in. The style award definitely has to go to Asher18 here for this one, but the match goes to Kiora_Fan-01!!! Should have at least the whole first round knocked out tonight, and should be posted in full by tomorrow night!

November 19, 2014 11:53 p.m.

BlackyMTG says... #9

Aw man, I didn't get any good draws :/ I was really hoping to win by getting my Burning-Tree Emissary(BTE), BTE, BTE, BTE, Lightning Mauler draw... :( Good games Asher18

November 20, 2014 2:33 p.m.

Asher18 says... #10

You too. The deck was all about GSZ, and archdruid, but you should have gone for emrakul right off the bat! it would have save more time! i can understand the dream, but sometimes... well its not meant to be lived

November 20, 2014 3:35 p.m.

BlackyMTG says... #11

So, did you forget again! :D @reverendvile777

November 23, 2014 1:50 a.m.

This discussion has been closed