Pauper EDH
Challenges and Articles forum
Posted on Nov. 16, 2014, 5:48 p.m. by ChrisH
Should be fun. Submit decks, I will play them in a Challonge bracket. They'll be randomly inserted.
Commander is uncommon (not legendary) and the rest are common.
Banned as commander:
Deadline is November 16.
Each deck will play my own (not part of the challenge) and I will give feedback on yours.
Spellslinger Chimera Playtest
Commander / EDH
SCORE: 3 | 5 COMMENTS | 411 VIEWSzephramtripp says... #4
Actually, nevermind. I did not realize it ended today.
November 16, 2014 6:44 p.m.
nighthawk101 says... #5
November 16, 2014 7:03 p.m.
Here's My submission for the challenge
What happened to Your Hand? Dimir Guildmage EDH Playtest
Commander / EDH*
SCORE: 0 | 0 COMMENTS | 5 VIEWSNovember 16, 2014 7:17 p.m.
I'm in:
Vizkopa Guildmage: Pauper'd to Death Playtest
Commander / EDH
SCORE: 1 | 3 COMMENTS | 176 VIEWSNovember 16, 2014 7:20 p.m.
laughingman123 says... #8
November 16, 2014 7:49 p.m.
ChiefBell Boza biggestmtgnerd Scytec beusapu Dark_Confidant sewellius DaShPrime
The other challenge wasn't finished and I was excited for it, so I'm hosting this tournament instead. Mine isn't in it, but I will playtest mine against yours to give some feedback.
November 16, 2014 8:40 p.m.
zephramtripp says... #11
Here is my attempted submission. I do not have high hopes for it, but here you go:
Pauper Commander - Here Goes Nothing Playtest
Commander / EDH
SCORE: 0 | 0 COMMENTS | 1 VIEWSNovember 16, 2014 9:19 p.m.
Well, I do have a deck ready for it from last time:
Star Commando - Pauper ed. Playtest
SCORE: 0 | 0 COMMENTS | 90 VIEWSNovember 17, 2014 2:27 a.m.
It took me awhile to figure out what this was for.. then I remembered the challenge we were in some months ago. That'd be cool if something happened.
I'll link my previous entry for convenience sake as well:
First Death Playtest
Commander / EDH
SCORE: 0 | 0 COMMENTS | 66 VIEWS...And I think this is the thread where we originated:
Not your daddy's EDH #1: Pauper's battles
November 17, 2014 12:39 p.m.
IAMTHELAW - Pauper EDH Playtest
Commander / EDH*
SCORE: 0 | 0 COMMENTS | 1 VIEWSNo Invisible Stalker? I wanted some white in my deck anyways... advice is quite appreciated!
November 17, 2014 6:50 p.m.
Ooooh, exciting! Not sure how competitive mine will be but I'm in!
Pauper Tokens Playtest
Commander / EDH
SCORE: 0 | 1 COMMENTS | 94 VIEWSNovember 17, 2014 7:49 p.m.
Awesome guys, great to see everything coming in. I'm going to actually push the deadline to the 22nd - I will start the matches tomorrow, so get yours in while you can!
November 21, 2014 10:03 a.m.
@gruulmaster - Sorry dude, this format that this format is in is Commander Pauper. Commander is a specific format that your deck is not in. Its a really fun format though, so check it out, maybe you'll like it. Additionally, this challenge prohibits you to common cards and an uncommon commander.
November 21, 2014 5:04 p.m.
BIGBADBRRRAP says... #20
November 21, 2014 9:08 p.m.
It has started at
The seeds were random; I shuffled them three times and here is what we have.
I will keep everyone posted as to how the decks are doing. After the Round of 16 I will make an update, etc. I won't have detailed write-ups because there are a lot of matchups, however I will give a brief summary.
Good luck!
November 22, 2014 11:38 a.m.
nighthawk101's Oh Captain, My Captain def. Romer's Pauper Tokens 2-0
The first match was very close. Romer drew a lot of removal and was able to put an Armadillo Cloak on a big flyer. However, once an Ulamog's Crusher resolved and started swinging Romer couldn't keep up with sacrificing permanents.
The next match saw nighthawk101's deck work perfectly, with Sigil Captain making an army of seven 3/3s on turn five. They swung in (although Romer's Suture Priest was very helpful for him, swinging the life total by 12) and he had soon won.
November 26, 2014 11:27 a.m.
Noooooo, my tokens! Congrats nighthawk101!
Thanks for the rad little rundown of the matches Wic_Uber :)
November 26, 2014 1:45 p.m.
@BIGBADBRRRAP - I've been busy but I will do a couple of rounds right now.
November 30, 2014 11:52 a.m.
Aw man :( I did a match, wrote it up, and it got deleted. I'll recap it as best as I can.
BIGBADBRRRAP's George Bushi Voltron def. Boza's Star Commander - Pauper Ed. 2-0
First match saw a lot of removal and exiling commanders, etc. After a Rune of Protection (I think?) a 7/7 Underworld Coinsmith was essentially negated. Bushi took awhile to stabilize and became 5/8. Only when he gained flying did BIGBADBRRRAP win on commander damage.
Next match had Boza draw a Heliod's Pilgrim which fetched a 'lock' for Bushi. The next turn, however, had the topdeck of the (week? month?) and had a Seal of Cleansing Negate the enchantment so that Bushi could voltron around and win on commander damage.
November 30, 2014 8:16 p.m.
Forkbeard's Vizkopa Guildmage: Paupered To Death def. sewellius's First Death 2-0
Game One: The Guildmage and Suture Priest stabilize, but sewellius does not get very many after his opening hand. After 19 grueling turns, A Pestilence, Crypt Rats, Font of Vigor, and Angel's Mercy do a total of 30 damage over two turns, winning the game.
Game Two: Similar to the first game, a ton of extort creatures grinded out the win over 15 turns. It would be boring to list all of the things, but sewellius used Cavern Harpy + Mnemonic Wall + Rend Flesh to keep things interesting.
December 18, 2014 5:51 p.m.
laughingman123's pauper edh, excessive pyromancy def. dberg101's What Happened to Your Hand? Dimir Guildmage EDH. 2-1
Game One: Both had strong starting hands, but dberg got very unlucky and was land screwed. Cheap removal combined with Young Pyromancer provided an army of tokens, and a 5/1 (Madcap Skills) Pyromancer as well as a Kiln Fiend took dberg's life down to zero quickly.
Game Two: Yet again, both had good hands, but this time dberg had a Pestilence, which was brutal when it wiped out all of laughingman123's creatures and landed a Hand of Emrakul. Things were over quickly when laughingman had to discard his hand (Dimir Guildmage) and had nothing but three mountains on the board.
Game Two: A grueling seventy-five minute match that lasted well past turn 30. An army of tokens smashed into dberg, quickly putting him down to 18 life on turn five. A topdecked Pestilence for two cleared the board. laughingman had overextended slightly, and he only had one mountain on board on turn eight (the depletion land had paid for the rest). Things stalled because of counterspells. However, an Errant Ephemeron and the Dimir Guildmage pounded down on their life total to make it 18 dberg 16 laughingman. After stagnating laughingman with counterspells on key creatures, they eventually ran out of answers. A kicked Burst Lightning took out the Ephemeron, and Bolt killed the Guildmage. After a long time of being land-screwed for both players, a Hand of Emrakul showed up for dberg. As luck would have it, Seismic Strike showed up next turn for the exact amount needed to kill Emrakul's disembodied Hand. Eventually, a Raging Goblin as well as Young Pyromancer helped an assault that dberg could not answer on turn thirty seven.
December 21, 2014 12:21 p.m.
I apologize for the 'Game Two' error above.
Anyways, here is the draw.
zephramtripp will play nighthawk101. laughingman123 defeated dberg101 2-1.
xcn will play BIGBADBRRRAP. biggestmtgnerd will play Forkbeard.
Dylan says... #2
I'd be interested in helping playtest other decks as well as being in the contest
November 16, 2014 6:27 p.m.