Rabble fun challenge
Challenges and Articles forum
Posted on Sept. 22, 2014, 11:14 p.m. by shocked439
The challenge is to build a standard legal deck that abuses Goblin Rabblemaster .
I know the obvious answer is to pack all of the one drops and a few two drops with Lightning Strike s and blah. Be creative, turn four wins are a plus.
I can 57 rabblemaster and 3 islands....I think I win
September 23, 2014 12:04 a.m.
shocked439 says... #4
Standard legal?
I had a friend register 75 islands at a super Sunday event just to get a playmat (we had infinite bracelets but still) so you might not be far off.
September 23, 2014 11:16 a.m.
nighthawk101 says... #5
September 23, 2014 8:52 p.m.
shocked439 says... #6
Nice. I like the synergy in it. I worry about the castability of ankleshanker and ponyback with only 20 lands and the generator servant. I think 23 lands and reduced fatties might help it out.
miracleHat says... #2
Here is the decklist:
60 Goblin Rabblemaster
September 22, 2014 11:36 p.m.