Simultaneous Mill Burn Deck Challenge!
Challenges and Articles forum
Posted on April 27, 2016, 5:24 a.m. by Kyleeee
A deck that's mills and burns whichever faster! :D
60 cards any format, any colors, just simultaneous mill and burn!:D
MillBurnTron 12 post build with mill and burn elements. Newlamog mills really well!
April 27, 2016 10:32 a.m.
Mirko Gets Feisty - Seems like your deck capitalizes on Mill much more than burn. It burns through getting rid of lands and then capitalizing on getting +1/+1 and +1/+0 while avoiding them drawing lands. It cripples them and helps you build damage. I believe that the burn part of the deck though is hard to come by, and so when you play you have to rely on mill to win. Good deck combos though! :D
MillBurnTron - Much burn, some mill, a way to bring out more mill elements would help it, but it is possible to get the eldrazi turn 5-6 leading to easy mill. Your deck is very good, it has a way of working that allows high mill costs and high burn costs. Nice idea! :D
April 27, 2016 10:11 p.m.
Tyrannosary says... #6
Probably the best card for a deck like this would be Book Burning it literally either mills them or burns them.
DarksteelBadger says... #2
Here is my submission. It is still a work in progress.
Mirko Gets Feisty
Casual DarksteelBadger
April 27, 2016 9:27 a.m.