Singleton Guild Ravnica Plane Constructed Deck Challange Tournament

Challenges and Articles forum

Posted on Oct. 25, 2016, 8:29 a.m. by EpicFreddi

enter image description here

... it is time for one guild to rise to glory. Welcome to the second installment of the

Here's a breakdown of the rules:
- All card in a deck must be of the same color your chosen guild is (similar to dual colored EDH).
- A deck must be at least 40 cards and can have only one copy of each card excluding basic lands.
- No sideboards.
- **Please set all card printings to the one that is legal in the tournament.**
Rules of Submission
- Decks must be submitted till Nov. 14th
- The decks must have the abbreviation SGRPC somewhere in the deck title.
- Post the deck link in comments like so: [ [deck-large:EXAMPLE] ]
- NO Changes to the decklists without telling me what the changes are!
- Submission cap is 32 decks. (Could be more, depending on how many are interessted.)

The Tournament
- The tournament will be single-elimination.
- Rounds will be best of three
- The winner will receive exclusive bragging rights and a custom banner proclaiming their victory! (Shoutout to DarksteelBadger for making an awesome banner!)

My formating skills are shit and my english isn't the greatest, so sorry for any and all grammatical and visual errors.

Here's the list of people that wanted to be tagged:
KingTorg1 Bovine073 robo12385 The_Redpill monkeyprophet Atony1400
And, with a special announcement, the winner of the first tournament: miracleHat!

Submitted decks:

EpicFreddi says... #1

Ye, work times are shit atm. I couldn't even do all this If I wouldn't do it while working.

November 21, 2016 9:55 a.m.

Tortuous_TG18 says... #2

EpicFreddi To let you know in advance, I want to play my game, but my opponent does not. I saw the message above and I was wondering if you could play in his stead?

November 21, 2016 6:08 p.m.

vic says... #3

I just now saw this. It's probably over now. Please tag me if something like this comes up again. Thanks.

November 21, 2016 9:13 p.m.

Atony1400 says... #4

Updated sharing privs on the pairings. Sorry about the delay.

November 27, 2016 9 p.m.

EpicFreddi says... #5

I'm on it with recording. Yeago didn't give me the login data for the tapped out twitch, but maybe I can use my own stream.

November 28, 2016 4:39 a.m.

Atony1400 says... #6

Sharable link, hope this works!

Didn't think there would be this many people requesting access!

November 28, 2016 11:34 a.m. Edited.

EpicFreddi says... #7

Okay, small update: after "destroying" my computer I can start streaming on wednesday. My GF got sick so I moved the computer to her place, but the old war machine didn't take it so well. And my computer broke too. Anyway, I fixed it and can start wednesday.

It would be ~7pm GTM+1. Would it even make sense to stream or should I just record it?

November 29, 2016 3:47 a.m.

Homura_Akemi says... #8

It seems recording it would be more logical, and maybe easier, but your choice! Thanks again!

November 29, 2016 7 a.m.

EpicFreddi says... #9

ye, it would definitely be easier. I'll see what I can do.

November 29, 2016 7:16 a.m.

EpicFreddi says... #10

First recordings are finally in! :)
I'll upload the first video later this evening. Please give me some input so we can adjust over the next days.

December 4, 2016 noon

Atony1400 says... #11

@EpicFreddi, where will the recordings be uploaded to? YouTube?

December 4, 2016 12:18 p.m.

EpicFreddi says... #12

yeah, I made a new account.

December 4, 2016 12:33 p.m.

Atony1400 says... #13

Cool! What's the name so I can sub?

December 4, 2016 1:07 p.m.

EpicFreddi says... #14

click here
still in the making of course

December 4, 2016 1:11 p.m.

beakedbard says... #15

I look forward to seeing how things went good luck everyone.

December 4, 2016 2:35 p.m.

unos says... #16

I'm sure I've lost on round 1 :P

December 4, 2016 3:44 p.m.

legendofa says... #17

Can we get a round of applause for EpicFreddi!

December 4, 2016 3:47 p.m.

Tortuous_TG18 says... #18

claps frantically Thanks EpicFreddi!

December 4, 2016 7:13 p.m.

Atony1400 says... #19

Thanks for everything @EpicFreddi, especially this challenge and your support of me on that other thread a few weeks back!

December 4, 2016 7:19 p.m.

Bovine073 says... #20

clap clap clappity clap

December 4, 2016 9:38 p.m.

EpicFreddi says... #21

Oh stop it you guys, I'm already blushing. You can Worship me as soon as the tournament worked out. :D
I had problems with uploading. My programm didn't allow for a direct upload and the format wasn't supported. I have to render it through windows movie maker or something like that and then hope for the best.

December 5, 2016 3:13 a.m.

EpicFreddi says... #22

A thing I should say: I've decided to play the first round on my own. There so many games to be played - if i had to wait for every player, the round could take a month or so and I don't want to wait that long. Sorry for those who were hyped to play there own decks first round, but I gotta do it like this. :(

December 5, 2016 6 a.m.

EpicFreddi says... #23

quality is ... meh.

December 5, 2016 3:50 p.m.

Atony1400 says... #24


WOO! Can't wait to watch!

December 5, 2016 3:59 p.m.

Atony1400 says... #25

Pretty good! I think you might want to put the whole match in 1 video next time.

December 5, 2016 4:14 p.m.

EpicFreddi says... #26

yeah, but then it will be 50 mins videos... don't even know if I can do that.

December 5, 2016 4:31 p.m.

monkeyprophet says... #27

Great video! Can't wait to see the rest of the tournament, i've just looked back over my deck list and can't believe i put Storm Herd in over any artifact/enchanment hate, i'm sure it'll cost me eventually.

December 5, 2016 4:36 p.m.

@EpicFreddi: When I follow the link, I can watch the one video just fine. However, when I click on your username and go to your channel, no videos shows up. Is that a problem on my end?

December 5, 2016 4:57 p.m.

Nice job by the way!

December 5, 2016 4:57 p.m.

EpicFreddi says... #30

I still had the video on private. its changed now.

December 5, 2016 5:07 p.m.

Homura_Akemi says... #31

DarksteelBadger same here. Nice video! :)

December 5, 2016 5:10 p.m.

EpicFreddi says... #32

Any ideas how to stop my voice from cutting off? Maybe increase the sensitivity?
Also the next match will be in 3 videos too, but I've lost the 2nd game.. I permanently deleted it. So.. yeah, next match will only have 2 videos. After that, we'll do one full video. Maybe my GF will start talking too, who knows.

December 6, 2016 3:40 a.m.

Deatheater900 says... #33

damn... alright, just tag me for the next tournament!! :)

December 6, 2016 12:44 p.m.

EpicFreddi says... #34

It's 3 games, I'm just an idiot.

December 6, 2016 12:58 p.m.

TUMTUM says... #35

Question, so I can get deckbuilding, how will we compete still not sure about that

December 6, 2016 11:08 p.m.

EpicFreddi says... #36

Competition will happen thourgh me. Not everybody can play there own matches, so I do it for them.

December 7, 2016 2:58 a.m.

TUMTUM says... #37

I HAVE DECK NOW! Is it in the right format? SGRPC Golgari Clump

December 7, 2016 9:51 p.m.

EpicFreddi says... #38

... The tournament started a month ago.

December 8, 2016 1:34 a.m.

Tortuous_TG18 says... #39

EpicFreddi That message just about sums it up. TUMTUM Where were you when decks were submitted? lol

December 8, 2016 1:33 p.m.

The_Redpill says... #40

How's the tournament coming along?

December 17, 2016 1:15 p.m.

EpicFreddi says... #41

Girlfriend is sick, so not so well. It'll take some time.

December 17, 2016 1:18 p.m.

The_Redpill says... #42

Well take your time, do what you need to do. Hope she gets better :(

December 17, 2016 1:32 p.m.

Homura_Akemi says... #43

Yes, I hope she feels better too!

December 18, 2016 9:51 a.m.

EpicFreddi says... #44

I'm just here to give you guys an update. The tournament itself will be on halt for a lot longer. I'm very sorry for the delay. I don't want to go too much into detail, but there was a suicide attempt and well, private life doesnt look too great. I dont want to make a fuzz arround it, but you should know what's going on. You put all so much effort in your decks, but the stuff needs to wait. sorry.

January 5, 2017 9:02 a.m.

Homura_Akemi says... #45

I am sorry. Take as much time as you need.

January 5, 2017 3:31 p.m.

Dumeeperninja says... #46

Take as long as you need.

January 5, 2017 5:54 p.m.

Atony1400 says... #47

Please message me if you need anything, EpicFreddi.

January 5, 2017 6:47 p.m.

EpicFreddi says... #48

Thank you all for understanding. :)
I don't know if it would be smarter that some1 else would host the tournament for a time? At least this way we could get the first round behind us. (I really hate it when people have to wait for me..)

January 6, 2017 3:31 a.m.

Homura_Akemi says... #49

That may be a good idea. Another option is to have the participants play their own matches for the time being. What websites would be best for this?

January 6, 2017 6:17 a.m.

Bovine073 says... #50

Cockatrice would be best for this.

January 6, 2017 6:34 a.m.

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