Standard: What Decks Should we Bring to the Table?
Challenges and Articles forum
Posted on July 3, 2016, 7:49 p.m. by edwardsl
Standard is a constantly evolving format, and with the recent rotation, bringing out Khans of Tarkir and Fate Reforged, the metagame and the decks now commonly played have changed.
First of all, fetch lands are now out of standard, forcing us to limit the decks we create to 1-3 colour decks. It also means that we should all now be using pain lands such as Shivan Reef and Llanowar Wastes as well as Evolving Wilds to fetch other colours.
The next thing that has changed the way we play is the decks that have been kicked out of the Metagame, namely most Abzan Midrange decks and other four colour decks that have been kicked out due to a lack of fetchlands. Cards such as Wingmate Roc,card:Anafenza,the Foremost,Siege Rhino, Ensoul Artifact, Hero's Downfall and Sorin, Solemn Visitor as well as many others were once cards that heavily influenced the format heavily and now have been removed.
The next question is: What do we Play? And the answer to that is found in the metagame. Currently decks such as mono white humans, Bant Company and Green- White Tokens dominate over 50% of the Meta. The pattern here is that all of these decks dominate on the Ground, so decks like white blue flyers [] and other decks that dominate in the air have the edge. decks on the ground should utilize cryptolith rite in order to built up a solid boardstate before the opponent can.Also using Descent of the Dragons in a Naya Tokens deck will give you the edge over similar decks. Or a thopter deck that can fly over the metagame.A deck that should be brought to the table should have a way to easily get past decks on the ground in some way or another.
I leave you with this message.In MTG, we should always bring something to the table that is worth playing and that stands a chance, and whilst it is always good to bring a budget deck, you can only go so cheap before it becomes a deck without any proper flow. You should always strive to vary from the metagame and to create new decks and combinations constantly, so never let yourself be restrained by others, you never know, maybe one of your ideas could take you to a pro tour or top 8 in a Grand Prix!
Please comment and contribute to the conversation without plainly insulting me.Written by Luca Edwards.
i think we should play cawbalde. its shown to be pretty good in standard
July 3, 2016 8:58 p.m.