Tappedout Community Commander Pod

Challenges and Articles forum

Posted on Aug. 14, 2015, 1:16 p.m. by Kryzis


The Tappedout Community Commander Pod

For those Commander players that feel left out of the community leagues.

This is for you. SirFowler and I will be hosting a semi-formal league for anyone wanting to organize some fun commander games with their fellow members of the Tappedout community. In lieu of the recent leagues that have been sprouting up on this site, I've decided to organize a league of the one major format that's been (mostly) left out. EDH is my favorite format to play, as it offers the most malleability in deck building in play style- there are so many ways to design a deck, and so many more to play it, that no one game is the same. This is lost in many of the Constructed formats, where the non-singleton 60-card decklists provide far fewer game scenarios, with far more common net-decking and similar decks.

Fitting for the "social" format.

Commander is often called the "social" format. This nickname has brought about connotations of a game meant for people too afraid of the speed and power of top-tier constructed decks- a game designed for people who like playing big creatures and that hate combos. Though there is a side of Commander where people play for fun with very noncompetitive decks, there are others (myself included) that enjoy cutthroat games with highly tuned decks. It doesn't matter which style you like more. I'm leaving this open for anyone who wants to play Commander, and it can be your choice how competitively you play, just please communicate what level your deck is to your opponent(s) before you start.

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How This Works

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Signups and Play

  • This is a very open league. Each person that wants to join has to submit to deck to me (Kryzis) or SirFowler for review. If it passes (which it always will as long as it's a legal deck), that is the deck they will be playing with for the entirety of the league.

  • You can submit an American Banlist deck and a Duel Commander deck, but not more than one of each.

  • As this is more of a casual league, there will be no brackets. Each person can play with as many other signed-up members (see table here) as they want, as long as all of their opponents have the same kind of deck.

  • It is up to you to organize your own games- there will be no brackets. It also doesn't matter on the size of your game. A Duel Commander game will always be 1v1, but American banlist can consist of 2, 3, 4, or even 5 people. As long as two or more people report from each game (with the same answer as to who won), the winner will be noted.


This league will continue for a couple months, and at the end of that time the players with the most wins in the American Banlist category and the Duel Commander category will be given a prize.

Prize: 2 Feature Tokens

If you have any questions or concerns about the pod feel free to ask, and go and have fun with your commanders.

Khanye says... #2

i would be interested in this. mode of play would be untap

August 14, 2015 1:24 p.m.

Kryzis says... #3

Khanye what deck and which format will you be playing?

August 14, 2015 1:47 p.m.

Khanye says... #4

either works for me. i can only pick 1 deck?

August 14, 2015 1:57 p.m.

Kryzis says... #5

Yes, but exceptions may be made if someone has a burning desire to switch later on.

August 14, 2015 1:58 p.m.

Khanye says... #6

August 14, 2015 2:04 p.m.

ItchiUchiha117 says... #7

Would we be able to submit one deck for each format?

August 14, 2015 4:20 p.m.

Kryzis says... #8

I just changed it, I realized how constricting it was before for a "social" format, so now you can submit one of each.

August 14, 2015 4:47 p.m.

ItchiUchiha117 says... #9

Well, here's a deck for EDH:

Well, it's TECHNICALLY Mono-Green Playtest

Commander / EDH ItchiUchiha117


I'll need some time before I can update my Duel Commander deck to its current state.

August 14, 2015 5:08 p.m.

Sign me up

Ballin' with Elves Playtest



August 14, 2015 6:09 p.m.

We will sow these lands with their tears Playtest

Commander / EDH* KillTheIslandUser


This is my deck I'll be playing... Idk if it's casual, but I wouldn't say it's top tier by a long shot either.

August 14, 2015 7:29 p.m.

-Fulcrum says... #12

I would sign up but I know I'll never get around to actually playing. If someone wants to borrow one of my decks, just ask.

August 14, 2015 7:48 p.m.

miracleHat says... #13

I would be very interested in this. Two questions:
How long will the league last for?
Which playtester will this be based on?
I will submit a deck no matter the answer to the questions... later.

August 14, 2015 8:08 p.m.

Kryzis says... #14

I'm thinking it'll probably last into september, and the platform is up to whatever you and your opponent(s) decide upon.

August 14, 2015 8:24 p.m.

I'm in.

Beans on Toast Playtest

Commander / EDH canterlotguardian


August 14, 2015 8:37 p.m.

Femme_Fatale says... #16

Have some tokens.

You also need to develop a deck list. Now here's where the difficulties come in. You need to first set up a soft copy of a list of deck lists. Basically these are just your regular deck links. Next, once sign-ups are over, you need to take a hard copy of all those soft copies, and manually implement them into a list. This prevents people from changing their deck for each match-up.

You also need a sign-up period of time, and then time for the actual tournament to start. I suggest waiting for perhaps 2 weeks (or until September starts) and then have a full month or longer for your tournament to play out. This sign-up period of time gives you time to make the hard copies, and then make sure they are up to date and properly released when the tournament actually starts.

August 14, 2015 10:29 p.m.

Also, how long is each season? When can I change what deck I submitted?

August 14, 2015 11:32 p.m.

Araganor says... #18

Count me in! I'm still tweaking the decklist, but I'm very interested in playing. When is the deadline for signups?

August 15, 2015 1:06 a.m.

Araganor says... #19

Also, perhaps we could organize the league by deck price? It would be kind of similar to weight divisions in wrestling. I know the price of the deck isn't necessarily indicative of how good it is, but a $200 deck probably will have a hard time against a $2000 one.

August 15, 2015 1:11 a.m.

TankVess says... #20

Sliver Commander">enter link description here this is my choice of deck

August 15, 2015 2:40 a.m.

I come from a super control/combo meta, so I really don't know how good this is since I never get to play it.

Mayael, Revised Playtest

Commander / EDH Eternaldark866


August 15, 2015 2:50 a.m.

Casey4321 says... #22

I'll submit Drana Mistress of the Night for this.

August 15, 2015 10:28 a.m.

bburt17 says... #23


This is my deck for Duel

Now Watch Me Whip...

And for American,

Its Time To Fling

August 15, 2015 4:38 p.m.

NarejED says... #24

This is going to sound like a hilariously stupid question, but, how exactly will this work? Will it be hosted via another program? I've yet to find any way to have a legitimate match on Tappedout.net (I'm a free user though, so perhaps I'm simply missing the option?)

August 15, 2015 5:11 p.m.

Coinman1863 says... #25

Screw it I'm in, I want to have fun anyway, Who Owns What??. Cause I'm gonna play a deck that's totally going to win...

August 15, 2015 5:23 p.m.

guessling says... #26

I really like the idea of this league but I have an issue! Normally I come into a commander night event with a set of 3-10 different decks and I wait to pick AFTER everyone else does so I can better match play-styles.

What about having different pods like fair decks, combos, competitive, political, tribal, and crazy shenanigans. In my experience, people have more fun when they socially resonate at the table.

As things are, I would be at a loss as to what to run. I would probably go for something "fair" that is different from the rest somehow ... would have to think it over a bit ...

August 15, 2015 5:45 p.m.

NarejED says... #27

Anyway, despite my confusion, I'll go ahead and jump in anyway. It would be great if someone could explain how exactly we'll be having matches in the pod though.

Here's my Dual Commander entry. Typical Imperial Animar combo deck.

Animar, Soul of Ridiculousness Playtest

Commander / EDH NarejED


And here's my deck for standard commander rules. Very, very competitive Zur the Enchanter build. Beats most other top-tier decks with good consistency. It can even go head to head with the dreaded Glory Druid.

Hope is a Fleeting Thing Playtest

Commander / EDH NarejED


August 15, 2015 6 p.m.

miracleHat says... #28

F*ck it, I'll put in a deck. I would rate this deck as not casual, but not top tier either.

Witch Doctors: Jade Harvester Build Playtest

Commander / EDH miracleHat


Also, @Aragnor, please do not separate decks by price. Everybody here should be honest enough to say how powerful, casual, or otherwise intense their deck it.

August 15, 2015 6:42 p.m.

Araganor says... #29

It was just an idea, I know price is not the best indicator of how good decks are. If everyone's honest then there's no problem anyway, like you said.

August 15, 2015 10:32 p.m.

shirkit says... #30


I'd like to know how would this be played. I'm interested in 3+ players games, but I don't know the platform which we would be playing in. I do not have Magic Online, I only play with physical cards, and I don't think anyone here lives in the same city as I do.

And I'll only leave my deck here for the American duel for other player's reference, I do not want to sign up with this deck list, since I'm playing a different one right now.


August 16, 2015 12:40 a.m.

Araganor says... #31

You could use Untap.in, cockatrice, or any other number of playtesters whose names escape me.

August 16, 2015 2:07 a.m.

PepsiAddicted says... #32

Id play my multiplayer list if possible

Walking Fridges And Stuff (Updated) Playtest

Commander / EDH PepsiAddicted

SCORE: 176 | 0 COMMENTS | 25913 VIEWS

. What playtester u wanna use? Also have it on mtgo, just in case.

What about timezones? Im in europe /sigh

August 16, 2015 7:07 a.m. Edited.

horatio13 says... #33

this is my deck, i would like to submit Grand Arbiter Control it's level is pretty low, it costs 205 dollars, in the checkout box in tappedout.

August 16, 2015 4:20 p.m.

horatio13 says... #34

i am submitting it in the multiplayer format.

August 16, 2015 4:21 p.m.

Khanye says... #35

my decks:

duel commander:

Narset...i think she's my person.... Playtest

Commander / EDH* Khanye



Death by Carpet...no really...its a RUG deck... Playtest

Commander / EDH Khanye


August 16, 2015 5:43 p.m.

SirFowler says... #36

Wow, a lot of submissions. I must admit, I've been kind of lacking on the helping portion for this league (Sorry Kryzis), but I'm just not entirely sure how I would help. Should I look through everyone's deck and approve it to be played?

August 16, 2015 8:20 p.m.

NarejED says... #37

SirFowler, could you tell us exactly how we'll be having matches? IE, what program we should use? I'm still uncertain of that.

August 16, 2015 8:44 p.m.

SirFowler says... #38

From what I was told, we could use any program that we choose. Some people may not be able to play certain sites, so you need to communicate with others on that front. I use Untap, but it is currently in repair because they are transferring their data to v2.untap.in, so it may not be up and running.

August 16, 2015 9:48 p.m.

SirFowler I was just on v1 yesterday for an ORI draft match and I had no problems getting the match setup and in-game shiz to work.

August 16, 2015 9:53 p.m.

SirFowler says... #40

They must've fixed it recently. I was having trouble the other day. My computer is down atm, so I haven't been able to check it out lately.

August 16, 2015 9:56 p.m.

Selesnya , Made of Legends

I'll submit this premptively, if Untap gets fixed then I'll be able to play

August 17, 2015 9:09 p.m.

RazortoothMtg says... #42

Love the idea, two questions:

How would we play against eachother? Did tappedout add something?

And how do i post a deck in a comment? I forgot.

August 17, 2015 10:36 p.m.

SirFowler says... #43

There are multiple free to play sites that you use to play against people. I use Untap, which may be difficult to get used to at first, but it gets the job done. You can ask others on here what program they use.

August 17, 2015 11:16 p.m.

tmanc1 says... #44

Ill be up to play American. Ill link the deck to one of you but ill post it later closer to the actual league. Too much goodness and perfection to let that show just yet hehe

August 18, 2015 10:46 a.m.

shirkit says... #45

Ok, I'd like to sign-up my deck to the Pod. I'd like to sign-up for the American format, and, if possible, only matches which consists of 3 players or more.

  • American Format
  • Minmum of 3 players (if possible)

Let's give an Eldrazi HUG! Playtest

Commander / EDH shirkit


August 18, 2015 3:20 p.m.

RazortoothMtg says... #46

Sign me up!

Nath Control 2.0

August 18, 2015 10:02 p.m.

RazortoothMtg says... #47

That is somewhat competitive, but not top tier since it's still budget.

August 18, 2015 10:08 p.m.

RazortoothMtg says... #48

American Banlist.

August 18, 2015 10:09 p.m.

Khanye says... #49

can somebody start up a deck list with brackets, etc?

August 19, 2015 1:24 p.m.

SirFowler says... #50

Kryzis has created a table in the above description, but hasn't been on in a while, so it needs to be updated. I can keep track of the games in the meantime. Just report to me who won/lost and which banlist/archetype was used and I'll jot everything down.

Edit: If you don't want to scroll up, here is the table brackets in question.

August 19, 2015 1:29 p.m. Edited.

This discussion has been closed