Tappedout.net: take the "Vat Challenge!!1!"
Challenges and Articles forum
Posted on March 4, 2011, 2:02 a.m. by Kalani
Good people of Tappedout.net: I present to you the first (and probably last) annual "Vat Challenge!"
The idea for this challenge came about as I procrastinated on writing the final paper for my Social Foundations in Education class by creating the most Mimic Vat laden deck ever created on the Tappedout.net deck builder. After playing around with it a bit i realized Mimic Vat was even more of an incredibly mind-blowing great card than i initially thought, which, trust me, was pretty intense.
The "Vat Challenge1!!1!" is thus:
If 20 or more people A. vote the deck up and B. tag Mimic Vat in the comments (in any context) by sunday morning, i will play this deck in the Besieged game day tournament at my local store. For each time I cast a Mimic Vat or create a Mimic Vat token in a tournament game I will add $0.82 to the "Vat Fund."
Take a look at the deck, and you'll see that this could get expensive. Luckily, my tax return is in the mail, and I'm in the mood for some fun.
Decklist: Tappedout.net: Take the "Vat Challenge!"
At the end of the game day, I'll empty the "Vat Fund" to buy as many packs of Scars of Mirrodin and Mirrodin Besieged (50/50) as it will pay for, and I will then run a drawing and give away each pack bought in this way to a member of the Tappedout.net Community. The drawing will be weighted by the number of times each member has tagged Mimic Vat either on the deck or here on the "Vat Challenge!!1" comment thread.
Wish me luck!
and... Good luck!
Thanks for being at least semi-creative with your Mimic Vat tery! I'm sure not everyone will live up to the high bar you have set. For the challenge to be active, of course, we still need 24 more people to vote the deck up, so don't let your Haze Frog get too excited just yet!
March 4, 2011 2:20 a.m.
phyrexianpotater says... #4
oh i expect nothing. i had plenty of fun just coming up with that hahaha.
March 4, 2011 2:23 a.m.
tag Mimic Vat ? like this tagging of the Mimic Vat ? <------- i didn't know that it was called tagging. /n00b
so anyways fun Mimic Vat stories guys!
ummm lets see. i was making a br00tal Ally themed deck, and i was like "You know what this deck needs?" Storm Crow !! just kidding. of course, it needed Mimic Vat so it could do multiple Ally effect triggers
by the way, should a new person to tapped out enter this specific Mimic Vat related thread, he would have an excellent way of practicing his T/O tag system, simply by tagging Mimic Vat .
but anyway, back to Mimic Vat stories. did i ever tell you the time i got not one Mimic Vat , not two Mimic Vat , no, not three Mimic Vat , but FOUR Mimic Vat IN ONE DAY?! simply by trading cards that weren't Mimic Vat , for a Mimic Vat .
isn't that awesome?
March 4, 2011 2:36 a.m.
phyrexianpotater says... #6
no Mimic Vat ing way! thats such an awesome Mimic Vat story that i must reiterate... you got not one Mimic Vat , or 2 Mimic Vat s, or 3 Mimic Vat s, but 4 Mimic Vat s in a single day?!?! its like the gods of Mimic Vat made Mimic Vat real so Mimic Vat could could spit out more Mimic Vat s for you to make a Mimic Vat deck!
plus that story reminds me that Mimic Vat is The Count's favorite magic card.
"one Mimic Vat . two Mimic Vat . three Mimic Vat . four! four Mimic Vat ! AH, AH, AH."
god this is awesome.
March 4, 2011 2:49 a.m.
i think Oscar the Grouch loves Mimic Vat also. i mean look at the art of Mimic Vat ? the vat part of Mimic Vat resembles his trash can a little.
i can picture Oscar just leaping into the Mimic Vat , feeling comfortable as if it was his Mimic Vat all along.
you know what else i think of when i see Mimic Vat ? The Simpsons. Why do i think of the Simpsons when I gaze upon the might that is Mimic Vat ? you can't look upon said Mimic Vat , and not tell me that Mimic Vat looks nothing like the huge nuclear towers that Homer works at. the resemblance is uncanny! its as if Matt Groening, the creator of the Simpsons, saw Mimic Vat and said "HEY. I'M INSPIRED BY Mimic Vat ." and created those things in the cartoon. i do say he does the Mimic Vat some justice.
any who, does anybody else wonder why the art on Mimic Vat is tilted? its a little artsy, yes, but why do that for Mimic Vat . i just feel my neck moving slightly in an angle to see what Mimic Vat would look like at a straight angle.
and another thing: what exactly is Mimic Vat producing? what creature is spewing forth from the Mimic Vat ? does anybody know? does Mimic Vat even know what its creating?
March 4, 2011 3:03 a.m.
Savage1988 says... #8
This sounds like an awesomedeck:mimic-vat-challenge! I'll Tappedout.net: Take the "Vat Challenge!"!
So here's my story:
Once upon a time in a beautiful Mimic Vat world, my board was filled with artifacts! This was due to my second favorite card: Myr Battlesphere , he just makes a party by himself! Iknokrazyrite? I also had my favorite card in there: Kuldotha Forgemaster . And all the artifacts were playing with eachother and having fun, but then an opponent came to sweep everything with a Day of Judgment and was dun killin all my artifacts! oh noes! But then, the forgemaster tapped and sacrificed some tokens for the greater good and fetched.... the Mimic Vat :D He's now my favorite card because when the day of judgment came i put my battlesphere on my Mimic Vat and put it on the field again on his EOT, so in my turn, there was an artifact party once more. The End.
I hope this moved you guys as much as it did me. Mimic Vat just really pulled through for me y'know...
thank you vat!
March 4, 2011 6:38 a.m.
BrownDog5117 says... #9
I once got imprinted on a Mimic Vat . It was awful being imprinted on a Mimic Vat . I FELT Mimic Vat ted....
March 4, 2011 9:44 a.m.
March 4, 2011 11:20 a.m.
March 4, 2011 11:21 a.m.
Mimic Vat Mimic Vat Mimic Vat Mimic Vat Mimic Vat Buffalo Mimic Vat Mimic Vat Mimic Vat . Because Mimic Vat is all parts of speech simultaneously.
Kuldotha Forgemaster for a Mimic Vat in response to a boardwipe with, say, a Grave Titan running around somewhere is pretty scary, actually.
It's too bad that Mimic Vat and Wurmcoil Engine aren't better friends.
Know what's good with Mimic Vat ? Knowledge Pool . Put stuff with 187 abilities on the Mimic Vat and Pool away.
Know what else is good with Mimic Vat ? More Mimic Vat .
I once Mimic Vat 'd a Mimic Vat with a Mimic Vat . March of the Machines makes Mimic Vat pretty awesome. Mimic Vat gets even more Mimic Vat -y with both March of the Machines and Training Grounds . Prototype Portal also makes Mimic Vat good.
Mimic Vat + Sculpting Steel + Prototype Portal + Elixir of Immortality = hypothetically, infinite amounts of Mimic Vat . So awesome.
And to top it off, Mimic Vat has awesome art. So there.
March 4, 2011 12:31 p.m.
cnielsen05 says... #13
I think the Mimic Vat is creating an Abyssal Persecutor in the art. Could very well be wrong, but it looks a little like a demon in the making and Mimic Vat makes Abyssal Persecutor much more awesome!
You know who else loves Mimic Vat ? Sarkhan the Mad ! I bet when he goes home at night, he goes to the Mimic Vat in his kitchen to pull out a Mimic Vat copied beer so he never has to buy new beer!
I think another cool interaction with Mimic Vat
that I would love to see used more is Clone
! It's like filling your Mimic Vat
with another Mimic Vat
! The best thing about Clone
with Mimic Vat
is that it would eliminate the need to find a way to sacrifice things to get them into the Mimic Vat
, because by simply
I think I would argue that indeed my favorite card from Scars of Mirrodin would have to be Mimic Vat . I really hope that if I manage to acquire a pack of Scars out of this whole event, I open it up to find not only a Mimic Vat in the rare slot, and not only a Mimic Vat in the foil slot, but BOTH a normal Mimic Vat AND a foil Mimic Vat in the same pack! I'd be like "Holy Day Batman! I just opened one pack hoping for a Mimic Vat and found both a normal Mimic Vat and a foil Mimic Vat !"
Then I'd kick Batman in the Mimic Vat and make him cook me breakfast every morning.
March 4, 2011 1:56 p.m.
i'm pretty sure that Abyssal Persecutor is holding Doom Blade in his hand
but enough about Percy, its all about Mimic Vat ! I, sadly, don't have a foil Mimic Vat . That would be super awesome but I only have regular Mimic Vat s. However, I did have a foil Mimic Vat for a short term while in my Magic League.
i hadn't realized the incredibly shat you could do with an imprinted Clone on Mimic Vat !! that sir, is Mimic Vat astic. Titans are always a good thing to imprint on Mimic Vat . and there are five of them! so thats not one Mimic Vat , not two Mimic Vat , not three Mimic Vat , no, not four Mimic Vat but five Mimic Vat options!!!
The most highly unlikely, and highly improbable Mimic Vat scenario in the history of Mimic Vat scenarios ever:
find all four of your Mimic Vat s in your deck and play them all. 4 Mimic Vat s on the field. your opponent has 1 Mimic Vat on his side of the field. what do you do? Volition Reins it of course.
and then thats when you start playing Titans. and imprint ever single one of them onto your Mimic Vat s.
March 4, 2011 2:18 p.m.
jokes aside, i really like this
i think as a community, we should have a thread each month concerning a specific card or whatnot
and talk about how much we love it, what we can do with it, awesome beats stories. or how we hate it, how much it sucks, why the hell Wizards printed it in the first place etc.....
March 4, 2011 2:22 p.m.
DeckBuilder345 says... #16
I like to play with Mimic Vat and Mimic Vat and Mimic Vat and Mimic Vat and Mimic Vat and Mimic Vat and Mimic Vat and Mimic Vat and Mimic Vat and Mimic Vat and Mimic Vat and Mimic Vat and Mimic Vat and Mimic Vat and Mimic Vat and Mimic Vat and Mimic Vat and Mimic Vat and Mimic Vat and Mimic Vat and Mimic Vat and Mimic Vat and Mimic Vat and Mimic Vat and Mimic Vat and Mimic Vat and Mimic Vat and Mimic Vat and Mimic Vat and Mimic Vat and Mimic Vat and Mimic Vat and Mimic Vat and Mimic Vat and Mimic Vat and Mimic Vat and Mimic Vat and Mimic Vat and Mimic Vat and Mimic Vat and Mimic Vat and Mimic Vat Mimic Vat and Mimic Vat and Mimic Vat and Mimic Vat and Mimic Vat and Mimic Vat and Mimic Vat and Mimic Vat and Mimic Vat and Mimic Vat and Mimic Vat and Mimic Vat and Mimic Vat and Mimic Vat and Mimic Vat and Mimic Vat and Mimic Vat and Mimic Vat and Mimic Vat and Mimic Vat and Mimic Vat and Mimic Vat and Mimic Vat and Mimic Vat and Mimic Vat and Mimic Vat and Mimic Vat and Mimic Vat and Mimic Vat and Mimic Vat and Mimic Vat and Mimic Vat and Mimic Vat and Mimic Vat and Mimic Vat and Mimic Vat and Mimic Vat and Mimic Vat and Mimic Vat and Mimic Vat and Mimic Vat and Mimic Vat Mimic Vat and Mimic Vat and Mimic Vat and Mimic Vat and Mimic Vat and Mimic Vat and Mimic Vat and Mimic Vat and Mimic Vat and Mimic Vat and Mimic Vat and Mimic Vat and Mimic Vat and Mimic Vat and Mimic Vat and Mimic Vat and Mimic Vat and Mimic Vat and Mimic Vat and Mimic Vat and Mimic Vat and Mimic Vat and Mimic Vat and Mimic Vat and Mimic Vat and Mimic Vat and Mimic Vat and Mimic Vat and Mimic Vat and Mimic Vat and Mimic Vat and Mimic Vat and Mimic Vat and Mimic Vat and Mimic Vat and Mimic Vat and Mimic Vat and Mimic Vat and Mimic Vat and Mimic Vat and Mimic Vat and Mimic Vat and Mimic Vat and Mimic Vat and Mimic Vat and Mimic Vat and Mimic Vat and Mimic Vat and Mimic Vat and Mimic Vat and Mimic Vat and Mimic Vat and Mimic Vat and Mimic Vat and Mimic Vat and Mimic Vat and Mimic Vat and Mimic Vat and Mimic Vat and Mimic Vat and Mimic Vat and Mimic Vat and Mimic Vat and Mimic Vat and Mimic Vat and Mimic Vat and Mimic Vat and Mimic Vat and Mimic Vat
Pretty much all Mimic Vat ... almost exclusively in the deck... too bad it isnt' allowed by the rules of the game.
March 4, 2011 11:30 p.m.
so, i've heard stories of before some of the rules came around that there were decks that consisted of 40x Lightning Bolt and 20x Mountain . in honour of that deck, i'd like to present my updated, Mimic Vat -styled variant that follows the same rules.
1x Mimic Vat 1x Mimic Vat 1x Mimic Vat 1x Mimic Vat 1x Mimic Vat 1x Mimic Vat 1x Mimic Vat 1x Mimic Vat 1x Mimic Vat 1x Mimic Vat 1x Mimic Vat 1x Mimic Vat 1x Mimic Vat 1x Mimic Vat 1x Mimic Vat 1x Mimic Vat 1x Mimic Vat 1x Mimic Vat 1x Mimic Vat 1x Mimic Vat 1x Mimic Vat 1x Mimic Vat 1x Mimic Vat 1x Mimic Vat 1x Mimic Vat 1x Mimic Vat 1x Mimic Vat 1x Mimic Vat 1x Mimic Vat 1x Mimic Vat 1x Mimic Vat 1x Mimic Vat 1x Mimic Vat 1x Mimic Vat 1x Mimic Vat 1x Mimic Vat 1x Mimic Vat 1x Mimic Vat 1x Mimic Vat 1x Mimic Vat 4x Plains 4x Island 4x Swamp 4x Mountain 4x Forest
The variety of lands is there so that if you happen to get a creature with an ability that requires coloured mana upon one of your Mimic Vat s, you can pay the appropriate coloured mana and thus utilise the Mimic Vat s to their full potential.
March 5, 2011 1:11 p.m.
Wow cnielsen05 and Legendinc you guys are dope. And i mean dope in the good way, not dopey. Way to connect the art, i totally see Abyssal Persecutor in his formative years, you can see his little stubs of wings starting to unfold, and even though he hasn't got all his horns yet you can see his vicious nature. and, yeah, i see the Doom Blade connection too. It would be awesome to make a deck had a continuous theme running through all the art. It would be hard to do, but it would be really cool, especially if the deck was actually good. And as a start, 4x Mimic Vat , 4x Abyssal Persecutor and 4x Doom Blade wouldn't be too bad!
March 7, 2011 1:04 p.m.
I've always wanted to make a deck where all the cards (except basic lands) are done by the same artist.
.........FUTURE KrazyCaley DECK CHALLENGE ANYONE?!!?!?
March 7, 2011 1:25 p.m.
So I got the votes and took the deck to game day yesterday. Rounds were short and I mostly didn't get to play 3 games due to the long game my deck likes. Anyway, the results are as follows:
Round 1: VS Boros aggro 2-0, 2 Mimic Vat s played
He was running a lot of kitties and hawks and geopedes, which didn't like my Perimeter Captain s or Wall of Tanglecord , and reallly didn't like hanging out with my Day of Judgment .
Game 1: My opponent summoned up some Steppe Lynx and Plated Geopede in the first couple of tunrs, but suffered mana screw for turns 3-6. I had defenders and Day of Judgment , and took him down with Wurmcoil Engine
Game 2: There was a lot of back and forth, but I swept the board twice with DoJ, played a Wurmcoil Engine which got killed and imrpinted on one of two Mimic Vat s and an Acid Web Spider to put the kebosh on his Bonehoard wielding Spikeshot Elder . Eventually he succumbed to Wurmcoil Engine beatings.
Round 2: VS Eldrazi ramp 0-2, 2 Mimic Vat s played
Game 1: Oh gawd. I basically threw game 1 despite ramping perfectly with a turn 2 Overgrown Battlement and t3 wall of tanglecord by tapping my mana wrong to play Mimic Vat , failing to leave 2W up for Day of Judgment which would have ruined his board of Joraga Treespeaker s and eldrazi spawn. I caught it right away as i was putting mimic vat down, but he wouldn't let me tap out and play the mana differently because he saw what was coming. What a guy, eh? But I guess I learned to think about tapping lands right. I guess i play casual too much.
Game 2: This guy's deck was brutal, he hard-cast Kozilek, Butcher of Truth on turn 5 and Emrakul, the Aeons Torn on turn 6. I was really disappointed I hadn't remembered to include a pair of Tajuru Preserver in my sideboard. Theoretically if i had a Tajuru Preserver in play and could get a Haze Frog on my Mimic Vat , I would be able to survive eldrazi onslaught. Just thought that was cool. Until All Is Dust that is. Then i cry.
... to be continued
March 7, 2011 3:56 p.m.
Round 3: VS Kuldotha red event deck. 2-0, 5 Mimic Vat s played
Game 1: This guy just didn't know how to play. Which is sad, because I was looking forward to this matchup. So in the first game he doesn't play anything but a darksteel axe turns 1-2, obviously should have taken the mulligan. Then turn 3 he plays a kicked Goblin Bushwhacker , attacking into my Wall of Tanglecord for no damage, THEN turn 4 he drops Devastating Summons and sacs 3 mountains leaving him nothing but 1 land and still hasn't done any damage. you can see where this is going... sigh. Played 2 Mimic Vat before smashing.
Game 2: This was mildly entertaining. Things looked good for him as he started off with t1 Kuldotha Rebirth , t2 kicked Goblin Bushwhacker , etc. He managed to get me to 2 life on his turn 3, a dangerous spot to be against a deck filled with Lightning Bolt s and Galvanic Blast s, but with Overgrown Battlement turn 3 is the magical Day of Judgment turn. With all his creatures dead, no cards in hand, and only a pathetic ornithopter with a Darksteel Axe trying to hack through my Wall of Tanglecord , I managed to recover with Pelakka Wurm and play 3 Mimic Vat s (one of which i tutored for with Kuldotha Forgemaster ) just for the fun of it before smashing in for the win.
to be continued...
March 7, 2011 3:58 p.m.
Game 1: Epic. we must have gone to turn 30 or so, and then we hit time and had to call a draw. It started off simply enough, with him dropping two Stoneforge Mystic s and pulling both his swords out. I ramped with my Overgrown Battlement and answered his attacking Sword of Feast and Famine equipped mystic with card:Nature's Claim, then played a Mimic Vat . When the hawks came down followed by Sword of Body and Mind and Baneslayer Angel , I happened to have Haze Frog in my hand, so i passed a turn without playing anything simply so I could see the look on his face as he attacked all out expecting me to scoop and met the fury of Haze Frog , followed by Day of Judgment on my turn. It was beautiful, and I had Haze Frog on a Mimic Vat , which was one of my goals of the day, though in retrospect i ought to have taken Baneslayer Angel :( I followed that up with Acidic Slime to take out the green/blue sword. I then played another Mimic Vat , another Overgrown Battlement , and tutored for Pelakka Wurm . Unfortunately wise guy Journey to Nowhere ed both of those, so my Wurm/Vat plan didn't work out. Now he started to hit planeswalkers. First Elspeth, who stalled out my attacks with her soldiers and lifegain, then Jace, who drew him whack cards and got him Gideon Jura . Eventaully I hit Kuldotha Forgemaster , and, desperate for an answer, sac'd him and my two vats for my Wurmcoil Engine , also probably not the wisest move. I had Blightsteel Colossus in my hand at that point, so I couldn't tutor him. Boo. Anyway it went into turns just and ended just as Gideon Jura was about to smack me down. I did get to play 3 Mimic Vat s in 1 game though, so in that respect it was a success.
March 7, 2011 3:59 p.m.
Round 4: VS Caw-blade 0-0, 3 mimic vats played
Game 1: Epic. we must have gone to turn 30 or so, and then we hit time and had to call a draw. It started off simply enough, with him dropping two Stoneforge Mystic s and pulling both his swords out. I ramped with my Overgrown Battlement and answered his attacking Sword of Feast and Famine equipped mystic with card:Nature's Claim, then played a Mimic Vat . When the hawks came down followed by Sword of Body and Mind and Baneslayer Angel , I happened to have Haze Frog in my hand, so i passed a turn without playing anything simply so I could see the look on his face as he attacked all out expecting me to scoop and met the fury of Haze Frog , followed by Day of Judgment on my turn. It was beautiful, and I had Haze Frog on a Mimic Vat , which was one of my goals of the day, though in retrospect i ought to have taken Baneslayer Angel :( I followed that up with Acidic Slime to take out the green/blue sword. I then played another Mimic Vat , another Overgrown Battlement , and tutored for Pelakka Wurm . Unfortunately wise guy Journey to Nowhere ed both of those, so my Wurm/Vat plan didn't work out. Now he started to hit planeswalkers. First Elspeth, who stalled out my attacks with her soldiers and lifegain, then Jace, who drew him whack cards and got him Gideon Jura . Eventaully I hit Kuldotha Forgemaster , and, desperate for an answer, sac'd him and my two vats for my Wurmcoil Engine , also probably not the wisest move. I had Blightsteel Colossus in my hand at that point, so I couldn't tutor him. Boo. Anyway it went into turns just and ended just as Gideon Jura was about to smack me down. I did get to play 3 Mimic Vat s in 1 game though, so in that respect it was a success.
March 7, 2011 4 p.m.
Whoops double post. Round five: Vs Tezzeret/Jace artifacts 1-0, 4 Mimic Vat played
Game 1: this was beautiful. I won the roll and played a land. He played a swamp, an Everflowing Chalice for 0, a Mox Opal , and a Chimeric Mass for 1. Then i dropped Ratchet Bomb and blew it all up :D ...anyway despite the setback he made a brilliant comeback and brought out Kraken Hatchling and Treasure Mage fetching him Steel Hellkite , then Grand Architect and played his hellkite. I, meanwhile, had played a mimic vat. I then card:Nature's Claimed his Steel Hellkite , put it on my vat and proceeded to beat him down with it, playing another vat on my way to victory.
Game 2: He apparently sideboarded in his Mimic Vat s to counteract mine, and we had some laughs when there were three of them on the board around turn four. He brought out his hatchling/mage/architect trio and had mindslaver in his hand when he made the mistake of attacking into my Dispense Justice with metalcraft active. Since it was his turn, my vats had priority and i got his Grand Architect and Kraken Hatchling . he was eventually able to drop Mindslaver , but it did him no good and we went into turns and had a draw.
With all my draws and that horrible eldrazi beating, i tied about 5 people for 9th place, failing to net a full art card:Black Sun's Zenith but I had a good time overall. Grand total of 16 mimic vats played, which meant $13.12 in the 'vat fund,' buying three packs to show love for my supporters in this thing. I'll try to hold the drawing within a day or two and get those packs sent out. Remember, there is nothing legally binding about this and I'm doing it for the S#!% of it, so don't get too antsy!
Thanks for all the votes, and may you all be blessed to play more Mimic Vat in the coming weeks than ever before!
phyrexianpotater says... #2
so wait.. all i have to do is tag Mimic Vat in the Mimic Vat related challenge article in the lovely tapped out forums or tag Mimic Vat on your Mimic Vat deck and every time you play Mimic Vat or create a Mimic Vat token whilst playing your fantastic Mimic Vat deck you'll add 82 cents to the Mimic Vat themed pot which you will then empty to buy us lovely tapped out peoples scars of mirrodin packs which could possibly contain its own fabulous Mimic Vat ?!?! thats Mimic Vat astic!!!
March 4, 2011 2:15 a.m.