They can only cost one.
Challenges and Articles forum
Posted on Dec. 9, 2012, 10:30 p.m. by MisterRoach
So I'm thinking if people can come up with an EDH deck where everything in the deck has a CMC of 1 you can use any general which is the only card that can have a higher casting cost. Everything must be 1. nothing can cost 0.
Epochalyptik says... #4
I'm assuming lands are the exception to this rule.
I don't know if there are enough 1-drops to make a functional deck.
December 9, 2012 10:36 p.m.
Well, unless you can find some negative costing cards, then no, it says 1 and nothing can be zero.
December 9, 2012 10:37 p.m.
metalmagic says... #6
Nevermind, I didn't read it all. I shall get busy.
December 9, 2012 10:37 p.m.
I'll build a 5-color Progenitus deck sometime tomorrow.
December 9, 2012 10:39 p.m.
MisterRoach says... #8
metalmagic: They must cost one. keep in mind that spekks that cost X and one color such as XG have a cmc of one.
Epochalyptik: Yes lands are the exception. And looking around on gatherer there are actually a ton of 1 drops. as for as a functional deck. I think it's in the realm of possibility. I could be wrong.
December 9, 2012 10:40 p.m.
BTW, if you can find some negative casting cards, (preferably that give you mana for playing them) I would love to get my hands on some.
December 9, 2012 10:40 p.m.
TheOne4221 says... #10
The only way you could really do that is a Mikaeus, the Lunarch EDH deck.
It'd be mono-white, and probably really weird.
December 9, 2012 10:44 p.m.
MisterRoach says... #12
The commander can be any commander and can cost anything.
December 9, 2012 11:07 p.m.
metalmagic says... #14
Alright, mine is done. It would have been done roughly an hour ago, but I had to take a break to watch Dexter. Singularity
December 10, 2012 1:12 a.m.
metalmagic says... #15
After looking at your deck, it's kind of funny how similar our two decks are, even though mine is mono-green and yours is mono-black.
December 10, 2012 1:16 a.m.
Arachnarchist says... #16
metalmagic you need to relink your deck with the correct link. The current one goes to a mono blue 60 card deck.
December 10, 2012 10:34 a.m.
metalmagic says... #18
Good catch, Arachnarchist. I didn't even realize there were other decks with the name. Singularity
Problem solved.
December 11, 2012 12:05 a.m.
@Wsebaste I know about Lotus Petal , and all of Black Lotus 's descendants. I meant cards that cost less then 0.
December 11, 2012 3:47 p.m.
BiggRedd54 says... #20
Just created a Selesnya one with Chorus of the Conclave Check it out! deck:give-me-one-reason-not-to-try-it
cartwheelnurd says... #2
what about X spells, E.G Mikaeus, the Lunarch , Fireball , Bonfire of the Damned , Hurricane can we use them?
December 9, 2012 10:36 p.m.