Wall Challenge
Challenges and Articles forum
Posted on July 24, 2011, 2:29 p.m. by Unglued2
So I was looking through my cards today and found two very interesting ones, Animate Wall , and Ageless Sentinels . So I thought, "What if somebody made a wall deck?" "That would be rediculous!" so I challenge anybody who thinks they can make one that doesn't suck to go for it and post it here!
Never seen one lol but I'll look for it... feel kinda stupid now :PWonder if they are any good... hmm
July 24, 2011 3:08 p.m.
I would hate to play it so much I would be like, ok so I have my 9/6 with trample, flying, and vigilance...I attack you and he would be like ok and put like a Giant Growth on Wall of Swords or Hold the Line on anything and I would have to kill him haha
July 25, 2011 5:58 p.m.
platinum_demon says... #10
Not sure if you'll count this due to the use of Wurmcoil Engine , but if you don't like the engine, just mentally replace it with Wall of Vines or something. Anyway, it's Walls (A better ones).
deadmanwalking says... #2
well actually there are quite a few wall decks out there, which you could find quite easily simply by searching for them.
July 24, 2011 3:01 p.m.