Ye Olde Deckbuilding Challenge #11- Tempest Block
Challenges and Articles forum
Posted on July 19, 2013, 1:30 p.m. by doinitwrong
This challenge is for the Old Fogey that soothly misses the good olde days of Magic, before the mischievous age of Miracles, Infect, and Annihilator.
First, let me congratulate Apoptosis for winning Ye Olde Deckbuilding Challenge #10- Type 1 with his deck Big Blue.
Want to request a challenge? Visit the YODBC Request Page.
With the release of M14, WOTC has officially ruined Slivers. So, for this challenge, lets look back at Tempest Block, back when Slivers were cool.
What to do:
- Build up to two 60-card decks (Thou shalt not count to 61, nor to 59).
- At least 8 cards must be from Tempest.
- At least 8 cards must be from Stronghold.
- At least 8 cards must be from Exodus.
- The rest may be from either of those three sets.
- No Sideboard will be used.
Post your deck here by Sunday, July 28th, at which time Ill take all submissions and have a tournament to determine the superlative one. The tournament will be a few rounds of swiss, with the top 4 (or 8 if enough submissions are made) doing single-elimination afterwards.
Banned List- Fie upon the miscreant to post hither a deck whereinsoever contains a card mentioned forthwith:
Good luck to all and may the best antiquarian win!
P.S. If anyone wants me to ping them when I post a new challenge so you don't miss out, let me know.
fluffybunnypants says... #3
I still want pings! I have deck already built for this.
July 19, 2013 3:03 p.m.
atreyujames says... #6
First entry: London Bridge Is Falling Down
Second one should follow soon =)
July 19, 2013 4:58 p.m.
is the banned list supposed to be Scroll Rack ? Cursed Rack isn't from either of the three sets
July 19, 2013 11:40 p.m.
Here's my first entry: Tempest Goblin-Burn
My second one will likely come in the next couple days - I have to decide between the two decks I have left in mind
Also, I would like to be pinged when you make new challenges - thanks!
July 20, 2013 12:09 a.m.
doinitwrong says... #9
Actually, the banned card card is Cursed Scroll .
Thanks for pointing that out, heuertag. I guess I was typing Cursed Scroll, but Scroll Rack kept coming to my mind (probably because I've seen it in action far more than Cursed Scroll), and I ended up accidentally going halfway between them.
July 20, 2013 12:13 a.m.
ah i see - i figured that was what happened but didn't know which one was more likely to be the one you meant. guess i picked the wrong one haha oh well.
PS I'm loving this challenge. It's bringing back memories of the good ol' days
July 20, 2013 12:19 a.m.
doinitwrong says... #11
Yeah, both cards are pretty powerful, but Cursed Scroll is the only one the DCI banned for Tempest Block Constructed
I'm glad you like the challenge, that's one of it's two objectives: Nostalgia for the old-time players, and to teach the young'uns what the game was like back when artifacts were brown.
July 20, 2013 12:27 a.m.
doinitwrong says... #14
Alright, there are 6 days left and we already have 4 submissions! How many more will there be?
July 21, 2013 11:18 p.m.
Okay, I think I finished both my submissions:
Deck #1 - Soul Knights
Deck #2 - Burnback
July 25, 2013 1:45 a.m.
doinitwrong says... #17
3 days left everybody!
Just a reminder: if there's an odd number of submissions, I'll add a deck of my own (Survival of Death) to make the tournament run smoother.
July 25, 2013 8:54 a.m.
fluffybunnypants says... #18
I'm struggling to get 8 of each and still make the deck work lol.
July 25, 2013 11:22 a.m.
Yeah, I struggled with both of my decks (and I perhaps ruined them in the process) to get the sufficient Exodus and Stronghold Cards in. Seems like most everything I wanted was in the Tempest set.
July 25, 2013 4:40 p.m.
doinitwrong says... #21
Note to self: from now on, make card per set requirements proportional to set size.
I don't see how I didn't realize that sooner.
July 26, 2013 5:23 p.m.
doinitwrong says... #22
Deadline is tomorrow! Submit by then or forever hold your peace!
July 27, 2013 12:23 p.m.
doinitwrong says... #24
Submission time is up! Survival of Death will be in the tournament as the 8th entry.
Swiss Round 1 Pairings :
- London Bridge Is Falling Down (0-0) vs. Tempest Goblin-Burn (0-0)
- Bounce Back In Time (0-0) vs. Soul Knights (0-0)
- Survival of Death (0-0) vs. Mono Red Sligh (0-0)
- Ye Olde White Shadow (0-0) vs. Burnback (0-0)
Tune in tomorrow for the results of round 1!
July 28, 2013 5:38 p.m.
doinitwrong says... #26
truble: Sir, I'm afraid I'm going to have to award you a match loss for questioning my impartiality.
Just kidding, of course I'll be impartial.
July 29, 2013 11:27 a.m.
lol I was kidding too :)
Dont forget to use those Wasteland
s I'm playing to shut off your colors
July 29, 2013 11:29 a.m.
doinitwrong says... #28
Will do. now if you'll excuse me, our match is actually about to begin! Good luck.
July 29, 2013 12:04 p.m.
Yikes, Pro-red creatures against my Mono-red burn deck? This does not sound like a happy ending for Burnback.
July 29, 2013 1:26 p.m.
doinitwrong says... #31
sewellius yeah, that was grim. You did, however, burn rather efficiently.
July 29, 2013 1:37 p.m.
doinitwrong says... #32
Swiss Round 1 Results :
atreyujames's London Bridge Is Falling Down (0-0) vs. heuertag's Tempest Goblin-Burn (0-0)
G1: Tempest gets a strong start with Raging Goblin and Mogg Flunkies . London manages to take out the Raging, preventing Flunkies from attacking, then plays Ensnaring Bridge before the assault has a chance to restart. Tempest manages to burn London down to 5, however, before playing Furnace of Rath . Unfortunately, he hits a land pocket, and London takes advantage by wiping Tempest's board with Maddening Imp + Ensnaring Bridge, then letting his hand recharge enough to let him attack for some big damage. Tempest tries stalling by playing a bridge of his own, but he can't keep his hand empty, and Bottle Gnomes get through for the victory.
G2: An early Gobo rush runs into Propaganda . Tempest responds, however, with Furnace of Rath and a massive salvo of burn. A Kindle , Sonic Burst , Mob Justice , and 2x Mogg Fanatic s later, game 3 is forced.
G3: Goblins and burn come early again. London has trouble discarding to make Ensnaring Bridge effective, but he does get rather lucky with Grindstone . He eventually gets Volrath's Dungeon , powering the Bridge while disrupting Tempest's hand. Spontaneous Combustion + Mogg Maniac knocks London to 5 at the cost of Tempest's board. London plays Null Brooch , which has no downside as he doesn't have a hand. London slowly works away at Tempest with Grindstone and Scalding Tongs while Tempest waits to topdeck enough burnspells to power through the Brooch. Unfortunately, he only draws 1 burn spell for the rest of the game, and gets grinded to death.
London Bridge Is Falling Down wins 2-1
atreyujames's Bounce Back In Time (0-0) vs. sewellius's Soul Knights (0-0)
G1: Both players don't get quite as much mana as they'd like to early on. Soul's early Knights run into counters and burn. Soul gets Erratic Portal /Wall of Blossoms just as Bounce gets Tradewind Rider . Both sides promptly start bouncing each other's permanents. Multiple Portals give Soul the advantage here. Soul eventually gets Flickering Ward on Ranger en-Vec , pumped by Gerrard's Battle Cry , and starts beating. Bounce tries stalling with bounce shenanigans, but Soul is able to power through.
G2: Though Wall of Tears prevents any offense, Soul gets a fast start thanks to Soul Warden , Wall of Blossoms , and Erratic Portal . Bounce can't draw any lands for a while, which greatly hampers him. Soul starts beating with Ranger en-Vec + Flickering Ward and Knight of Dawn , and Bounce can't respond well enough to save himself.
Soul Knights wins 2-0
doinitwrong's Survival of Death (0-0) vs. truble's Mono Red Sligh (0-0)
G1: Sligh gets a fast start with Mogg Conscripts , Jackal Pup , and Maniacal Rage . Death can't get enough blockers, and gets overrun before his fifth turn.
G2: Survival does a better job of blocking, with multiple Wall of Blossoms in his opening hand. He still takes quite the beating from Sligh, however. He tries desperately to stall long enough to draw a fifth land for a saving Living Death , but he can't find it and is defeated.
Mono Red Sligh wins 2-0
heuertag's Ye Olde White Shadow (0-0) vs. sewellius's Burnback (0-0)
G1: Shadow starts early with Soltari Priest and Paladin en-Vec , both of which can't be burned. Burnback tries using Scroll Rack to search for an answer, but can't find one in time.
G2: Shadow doesn't get quite as man Pro-Red's, so Burnback is able to slow the onslaught a great deal. Ruby Medallion and Memory Crystal also let him get a few shots at Shadow himself. Paladin en-Vec , however, races on to take the victory the turn before game 3 would have been forced.
Ye Olde White Shadow wins 2-0
Swiss Round 2 Pairings :
- Bounce Back In Time (0-1) (0-2) vs. Burnback (0-1) (0-2)
- Survival of Death (0-1) (0-2) vs. Tempest Goblin-Burn (0-1) (1-2)
- London Bridge Is Falling Down (1-0) (2-1) vs. Ye Olde White Shadow (1-0) (2-0)
- Mono Red Sligh (1-0) (2-0) vs. Soul Knights (1-0) (2-0)
July 29, 2013 1:45 p.m.
Yeah, maybe I should have included more Flame Wave for those protected creatures.
Well done heuertag, I'd say your deck counters the burn types quite nicely.
July 29, 2013 2:23 p.m.
doinitwrong says... #34
Flame Wave wouldn't have helped; Protection prevents both targeting and damage. The only thing that could have helped you is if you splashed black for Extinction .
July 29, 2013 2:44 p.m.
Oh right, I was thinking of the destroy effect, like using Day of Judgment to destroy a Black Knight . Flame Wave is damage, not destroy. :(
July 29, 2013 7:26 p.m.
doinitwrong says... #37
Swiss Round 2 Results :
atreyujames's Bounce Back In Time (0-1) (0-2) vs. sewellius's Burnback (0-1) (0-2)
G1: Both decks start at a leisurely pace. Burnback gets some potent burnspells thanks to 2xx Memory Crystal , but it also gives Bounce's Capsize free buyback. Buyback counters the Capsize, however, by using Shattering Pulse in response, destroying the target and making the spell fizzle. Bounce counters a lot of burn spells, but Burnback keeps drawing more. Bounce gets Tradewind Rider and tries bouncing Burnback's permanents, but by then Burnback has enough mana that he can win regardless of how many Ruby Medallion s and Memory Crystals there are.
G2: Bounce does a good job of countering a lot of early burn, and Burnback is quickly Hellbent. Bounce steals Sandstone Warrior with Dominating Licid and starts beating with it and 2x Silver Wyvern s. Burnback can't adequately respond and is defeated.
G3: Forbid deals with a lot of early burn, but after it isn't bought back, Burnback takes control. Bounce doesn't draw another counterspell for some time, and Burnback decimates his board and life total, using a Fanning the Flames with free buyback over and over to get the win.
Burnback wins 2-1
doinitwrong's Survival of Death (0-1) (0-2) vs. heuertag's Tempest Goblin-Burn (0-1) (1-2)
G1: Tempest gets a couple early goblins, but ends up having to sacrifice them to Goblin Bombardment to take out Survival's creatures before he can do anything crazy. Living Death , however, brings them all back. Survival sacrifices Starke of Rath to Recurring Nightmare in response to his own ability to make the board state rather one-sided (also thanks to Verdant Force ). Tempest can't respond and is defeated.
G2: Survival gets slowed by manascrew, and Tempest takes advantage with Mogg Maniac , Spontaneous Combustion , and Furnace of Rath to quickly force game 3.
G3: Tempest takes early control with goblins and burnspells, though Survival is able to Recurring Nightmare into Verdant Force . More Nightmare shenanigans lead to Shard Phoenix clearing Tempest's board while Verdant Force beats away. Tradewind Rider hinders Tempest's mana base, preventing him from being able to deal with Verdant in time to save himself.
Survival of Death wins 2-1
atreyujames's London Bridge Is Falling Down (1-0) (2-1) vs. heuertag's Ye Olde White Shadow (1-0) (2-0)
G1: Shadow starts attacking early, but London quickly locks him down with Propaganda and Ensnaring Bridge . Scalding Tongs and Grindstone start slowly working away. Grindstone kills first.
G2: London locks down Shadow early, Grindstone does the rest.
London Bridge Is Falling Down wins 2-0
truble's Mono Red Sligh (1-0) (2-0) vs. sewellius's Soul Knights (1-0) (2-0)
G1: Wall of Blossoms does a good job of holding off Sligh's onslaught, though Soul does take a lot of damage anyway. Unfortunately, he doesn't get any other creatures to create some offense of his own until it's too late. Fireslinger burns down what's left of Soul's life.
G2: The only creatures Soul gets get burned away the turn they're played. Sligh's army of Mogg Flunkies marches to victory.
Mono Red Sligh wins 2-0
Swiss Round 3 Pairings :
- Bounce Back In Time (0-2) (1-4) vs. Tempest Goblin-Burn (0-2) (2-4)
- Survival of Death (1-1) (2-3) vs. Burnback (1-1) (2-3)
- Ye Olde White Shadow (1-1) (2-2) vs. Soul Knights (1-1) (2-2)
- London Bridge Is Falling Down (2-0) (4-1) vs. Mono Red Sligh (2-0) (4-0)
July 30, 2013 3:21 p.m.
Aw, I was hoping regeneration and protection would save Soul Knights from the burn.
July 31, 2013 12:58 p.m.
doinitwrong says... #40
sewellius the problem was that after playing the creature, you usually didn't have sufficient mana to regen/protect. If you had waited until you did have enough mana, you would've been overrun.
July 31, 2013 1:19 p.m.
That's what I figured. If there was too much pressure to dump things down right away, I wouldn't get to keep mana on hand to bounce/regen/protect my creatures.
July 31, 2013 1:32 p.m.
doinitwrong says... #42
Swiss Round 3 Results :
atreyujames's Bounce Back In Time (0-2) (1-4) vs. heuertag's Tempest Goblin-Burn (0-2) (2-4)
G1: Tempest gets a bit of a head start, but Wall of Tears stalls his attack. 2x Silver Wyvern s turn the tide in favor of Bounce. Counters keep the Wyverns safe from burn, and Tempest gets overrun.
G2: Tempest burns through Bounce's blockers and does a lot of damage attacking. Countermagic and burn take out a lot of goblins, however. Capsize keeps Bounce alive late, as he eventually gets Silver Wyvern out and starts beating with Furnace of Rath on the field. Miraculously, however, Tempest topdecks a lethal Kindle for 8 damage the turn before he would have died.
G3: Burn and counters kill a lot of creatures on both sides. Eventually, Capsize continually bounces Ensnaring Bridge allowing Silver Wyvern through for the victory.
Bounce Back In Time wins 2-1
doinitwrong's Survival of Death (1-1) (2-3) vs. sewellius's Burnback (1-1) (2-3)
G1: Survival has to mulligan to 4. Burnback kills a lot of Survival's creatures, but doesn't have much damage left for Survival himself. Living Death stuffs Survival's board, Flame Wave clears it, but Anarchist causes another mass reanimation. Though Searing Touch with free Buyback is brutal, it fizzles to Spike Weaver and Survival survives.
G2: Burnback aggressively hates on Survival's combo pieces, and Survival has a lot of trouble going off. Eventually, Survival is able to Recurring Nightmare up Verdant Force , with Stronghold Assassin to clear the way for the win.
Survival of Death wins 2-0
heuertag's Ye Olde White Shadow (1-1) (2-2) vs. sewellius's Soul Knights (1-1) (2-2)
G1: Maze of Shadows stops Shadow early. Soul's protected knights do a bunch of damage, but Soul Warden ensures the game doesn't end quickly. Eventually Shadow musters enough force that Soul can't handle it and is defeated.
G2: This game goes much like the last; Soul doesnt have enough Mazes to stop the Shadow attack, nor Pro-White creatures to outrace.
Ye Olde White Shadow (1-1) (2-2)
atreyujames's London Bridge Is Falling Down (2-0) (4-1) vs. truble's Mono Red Sligh (2-0) (4-0)
G1: Wasteland messes with London's mana base, disrupting him enough to make Sligh's blitz lethal.
G2: Turn 2 Propaganda stalls Sligh's assault. He still deals some damage, but gets stopped completely by Ensnaring Bridge , with Null Brooch stopping burn spells. Grindstone slowly gets the win.
G3: Vampire Hounds acts as a deterrent until Ensnaring Bridge shows up. 2x Scalding Tongs end it rather quickly.
London Bridge Is Falling Down wins 2-1
The Top 4:
- London Bridge Is Falling Down (3-0) (6-2)
- Mono Red Sligh (2-1) (5-2)
- Ye Olde White Shadow (2-1) (4-2)
- Survival of Death (2-1) (4-3)
July 31, 2013 6:43 p.m.
well I knew I would have trouble with that match up, needed some artifact destruction
July 31, 2013 8:21 p.m.
doinitwrong says... #45
truble: That's why I put Starke of Rath in my deck, otherwise Ensnaring Bridge would slaughter me.
Top 4 will move on to do single-elimination tomorrow to crown a victor.
July 31, 2013 9:10 p.m.
doinitwrong says... #46
Top 4 Results :
truble's Mono Red Sligh (2-1) (5-2) vs. heuertag's Ye Olde White Shadow (2-1) (4-2)
G1: Shadow's walls hold Sligh at bay while Pro-Red creatures go to work. After Rathi Dragon gets Pacified, Sligh has no chance.
G2: Canyon Wildcat with Maniacal Rage gets some damage in early, but then gets Pacified. After that, Paladin en-Vec and Soltari Foot Soldier counterattack while Walls keep Shadow safe. Sligh is soon overrun.
Ye Olde White Shadow wins 2-0
atreyujames's London Bridge Is Falling Down (3-0) (6-2) vs. doinitwrong's Survival of Death (2-1) (4-3)
G1: London gets a turn 1 Propaganda , but Survival uses Recurring Nightmare to turn Hermit Druid into Cloudchaser Eagle , then turns that into Verdant Force . London can't topdeck Ensnaring Bridge in time, and is beaten down.
G2: London gets both Propaganda and Ensnaring Bridge out, but Survival stuffs his grave with Hermit Druid and then brings them all back with Living Death . Cloudchaser Eagle takes out Propaganda and Starke of Rath deals with the bridge. Survival crushes London next combat.
Survival of Death wins 2-0
August 1, 2013 2:03 p.m.
Yeah, Mono-red has a really bad day against those Pro-Red creatures.
August 1, 2013 4:41 p.m.
doinitwrong says... #50
atreyujames Your deck was really good. I actually only added Cloudchaser Eagle and Starke of Rath because of your deck.
gufymike says... #2
I vill try. ty.
July 19, 2013 1:39 p.m.