Ye Olde Deckbuilding Challenge #11- Tempest Block
Challenges and Articles forum
Posted on July 19, 2013, 1:30 p.m. by doinitwrong
This challenge is for the Old Fogey that soothly misses the good olde days of Magic, before the mischievous age of Miracles, Infect, and Annihilator.
First, let me congratulate Apoptosis for winning Ye Olde Deckbuilding Challenge #10- Type 1 with his deck Big Blue.
Want to request a challenge? Visit the YODBC Request Page.
With the release of M14, WOTC has officially ruined Slivers. So, for this challenge, lets look back at Tempest Block, back when Slivers were cool.
What to do:
- Build up to two 60-card decks (Thou shalt not count to 61, nor to 59).
- At least 8 cards must be from Tempest.
- At least 8 cards must be from Stronghold.
- At least 8 cards must be from Exodus.
- The rest may be from either of those three sets.
- No Sideboard will be used.
Post your deck here by Sunday, July 28th, at which time Ill take all submissions and have a tournament to determine the superlative one. The tournament will be a few rounds of swiss, with the top 4 (or 8 if enough submissions are made) doing single-elimination afterwards.
Banned List- Fie upon the miscreant to post hither a deck whereinsoever contains a card mentioned forthwith:
Good luck to all and may the best antiquarian win!
P.S. If anyone wants me to ping them when I post a new challenge so you don't miss out, let me know.
doinitwrong says... #2
Final Result :
heuertag's Ye Olde White Shadow (3-1) (6-2) vs. doinitwrong's Survival of Death (3-1) (6-3)
G1: Shadow leads off with 3x Soul Warden , and the life totals become lopsided obscenely fast. Shadow creatures swarm the field and start pummeling Survival. With 2 life left, Survival gets Spike Weaver out, and manages to stall long enough to play Anarchist , returning a milled Living Death , which he uses to turn the tables. Stronghold Assassin kills all of Shadow's creatures as Survival (slowly) beats him down for the win.
G2: Tradewind Rider messes with Shadow, who can't get enough mana to play multiple creatures a turn. It's made worse by the mana-intensive combo of Thrull Surgeon and Volrath's Stronghold . After Shard Phoenix puts a final end to Shadow's creatures on the field, Survival uses the recurring Surgeon and Tradewind to destroy Shadow's manabase. Phoenix returns and starts slowly beating while this happens, and Shadow is defeated.
Survival of Death wins 2-0
Thank you everyone who participated! I hope youll all be back for the next challenge when I post it (in about 12 hours). You guys submitted some great decks, and I look forward to seeing what you'll do next!
truble says... #1
Well im ready for the next tournament now :)
August 1, 2013 10:06 p.m.