Ye Olde Deckbuilding Challenge #12- 2003

Challenges and Articles forum

Posted on Aug. 2, 2013, 9:48 a.m. by doinitwrong

This challenge is for the Old Fogey that soothly misses the good olde days of Magic, before the mischievous age of Miracles, Infect, and Annihilator.

Want to request a challenge? Visit the YODBC Request Page.

For this challenge, we'll use the most recent standard we can for these challenges: June 2003, just a month before 8th edition, and the modern card style, were introduced.

What to do:

  • Build up to two 60-card decks (Thou shalt not count to 61, nor to 59).
  • You may use cards from the following sets:
    1. Seventh Edition
    2. Odyssey (In 2001, Odyssey was released. I cant be the only guy that always smiles at this reference.)
    3. Torment
    4. Judgement
    5. Onslaught
    6. Legions
    7. Scourge
  • You may have a sideboard of up to 5 cards for use with wishes. It will not be accessible between games.

Post your deck here by Sunday, August 11th, at which time I'll take all submissions and have a tournament to determine the superlative one. The tournament will be a few rounds of swiss, with the top 4 (or 8 if enough submissions are made) doing single-elimination afterwards.

Banned List- For this challenge, there is none.

So, what deck will prove victorious? Will it be a netdeck from the era, or a random build made just for this challenge? UB Tog? UG Madness? Wake? Dragonstorm? Tribal? Good luck to all and may the best antiquarian win!

P.S. If anyone wants me to ping them when I post a new challenge so you don't miss out, let me know.

gufymike says... #2

I vill try to see what I can do sunday/monday. thanks.

August 2, 2013 9:57 a.m.

Dritz says... #3

I'm down for this one. Haven't completed the deck yet but I wanted to post it here before I forgot.

Odyssey: The Tormenting Seventh Legion's Onslaught

August 2, 2013 10:52 a.m.

Dritz says... #4

The second, also not completed, Slip Slidin' Away

August 2, 2013 11:03 a.m.

Ruric says... #5

heres mine 2003 Goblins Deck

August 2, 2013 11:09 a.m.

heuertag says... #6

Oh man.... this is legitimately my favorite era of magic... I was still quite young, though so all my decks were home-brews - I will have to think a while to decide what to build and submit! So many options

August 2, 2013 11:33 a.m.

Ruric says... #7

yeah, i as thinking land destruction too it was good time for that deck by then...

Stone Rain




Creeping Mold

Wooded Foothills

August 2, 2013 11:43 a.m.

doinitwrong says... #8

Once again, if there's an odd number of submissions, I'll submit a deck of my own (Drinker of Ichor) to make the swiss run smoother.

August 2, 2013 11:44 a.m.

doinitwrong says... #9

heuertag Yeah, when I saw your profile page, I was immediately looking forward to what you'll make for this.

August 2, 2013 11:48 a.m.

Apoptosis says... #10

I'm probably out for this one. It is long after I retired. I went through two of the listed sets and there are so many cards to look at, it's taking a long time for me to take it all in. I might just pick a theme and try to throw something together, but it's a lot to process having never seen the card lists or even knowing about the majority of the cards. IDK, we'll see.

P.S. What happened with the last challenge? It sort of slipped my mind.

August 2, 2013 1:09 p.m.

doinitwrong says... #11

Apoptosis I just realized I forgot to ping you for the last challenge! Sorry about that. Ye Olde Deckbuilding Challenge #11- Tempest Block. Only 7 decks were submitted, so I added Survival of Death, which ended up winning the tournament.

A little advise for these sets (though, admittedly, I'm not very knowledgeable about Onslaught Block):

  • Onslaught Block was tribal- Soldiers, Wizards, Zombies, Beasts, Goblins, Elves, Slivers (only in Legions and Scourge)
  • Odyssey Block was very "graveyard matters"- Flashback, Madness, Threshold. Compulsion was amazing.
  • Tempo decks ware pretty powerful in Odyssey Block, but I believe they lost power after Onslaught came out.
  • Some good cards I remember: Compulsion , Psychatog (+Upheaval ), Wild Mongrel , Nimble Mongoose , Dragonstorm , Mirari's Wake .
August 2, 2013 1:34 p.m.

atreyujames says... #12

First deck made. Had so much fun with junk rites Fiend Hunter combo, I had to try it when I saw Faceless Butcher . It's Horror-ble (My Pun That Is)

August 2, 2013 3:27 p.m.

truble says... #13

Ok here is my first one : Standstill Control

August 2, 2013 4:34 p.m.

truble says... #14

Here is my second :Reanimater 2003 eddition

August 2, 2013 5:54 p.m.

truble says... #15

I am so ready for the tourney to start now :)

August 2, 2013 5:54 p.m.

truble says... #16

Could you read the description of the reanimater deck before you play it :) thanks

August 2, 2013 10:10 p.m.

doinitwrong says... #17

truble I always check deck descriptions in case they contain strategies and tips.

August 2, 2013 10:35 p.m.

doinitwrong says... #18

Alright, just 12 hours in and we already have 6 decks with more possibly on the way and still more definitely on the way. Keep it up, guys! We're on pace to easily shatter the record (10) for YODBC submissions!

August 2, 2013 10:53 p.m.

truble says... #19

So we can only submit two right?

August 3, 2013 9:43 a.m.

doinitwrong says... #20

Yes, limit 2 per person.

August 3, 2013 9:50 a.m.

atreyujames says... #21

For my second entry I have, It's Madness

August 3, 2013 6:09 p.m.

Ruric says... #22

if still good here is my secondary 2003 LD

August 5, 2013 8:48 a.m.

Azure124 says... #23

YODBC 03 , can you message me when you start the next challenge

August 5, 2013 10:40 a.m.

doinitwrong says... #24

Azure124 sure thing.

August 5, 2013 12:35 p.m.

Azure124 says... #25

thank you

August 5, 2013 9:08 p.m.

heuertag says... #26

Well, I don't know how competitive these will be, but I thought they were a couple of fun decks. With an additional submission I might have tried for some kind of morph shenanigans - that was always fun :)

Burning Bridge 03

Elf-Tribe 03

August 5, 2013 11:28 p.m.

doinitwrong says... #27

With heuertag's submissions, we now have enough to let the top 8 decks advance to day 5!

August 6, 2013 12:33 a.m.

doinitwrong says... #28

4 days left everyone!

August 7, 2013 10 a.m.

truble says... #29

IM READY NOW!!!! lol

August 7, 2013 10:06 a.m.

doinitwrong says... #30

truble trust me, so am I.

August 7, 2013 10:09 a.m.

doinitwrong says... #31

3 days left! Will there be any more submissions?

August 8, 2013 10:37 a.m.


I really had to actually research the blocks. I stuck to Odyssey block for my deck because frankly switching between the lists of cards gave me a headache. That and I really wanted to go TES with Tendrils of Agony but couldn't.

August 8, 2013 1:32 p.m.

doinitwrong says... #33

Tomorrow (~12-15 hours) is the deadline!

August 10, 2013 12:03 a.m.

doinitwrong says... #34

Sorry, tomorrow is the deadline.

August 10, 2013 9:50 a.m.

doinitwrong says... #35

Submission time is over! The time has come!

August 11, 2013 1:19 p.m.

truble says... #37

I got some tough match ups. Things arnt looking good for me :/

August 11, 2013 1:30 p.m.

I kind of built this deck blind, hopefully it actually functions.

August 11, 2013 6:07 p.m.

Absinthman says... #39

Oh lord, I noticed this challange only a few minutes ago. I hope I'm not late. This is the time I first played standard. I have so many wonderful memories. This is a variation of a deck I really played at the time. It's in fact almost Onslaught block constructed, as I played it mainly when Mirrodin was released, so frankly, I haven't used any Oddysey block cards).

Here it is:

deck chart Ye Olde Goblin Bidding


August 11, 2013 7:07 p.m.

Absinthman says... #40

Nooooooo, I didn't see there was a second page! Such a shame I missed this one :-(

August 11, 2013 7:09 p.m.

Absinthman says... #41

@doinitwrong: Any chance you could still toss me in against your Drinker of Ichor?

Also, please add me to your "ping" list. I'd like to get notified about future challenges. Thanks.

August 11, 2013 7:11 p.m.

doinitwrong says... #42

Absinthman Alright, welcome aboard.

August 11, 2013 7:50 p.m.

Absinthman says... #43

Thanks a lot! Looking forward to the matches.

August 11, 2013 8 p.m.

This should be a fun tournament.

August 11, 2013 8:01 p.m.

truble says... #45

Yeah, I think there are some interesting decks, almost all the different archetypes are covered.

August 11, 2013 8:11 p.m.

doinitwrong says... #46

This'll be crazy, 35 matches over 5 days.

August 11, 2013 8:14 p.m.

truble says... #47

Let me know if you want me to handle a match or two

August 11, 2013 9:28 p.m.

Absinthman says... #48

How do you actually handle the matches? Play the decks on Cockatrice with your friends?

August 12, 2013 12:41 a.m.

doinitwrong says... #49

I do local games on Cockatrice. That way I don't have to worry about scheduling so I can play more matches faster.

August 12, 2013 12:51 a.m.

doinitwrong says... #50

Swiss Round 1 Results :

Dritz's Odyssey: The Tormenting Seventh Legion's Onslaught (0-0) vs. atreyujames's It's Madness (0-0)

G1: Odyssey gets 3 quick creatures, but they all die to a Violent Eruption . Madness pulls Madness shenanigans with Gigapede and Wild Mongrel , and quickly establishes a frightening board presence. Odyssey tries evening the odds with Daru Warchief , but the flow of Wurms and Rootwallas overwhelm him.

G2: Odyssey gets a few early creatures, but then Wild Mongrel appears and turns the tide in favor of Madness. With 1 life left, however, Odyssey topdecks a fourth Plains for Worship and stays alive. Madness cant get the burn to clear Odysseys board, and Gustcloak Harrier flies to victory.

G3: Odyssey gets hit with manascrew. Madness burns away what creatures he sees, and Wild Mongrel leads the stampede on to victory.

It's Madness wins 2-1

Dritz's Slip Slidin' Away (0-0) vs. Ruric's 2003 Goblins Deck (0-0)

G1: Slip gets colorscrewed out of white, which stops him from morphing Exalted Angel before it gets Shock ed or Wrath of God before Goblins overrun him.

G2: Slip gets a quick Astral Slide , and Goblins gets a quick Goblin Piledriver and Goblin Warchief . Slip does his best to flicker the most the most dangerous goblins, but there proves to be too many to handle, and he is again defeated.

2003 Goblins Deck wins 2-0

atreyujames's It's Horror-ble (My Pun That Is) (0-0) vs. Ruric's 2003 LD (0-0)

G1: LD gets an early start with creatures, but Patriarch's Bidding returns 4 Faceless Butcher s, exiling Rorix Bladewing , Krosan Tusker , and Hystrodon . Horror proceeds to pummel LD with the Butchers, Boneshard Slasher , and Balthor the Defiled .

G2: LD messes with Horror's mana base early, while ramping into Rorix Bladewing . Faceless Butcher exiles it, but a second one is played and finishes the beating.

G3: LD completely obliterates Horror's mana base, but not before Boneshard Slasher and Doomed Necromancer get played. The only significant creature LD draws (Hystrodon ) gets exiled by Mesmeric Fiend . LD is down to 1 life when he draws and plays Starstorm , wiping the field and getting his Hystrodon back. He plays it, destroys Horror's last remaining land, and beats Horror down before he can recover.

2003 LD wins 2-1

truble's Standstill Control (0-0) vs. heuertag's Burning Bridge 03 (0-0)

G1: Bridge gets an early Grim Lavamancer , but Standstill slows the flow of cards to Bridge's grave. The Lavamancer deals a lot of damage with cycling lands, though, and Standstill is forced to cast a spell to remove it. Words of War arrives and continues the burning. Standstill rifles through his deck with Deep Analysis , and eventually gets the Boomerang and Counterspell needed to dispose of Words, but Bridge plays a second right after while Standstill's tapped out. Standstill can't deal with it and succumbs.

G2: Bridge starts early with Grim Lavamancer and Raging Goblin , quickly dropping Standstill to 5. Standstill eventually clears the board with Crypt Rats , regains life with Delusions of Mediocrity , and drops Standstill . Bridge casts Words of War , but Standstill draws into Complicate and uses it. Nearly the same thing happens again, then Standstill hits almost all of Bridge's wincons with Haunting Echoes . Standstill eventually gets Psychatog . Bridge tries neutralizing it with AEther Burst s, but they get countered and Standstill proceeds to win with about 10 cards left in his library.

G3: Ostracize prevents Raging Goblin , and Engineered Plague takes out the Grim Lavamancer s. Bridge is forced to trip Standstill to try and get some offense going, but Standstill does a good job of neutralizing any threats. Haunting Echoes hits several wincons, makes Bridge's chances look rather grim. Psychatog starts beating, and Ensnaring Bridge cant stop it as he's stuck with Psionic Gift in hand.

Standstill Control wins 2-1

truble's Reanimater 2003 eddition (0-0) vs. Azure124's YODBC 03 (0-0)

G1: Reanimator gets a turn 4 Akroma, Angel of Wrath and pommels Azure before he can ramp into Crush of Wurms .

G2: Azure gets Krosan Cloudscraper the same turn Reanimator gets Phantom Nishoba . Azure adds Silvos, Rogue Elemental to the fray and Reanimator brings both Scion of Darkness and Akroma, Angel of Wrath . Akroma's flying and Nishoba's persistence and lifegain give Reanimator the advantage here, and he continues on to victory.

Reanimater 2003 eddition wins 2-0

heuertags Elf-Tribe 03 (0-0) vs. fluffybunnypantss Midnight City (0-0)

Match played and written up by truble.

G1: Both keep good 7 card hands and Midnight gets to start. A Chainer's Edict and an Innocent Blood get us to turn 4 with no creatures in play. Elf-Tribe finally starts getting a board presence with Elvish Vanguard and Wirewood Channeler the next two turns Midnight finds a Alpha Status with a Duress and rips out the Wirewood Pride with a same turn Cabal Therapy , but can't deal with what is on the board. Midnight is put to 13 on the next turn. Corrupt keeps things interesting putting Midnight back to 19 and taking out the Elvish Vanguard . The next turn a Diabolic Tutor finds a Mutilate , but Midnight can't cast it yet. The now full board hits him for 9 putting him to 6. The Mutilate gets all three elves on the board and Elf-Tribe is not looking good. A few turns later Mirari copies a Corrupt for the exact 20 damage needed.

G2: Both keep good 7 card hands and Elf-Tribe starts the game with some elf aggro. Midnight is soon at 6 despite double Despise and a Cabal Therapy . It's turn 5 and Midnight needs to hit a land to stay alive. He does and casts Mutilate clearing the board. Elf-Tribe needs to draw action to stay in the game, but finds lands and pump spells two turns in a row. Finally a Wellwisher gets on the field and drops Midnight to 4 the next turn. Midnight lands a Visara the Dreadful in an attempt to stabilize. Another Wellwisher on Elf-Tribe's side won't do much and both of them are taken out by the Visara in quick succession. A timely Corrupt and a few attacks later, Elf-Tribe is dead.

Midnight City wins 2-0

Absinthman's Ye Olde Goblin Bidding (0-0) vs. doinitwrong's Drinker of Ichor (0-0)

G1: Bidding starts quickly with Goblin Piledriver , but Braids, Cabal Minion and being stuck with 2 lands hinders the offensive. Drinker's reliance on Cephalid Coliseum for mana and inability to land a stable blocker, however, make him hemorrhage life much faster than he'd like to, and Bidding is able to finish him.

G2: Bidding again gets stuck with 2 lands, and Drinker gets a fast start with Putrid Imp and Ichorid . Filth prevents Bidding from blocking. Bidding finally gets 2x Goblin Piledriver and Goblin Sledder out, but Drinker's forces move faster to force game 3.

G3: Bidding gets a lightning fast start, overrunning Drinker on turn 4.

Ye Olde Goblin Bidding wins 2-1

Swiss Round 1 Pairings :

August 13, 2013 1:39 a.m.

This discussion has been closed