Ye Olde Deckbuilding Challenge #15… Standard?
Challenges and Articles forum
Posted on Sept. 28, 2013, 10:58 a.m. by doinitwrong
This challenge is for two types of people: the Old Fogey that soothly misses the good olde days of Magic, before the mischievous age of Miracles, Infect, and Annihilator, and the Young whippersnapper that wants to know what the game was like when artifacts were brown.
Want to request a challenge? Visit the YODBC Request Page.
This is the deck which won the previous challenge, Ye Olde Deckbuilding Challenge #14- Combo Winter:
This challenge was suggested by truble.
What to do:
- Build up to two 60-card decks (Thou shalt not count to 61, nor to 59).
- 48 of the cards must be standard legal.
- 10 must be Legacy legal nonland cards that were first printed before 8th edition.
- The final 2 may be from either of those groups.
- No normal Sideboard will be used. However, if you run a card which would access the sideboard (Judgement Wishes, Ring of Ma'ruf ), then you may have a sideboard of up to 5 cards.
Post your deck here by Sunday, October 6th, at which time I shall take all submissions and have a tournament to determine the superlative one. The tournament will be a few rounds of swiss, with the top 4 (or 8 if enough submissions are made) doing single-elimination afterwards.
Banned List- Fie upon the miscreant to post hither a deck whereinsoever contains a card mentioned forthwith:
- Any card thats not allowed in either Standard or Legacy.
- Any land that isnt Standard legal.
Good luck to all and may the best antiquarian win!
P.S. If anyone wants me to ping them when I post a new challenge so you don't miss out, let me know.
doinitwrong says... #2
Not dead, just delayed. I don't plan on ending the series any time soon, and even if I do I'll still finish this and the other two challenges people requested first.
December 1, 2013 6:58 p.m.
Real life catches up to all of us from time to time. No worries.
December 1, 2013 7 p.m.
Absinthman says... #6
I expect the match between my two decks to end with a draw and a consensus that neither is better.
December 10, 2013 4:34 p.m.
doinitwrong says... #7
Absinthman That actually almost occurred, but then AEtherling happened.
December 10, 2013 10:27 p.m.
doinitwrong says... #8
Round 3 Results (Part 3):
abenz419's Playing in the cemetary vs. Femme_Fatale's Dr.Millington, How May I Help You?
Sorry, guys. I screwed up. I did this match shortly after the last update before this, and recorded the result, but somehow lost the writups for games 2 and 3.
G1: Millington uses Thoughtseize and Psychic Strike to hose Cemetary early, preventing his reanimators from getting the chance to do their thing. Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver hits and countermagic keeps him alive. A borrowed Desecration Demon beats Cemetary down for the win.
Dr.Millington, How May I Help You? wins 2-1
Absinthman's Mr. Grinny and His Rats vs. I See Trees of Black... Black Roses Too
G1: Grinny gets an early Psychatog , and manages to survive quite a bit of removal with it's abilities and countermagic. Black bounces back by playing a pair of Desecration Demon s and nuking Grinny's hand with Hymn to Tourach . Grinny runs out of removal and sacrifices his creatures to stall. He doesn't draw any more removal, however, and is defeated.
G2: Both players kill any creatures the other plays. Black's Phyrexian Arena helps sift through his deck, but threatens to kill him during the long stalemate. Finally, Black draws Corrupt , hits Grinny with Hymn to Tourach , making him discard 2 counterspells. He then Corrupts for 10, throws down Desecration Demon , and beats Grinny down for the win.
I See Trees of Black... Black Roses Too wins 2-0
Azure124's Ye Olde Standard vs. Ye Olde Standard 2
G1: A great deal of nothing is done early, first because neither player plays anything, then because Standard 1 hardcasts Force of Will to stop anything Standard 2 does. Eventually, Standard 1 gets AEtherling out. Standard can neither remove nor outrace it and succumbs.
G2: Nothing exciting happens for about 20 turns thanks to Standard 1's countermagic. Finally, he lands AEtherling and beats down Standard 2 for the win.
Ye Olde Standard wins 2-0
The Top 8:
December 10, 2013 11:02 p.m.
Femme_Fatale says... #9
Yay, both of mine take the top 8! That makes me happy. It's a shame that my game winning game got lost in the updates. I guess it just got milled out.
December 10, 2013 11:33 p.m.
doinitwrong says... #10
Femme_Fatale I seem to remember Ashiok being relevant, though I don't recall if it was for his +2 or -X ability.
December 10, 2013 11:52 p.m.
doinitwrong says... #11
Top 8 Results (Part 1):
Azure124's Ye Olde Standard 2 vs. truble's GW aggro
G1: Aggro starts early with a pair of Experiment One s and Advent of the Wurm s. Standard hits a land pocket and can't do anything to stop the onslaught.
G2: Players take turns StP-ing each other's Voice of Resurgence s. Aggro is stuck at 2 lands and the occasional Lotus Petal , but still builds up a rather impressive force. Standard is able to hold Aggro back, however, with Blood Baron of Vizkopa as he charges Vraska the Unseen . Finally, he plays Decree of Pain , uses Vraska's -7, and kills Aggro next turn.
G3: Both sides build up small, yet strong, forces early. Standard Abrupt Decay s Aggro's Mox Diamond and StP's his Mutavault , and Aggro never gets more than 3 mana at a time. Standard -7's Vraska the Unseen , and proceeds to use StP, Abrupt Decay, and Vraska's -3 to kill enough of Aggro's forces to let an Assassin through for the kill.
Ye Olde Standard 2 wins 2-1
Absinthman's Mr. Grinny and His Rats vs. Femme_Fatale's Dr.Millington, How May I Help You?
G1: Millington gets manascrewed wicked bad, and Psychatog gets the quick beatdown.
G2: Both sides counter most everything the other tries. Millington, however, managed to use Jace, Memory Adept to have Grinny mill 20. Grinny can't keep Psychatog alive long enough to make use of that, however, and ends up milling out.
G3: Both sides lock each other down again. With nothing left in his library, Grinny's lethal Psychatog attack gets chump blocked by Mutavault , and he mills out next turn.
Dr.Millington, How May I Help You? wins 2-1
The end is in sight! Just 5 more matches and we'll finally be done with this challenge I started... 3 months ago. I suck so bad.
December 29, 2013 11:11 p.m.
Femme_Fatale says... #12
YAY! I'm ecstatic~ All of the matches between my millington and Absinthman's grinny are really close, though they must have been long matches .
And it is fine doinitwrong, we all have rought times every now and then.
December 30, 2013 1:47 a.m.
Absinthman says... #13
Noooooo, noooooo!! Mr. Grinny!, How could you do that to me!?
December 30, 2013 8:33 a.m.
doinitwrong says... #14
Top 8 Results (Part 2):
Absinthman's I See Trees of Black... Black Roses Too vs. Femme_Fatale's Ack! Run Hans Run! The Slivers Are Coming!
G1: Hans starts early with Galerider Sliver while Black nukes her hand. Corrupt heals Black and negates Essence Sliver . Mutilate wipes the board twice when too many slivers appear. Deadbridge Chant and Progenitor Mimic build up a large sliver force, though only 1 sliver gets cast so Door of Destinies doesn't help much. A turn away from dying, Black casts 2 Read the Bones , finally finding Corrupt and hitting Hans for lethal.
G2: A mix of discard and killspells take out the best slivers early. Hans still manages to get some out, but soon have to be sacrificed to Desecration Demon . Hans can't deal with the demon and goes down.
I See Trees of Black... Black Roses Too wins 2-0
Azure124's Ye Olde Standard vs. abenz419's Playing in the cemetary
G1: Cemetary starts early with a rush of Alley Grifters , but Standard wipes the board with Supreme Verdict . AEtherling shows up and starts beating face. As it swings for lethal, Cemetary plays Hero's Downfall , and Standard spends his last blue mana to flicker it. Before he can untap, though, Cemetary topdecks Shadowborn Demon and kills AEtherling. Another Verdict Wipes the board, then Desecration Demon arrives. Sphinx's Revelation finds Celestial Flare , which removes the demon, and another AEtherling, which subsequently wins the game.
G2: Cemetary tries building up a force, but Standard keeps it from being anything significant. Eventually, the sheer amount of boardwipes and constant flow of tokens from Elspeth, Sun's Champion overwhelm Cemetary.
Ye Olde Standard wins 2-0
December 31, 2013 3:31 p.m.
Femme_Fatale says... #15
Nooo! So close too x.x That first match is superb, would have been wonderful to see it in action~
December 31, 2013 3:40 p.m.
My decks seem to be performing well, always a good thing
December 31, 2013 8:44 p.m.
doinitwrong says... #17
Top 4 Results:
Absinthman's I See Trees of Black... Black Roses Too vs. Femme_Fatale's Dr.Millington, How May I Help You?
G1: Millington starts beating early with Mutavault , and Black soon returns the favor with Lifebane Zombie . Black is soon forced to block Mutavault with Lifebane, clearing both boards with Black at 4 life and Millington at 8. A lengthy stalemate ensues, during which Millington makes Black mill 26. Several would-be game ending Desecration Demon s and Corrupt s are countered, and an equal number are milled. Finally, Black lands another Lifebane with just enough cards in his library to kill Millington before he mills out. Millington, however, topdecks Consuming Aberration and casts Thoughtseize , making Black mill the last 4 cards of his library and lose.
G2: Millington again opens with Mutavault and Black with Lifebane Zombie . Millington uses a lot of countermagic keeping Mutavault alive, but unfortunately runs out before Black hits a massive Corrupt for lethal.
G3: Millington gets an early Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver and begins exiling quickly. He hits mostly Swamps, which aggravates Black as he's stuck at 2 lands. Ashiok continues to exile a vast quantity of Black's library, as well as his hand and graveyard. Eventually, Jace, Memory Adept arrives and makes Black mill the last 10 cards in Black's library.
Dr.Millington, How May I Help You? wins 2-1
Azure124's Ye Olde Standard vs. Ye Olde Standard 2
G1: Nothing happens for a very long time thanks to countermagic. Vraska the Unseen gets exiled by Detention Sphere 3 times, only for Abrupt Decay to kill the sphere and bring Vraska back. After a long period of such turmoil, AEtherling finally arrives and puts an end to the game with 6 cards left in Standard 2s library.
G2: AEtherling gets played early this time, and Standard 1 is able to keep it alive long enough to pick up the swift win.
Ye Olde Standard wins 2-0
January 3, 2014 1:28 p.m.
Femme_Fatale says... #19
Really well done games Absinthman~! It was a pleasure trading wins and losses with you, our games were always really close.
Now it's up to me and you Azure124. Only our losing decks have faced once so I'm really anticipating interesting things (or the lack there of, lots of counterspells). It seems you were unlucky enough to get your decks faced against each other, not once, but twice!
January 3, 2014 9:19 p.m.
Good luck Femme_Fatale in the final round, I feel sorry for doinitwrong that the last match is a control mirror, I feel good that my initial guess to which deck was going to be the better one was correct, thank you doinitwrong for finishing this even after all of the delays as most people would have just stopped after the first big setback.
January 4, 2014 12:28 a.m.
doinitwrong says... #21
Finals Result:
Azure124's Ye Olde Standard vs. Femme_Fatale's Dr.Millington, How May I Help You?
G1: Standard meets his greatest foe yet... manascrew. He manages to Force of Will a pair of early threats, but can't find the mana to remove Jace, Memory Adept once he lands. A turn from having the remnants of his library milled, his Detention Sphere gets Negate d and Standard loses just his second game of the tournament.
G2: Many a counterwar is waged over Jace, Memory Adept and AEtherling . These spend all of Millington's counters, however, and he cant stop Elspeth, Sun's Champion from flooding the board with tokens for the win.
G3: Both sides counter whatever the other plays. After a very lengthy stalemate, Millington manages to land Jace, Memory Adept , who makes Standard lose the last 6 cards in his deck and the match.
Dr.Millington, How May I Help You? wins 2-1
January 4, 2014 2:12 a.m.
Femme_Fatale says... #22
omg ...
This victory has made my night~! Happy me, happy me; I've never thought I'd see the day where I'd win some form of tournament~!
Those last two matches must have been fun, but long. Thanks a lot for pulling through to finish this doinitwrong, we all appreciated it~
January 4, 2014 4:13 a.m.
doinitwrong says... #23
Congratulations Femme_Fatale. That match was really long, but so much fun.
I was always going to finish this challenge, no matter how long it took. One big reason is that I wanted to get to some of the other requests people made.
Next challenge will be up before long, stay tuned!
January 4, 2014 9:47 a.m.
doinitwrong says... #24
Thank you everyone who participated. I hope you'll all be back for Ye Olde Deckbuilding Challenge #16- Modern Splash.
Femme_Fatale says... #1
No, he'll finish. He has to before going on to the next one, as there is no reason to go onto the next one if he doesn't even have time for it.
November 30, 2013 8:17 p.m.