Ye Olde Deckbuilding Challenge #16- Modern Splash

Challenges and Articles forum

Posted on Jan. 4, 2014, 10:02 a.m. by doinitwrong

This challenge is for two types of people: the Old Fogey that soothly misses the good olde days of Magic, before the mischievous age of Miracles, Infect, and Annihilator, and the Young whippersnapper that wants to know what the game was like when artifacts were brown.

Want to request a challenge? Visit the YODBC Request Page.

This is the deck with which Femme_Fatale won the previous challenge, Ye Olde Deckbuilding Challenge #15… Standard?:

Dr.Millington, How May I Help You? Playtest

Legacy Femme_Fatale


This challenge was requested by Dritz.

What to do:

  • Build 1 60-card deck (Thou shalt not count to 61, nor to 59).
  • 48 of the cards must be Legacy legal cards first printed prior to 8th edition (printed with the old card frame).
  • 10 must be Modern legal.
  • The final 2 may be from either of those groups.
  • No normal Sideboard will be used. However, if you run a card which would access the sideboard (Like the Judgment Wishes), then you may have a wishboard of up to 5 cards.

Post your deck here by Sunday, January 19th, at which time I shall take all submissions and have a tournament to determine the superlative one. The tournament will be a few rounds of swiss, with the top 4 (or 8 if enough submissions are made) doing single-elimination afterwards.

Good luck to all and may the best antiquarian win!

If anyone wants me to ping them when I post a new challenge so you don't miss out, let me know.

Help Wanted

If anyone would be willing to help out by playing a match or two each round and emailing me the writeup, let me know.

doinitwrong says... #2

Round 1 Results (Part 1)

GoldGhost012's YODC #16: Attack First, Ask Questions Never vs. MrWorldwide's YODB #16: I WILL NEVER DIE

G1: Attack starts early with a rush of Raging Goblin s and Goblin Warchief s. Just as Die gets some blockers out to stall the assault, Skirk Fire Marshal arrives and blows up, killing Die.

G2: Attack starts quickly again, but this time Beast Within Takes out some vital goblins. Die gets mana flooded and can't find a creature to play. This allows Attack to continue the assault and pick up the win.

YODC #16: Attack First, Ask Questions Never wins 2-0

atreyujames's YODBC 16- Mombo vs. mstancea's Bolt To The Dome

G1: Bolt starts burning quickly, doing a remarkable amount of damage considering he was stuck at 1 land for the first 4 turns. Mombo topdecks Beck / Call and tries comboing off, but hits a land pocket halfway through his library without finding a wincon. Before he can recharge, Bolt's blitzkrieg takes him down.

G2: Bolt goes for the dome early again, this tie with more mana. At 5 life, Mombo Beck / Call s twice, quickly hitting enough Nettle Sentinel s to keep pumping out mana for a lethal Fireball .

G3: Bolt's blitzkrieg forces Mombo to try comboing off on a single Beck / Call . He hits too may lands and only manages to Fireball for 5. Bolt takes him down for the match win next turn.

Bolt To The Dome wins 2-1

Absinthman's Guess Who's Come for Dinner vs. Droxium's YODBC Challenge modern splash

G1: Dinner counters a lot of early Goblins, though not enough to trigger Oversold Cemetery . Splash responds by Wasteland ing 3x Tropical Island s Dinner plays. This proves lethal as Dinner ends up 1 mana shy of comboing off. Next turn, Patriarch's Bidding brings back all the goblins and Dinner is beaten down.

G2: Dinner gets colorscrewed when his only blue source gets Wasteland ed. Splash builds up a force quickly and dominates.

YODBC Challenge modern splash wins 2-0

January 20, 2014 5:27 p.m.

Absinthman says... #3

My joke of a deck loses. What a surprise. :-)

January 21, 2014 3:43 a.m.

Apoptosis says... #4

What is the beck/fireball combo? I didn't get that...

January 21, 2014 7:11 a.m.

Azure124 says... #5

@Apoptosis Nettle Sentinel +one of his elves for mana+Beck lets him keep drawing and playing elves until Priest of Titania /3 nettles+Heritage Druid can add enough mana for Fireball to kill you, it seems really complicated but once you read all of the cards it is easier

January 21, 2014 8:53 a.m.

MrWorldwide says... #6

Well, i somehow expected that... I realized later that my deck is not too powerful (never did Legacy deck BTW), but it was good experience. GG GoldGhost012.

PS: doinitwrong, i have my PC, fixed, but due some work i will make it tomorrow like i said earlier.

January 21, 2014 1:38 p.m.

Apoptosis says... #7

Thanks Azure124, I did a quick playtest and figured it out. Seems pretty lethal combo once it goes off.

January 21, 2014 2:39 p.m.

doinitwrong says... #8

Round 1 Results (Part 2)

Azure124's U/W delver yodbc 16 vs. truble's UBG_CHALLENGE

G1: Hurricane Wasteland rains on UBG's parade, taking out the 2 lands in his opening hand. This is made worse by the fact that he doesn't draw another land for quite some time. Delver, meanwhile, builds up a good landbase and eventually starts swinging with a sword-wielding Mother of Runes . UBG finally topdecks a fetch, cracks it for Island, Brainstorm s into more fetches, and starts trying to even the odds. Delver, however, is sitting on plenty of countermagic. A last-ditch Tarmogoyf gets StP'd, and Mom marches on to victory.

G2: UBG keeps a 4 land hand and quickly takes control of the match over Delver, who experiences slight mana flood. Hymn to Tourach hits all of Delver's creatures and removal, leaving him with just Maze of Ith for defense. A second Tarmogoyf hits, and he slowly beats down Delver as UBG counters everything he tries casting.

G3: Delver keeps a hand of 5 counters and starts playing the "No" game. He also Misdirection s a Chainer's Edict , making UBG sacrifice his own Tarmogoyf . Eventually, though, Delver runs out of counters and UBG takes charge, landing Goyf, Liliana of the Veil , and holds onto a trio of Counterspell s. Delver cant respond and is slowly beaten down.


Apoptosis's Flare, imprison, and burn YODBC#16 vs. Matsi883's Ye Olde Deckbuilding Challenge #1

G1: Olde gets a quick Academy Researchers , and attaches Armadillo Cloak and 2x Rancor to it. Flare can't topdeck an adequate prison card to stop it, and is overrun.

G2: Flare drops a lot of mana dorks and Winter Orb early. Just as Olde gets Academy Researchers and Elephant Guide out, Flare plays Moat . Olde has no way in his deck to give creatures flying, so he concedes.

G3: Flare gets manascrewed, and Olde tries beating away as fast as he can. Flare finally gets enough mana for Mana Flare , giving him enough mana to play Moat , forcing Olde to concede.

Flare, imprison, and burn YODBC#16 wins 2-1

Dritzs The Fine Tradition of Boros in Every Format vs. gufymikes erhnamgeddon 2.0

Match performed and written up by MrWorldwide.


Erhmageddon win the roll and chooses to play

E erhmaggedon B- boros

Erhm keeps a hand consisting of: Temple Garden , Savannah , Plains, Forest, 2x Birds of Paradise and Aven Mindcensor . Boros keeps a hand consisting of: Savannah , Ghitu Encampment , Savannah, Savannah Lions , 3x Kird Ape , Swords to Plowshares .

E1: Plays Savannah , taps it for green, puts Birds of Paradise , pass.
B1: Draws Plateau . Plays Plateau, taps for red, plays Kird Ape , pass

E2: Draws Forest. Plays Forest. Passes.
B2: Draws Savannah. Plays Savannah, pumping up the Kird Ape to 2/3. Swings for 2. No blocks (E 18 / B 20). Taps lands and puts another Kird Ape and Savannah Lions . Passes. EOT Erhn flashes Aven Mindcensor .

E3: Draws Rootborn Defenses . Plays second Forest and taps it to play Birds of Paradise. Passes.
B3: Draws Mountain. Plays Ghitu Encampment tapped. Swings with both apes and lion. E blocked Lion with Mindcensor, and apes with birds, then tapped remaining two lands and one of bird to cast Rootborn Defenses. In response B taps Savannah and plays Swords to Plowshares , exiling Mindcensor. (E19/B20). In second main phase B casts third Kird Ape and passes.

E4: Draws Swords to Plowshares. Plays Temple Garden tapped. Passes.
B4: Draws Wooded Foothills . Swings with three apes, creatured Ghitu and lion. E exiles Ghitu with plowshares. Other damage goes through (E11/B21). Plays Wooded Foothills and fetches Plateau (E11/B20)

E5: Draws Savannah. Plays Savannah. Passes.
B5: Draws Lightning Helix . Plays Savannah. Swings with apes and lion, blasting off one bird with helix (E11/B23). E blocks 2 apes with Birds. 4 goes through. (E7/B23). Passes

E6: Draws Plains. Concedes.



Erhnamgeddon chooses to start.

E keeps a solid hand consisting of: Forest, Plains, Temple Garden ,Llanowar Elves , Birds of Paradise , Aven Mindcensor and Erhnam Djinn .
B draws a weak one-land without any one-drops, which he mulls. 6-card is even worse, so it got mulled too. He stays at 5 card hand consisting of: Savannah , Savannah Lions , Swords to Plowshares , Urza's Rage and Hero of Oxid Ridge .

E1: Plays Forest, plays Llanowar Elves , passes.
B1: Draws Plateau . Plays Savannah , plays Savannah Lions , passes.

E2: Draws Erhnam Djinn . Plays plains. Passes.
B2: Draws Savannah Lions. Plays Plateau. Swing with Lion. Blocks with Elf and taps it for mana and flashes Aven Mindcensor . Both of them die. In 2nd main phase, he plays Savannah Lions, then passes.

E3: Draws Sylvan Library . Plays Temple Garden untapped. (E18/B20). Heplays Birds of Paradise and Sylvan Library . Swings with Mindcensor, no blocks (E18/B18). Passes.
B3: Draws Lightning Bolt . Swings with Lions, no blocks (E16/B18). Passes.

E4: Draws Savannah, Linvala, Keeper of Silence and Wrath of God . He put Wrath and Linvala on the top. Swing with Mindcensor, but it ate a Lightning Bolt. Plays Erhman Djinn. Passes,
B4: Draws Burning Wish . Plays Burning Wish, picking Fiery Justice , hoping to draw land next turn.

E5: Erhnam Djinn gives forestwalk to lion. Draws Linvala, Wrath and Swords to Plowshares. Leaves Swords, putting Linvala and Wrath on top. Swings with Djinn, no blocks (E14/B14). Passes.
B5: Draws Lightning Helix . Passes. EoT Erhn plays Swords at Lions. (E16/B15)

E6: Draws Linvala, Wrath and Karakas . Puts Wrath and Karakas on top of the library. Plays Karakas. Swings with Djinn, no blocks (E16/B11). Plays another Djinn, passes.
B6: Draws Urza's Rage . Passes.

E7: Draws Wrath, Karakas and Savannah. Puts Karakas and Wrath on the top. Plays Savannah. Swings with Djinns, one of them eats Swords to Plowshares, other comes through. (E19/B7)
B7: Draws Ghitu Encampment . Plays it tapped. Passes.

E8: Draws Wrath, Karakas and Forest. Moves Forest and Wrath on the top of library. Plays Karakas. Swings with Djinn, in response Boros Helixes Erhm, healing himself by 3. (E16/B5). Plays Linvala, Keeper of Silence. Passes.
B8: Draws Chain Lightning . Plays Fiery Justice, blasting off Djinn,healing Erhm (E21/B5). Passes.

E9: Draws Forest and 2x Wrath of God. Puts Wraths on the top of library. Plays Forest. Swings with Linvala (E21/B2). Passes.
B9: Draws Plateau. Plays Plateau. Passes.

E10: Draws 2x Wrath and Erhnam Djinn. Puts Wraths on the top of Library. Swings with Linvala, which suddenly eats Chain Lightning and Urzas Rage. Plays Erhnam Djinn. Passes.
B10: Draws Mountain. Plays Mountain. Plays Hero of Oxid Ridge . Passes.

E11: On upkeep, Djinn gives forestwalk to Hero. Draws 2x Wrath and Birds of Paradise. Puts Wraths on the top of library. Swings with Djinn, which is blocked by Hero. Plays Birds, passes.
B11: Draws Kird Ape. Plays Kird Ape. Passes.

E12. On upkeep, Djinn gives forestwalk to Ape. Draws 2x Wraths and Swords to Plowshares. Puts Wraths on the top. Swings with Djinn, which is blocked by Ape. Passes.
B12: Draws Kird Ape. Plays Kird Ape. Passes.

E13: On upkeep, Djinn gives forestwalk to Ape. Draws 2x Wraths and Forest. Puts Wraths on the top of Library. Exiles Ape with Swords (E21/B5), then swings Djinn, which is blocked by creatured Encampment.Passes.
B13: Draws Wooded Foothills. Passes.

E14: Draws 2x Wrath and Llanowar Elves. Puts Wraths on the top. Swings with Djinn. (E21/B1), plays Elves, then passes.
B14: Draws Windswept Heath. Boros gives up.



Boros decides to start.

Boros decides to keep a hand consisting of 2x Savannah , Wooded Foothills , Goblin Legionnaire , Boros Charm , Mirran Crusader and Urza's Rage .
Erhnmaggedon keeps: Plains, 2x Savannah, Sylvan Library , Armageddon and Erhnam Djinn .

B1: Plays Wooded Foothills and fetches Plateau (E20/B19)
E1: Draws Wrath of God . Plays Savannah and taps it for Llanowar Elves . Passes.

B2: Draws Boros Charm . Plays Savannah. Plays Goblin Legionnaire . Passes.
E2: Draws Plains. Plays Savannah. Plays Sylvan Library . Passes.

B3: Draws Savannah Lions . Plays Savannah. Swings with Goblin, no blocks (E18/B19). Plays Mirran Crusader . Passes.
E3: Draws 2x Temple Garden and Wrath of God. Moves Wrath and Garden on the top. Plays Plains and by ramping with Llanowar Elves plays Wrath of God, killing Elves, Crusader and Goblin. Passes,

B4: Draws Plateau. Plays Plateau. Plays Savannah Lions. Passes.
E4: Draws 2x Wraths and Temple Garden. Puts Wraths on the top of Library. Plays Plains. Plays Erhnam Djinn . Passes.

B5: Draws Plateau. Plays Plateau. Passes.
E5: Djinn gives forestwalk to Lion. Draws 2x Wraths and Birds of Paradise . Moves Wraths on the top. Plays Armageddon . In response Boros plays Urza's Rage to Erhm (E15/B19). Plays Temple Garden untapped (E13/B19) and casts Birds of Paradise. Swings with Djinn. No blocks (E13/B15). Passes.

B6: Draws Mountain. Plays Mountain. Passes.
E6: Djinn gives forestwalk to Lion. Draws 2x Wrath and Birds of Paradise. Puts Wraths on the top. Plays Garden tapped. Plays Birds of Paradise. Swings with Djinn, blocked by Lion. Passes.

B7: Draws Savannah Lion. Passes.
E7: Draws 2x Wrath and Karakas. Puts Wraths on the top. Swings with Djinn (E13/B11).

B8: Draws Hero of Oxid Ridge. Passes.
E8: Draws 2x Wrath and Forest. Puts Wraths on the top. Plays Forest. Swings with Djinn (E13/B7).

B9: Draws Cathodion . Passes.
E9: Draws 2x Wraths and Plains. Puts Wraths on the top of library. Plays Plains. Swing with Djinn (E13/B3).

B10: Draws Burning Wish . Concedes.


erhnamgeddon 2.0 WINS 2-1

January 22, 2014 6:46 p.m.

Dritz says... #9

Aww, shucks. Kudos to gufymike there, quality performance for sure.

January 22, 2014 8:01 p.m.

Apoptosis says... #10

Wow didn't expect to win with Moat , my combo never went off! Sorta cheesy and since I don't actually own any Moat s, I'd never be able to build it... But I guess a wins a win.

January 22, 2014 8:50 p.m.

truble says... #11

I thought delver would be my toughest matchup! Glad to get it out of the way.

January 23, 2014 8:04 a.m.

smash10101 says... #12

YODC #16 Round 1 Update: turbo-bloom VS YODC#16 - HeuerTag

Game 1:

turbo-bloom (Bloom, bolded) wins the flip, and mulls once, ending up with Dream Halls , Volcanic Island , Lotus Petal , Enter the Infinite , and 2x Burning Wish . Seems good, all we need are lands and we win.

YODC#16 - HeuerTag (Tag, italicized) mulls twice, keeping a hand of Iona, Shield of Emeria , Reanimate , Careful Study , and two lands. Glad to finally find something reasonable. At the very least, we have a turn two Iona, unless they have a Counterspell .

Turn 1:

Bloom leads with Volcanic Island and Lotus Petal , and casts Burning Wish to get Show and Tell from the sideboard.

Tag draws Griselbrand . Nice. Plays land and casts Careful Study , drawing Exhume and Brainstorm and discarding Iona, Shield of Emeria and Griselbrand . Two great targets for reanimation already in the yard, and two spells to reanimate them with. Looking good.

Turn 2

Bloom fails to draw a land, and passes turn. :(

Tag plays a fetch-land, casts Brainstorm , getting Ashen Rider and Jin-Gitaxias, Core Augur to hand, and shuffles away some lands by cracking the fetch. (20/19) Tag Reanimate s Iona, Shield of Emeria . (20/10) We still don't really know what this deck is, but we know they have Show and Tell , and we don't really want them to play anything, and don't need the help ourselves, so lets go blue.

Turn 3:

Bloom fails to draw a land, and scoops.

YODC#16 - HeuerTag Wins Game 1!

Game 2:

Bloom keeps Burning Wish , Force of Will , 2x Slight of Hand, 2x Show and Tell , and a fetchland. Like game 1, we just need land, but this time we have ways of finding it. And that Force of Will might come in handy it they try to turn 2 Iona again.

Tag keeps Iona, Shield of Emeria , Jin-Gitaxias, Core Augur , Griselbrand , Sphinx of the Steel Wind , Exhume , Brainstorm , and a fetchland. I like what I see here. We need to draw a land, but with Brainstorm we just need one in the top 4 cards, and if we can somehow get our turn two Iona again, we win.

Turn 1:

Bloom plays the fetch, and cracks is for Volcanic Island . (19/20) Casts Slight of Hand, grabbing the Volcanic Island we need for next turn. Perfect.

Tag draws a land. (Yes!!!) Plays a fetch, and passes turn.

Turn 2:

Bloom draws an Island , and plays the Volcanic Island from last turn. Slight of Hand finds Dream Halls . This is looking pretty good. We can wish next turn, and Show and Tell turn 4 for the win. End of turn, Tag cracks the fetch, (29/19) and Brainstorm s up Entomb , Brainstorm , and Daze . That Entomb could win the game here.Tag draws a card tossed with Brainstorm #1 and plays a fetch land before passing the turn.

Turn 3:

Bloom draws Brainstorm , plays the Island , Burning Wish es for Enter the Infinite , and passes the turn. End of turn, Tag casts Brainstorm , chucking Iona back into the library, cracks the fetch, (19/18) and Entomb s Iona.

Tag draws Exhume , and puts it on the stack. Bloom, not wanting another loss to Iona, casts Force of Will , exiling Show and Tell #1. (18/18) Tag sighs, then passes turn. End of turn, Bloom casts Brainstorm , finding Omniscience , the last piece of the game-winning combo.

Turn 4:

Bloom casts Show and Tell #2. Tag thinks really hard, and decides to cast Daze , bouncing an Underground Sea to hand. Well, crap. There goes that plan.

Tag plays the land he bounced and casts Exhume #2, getting back Iona and once again naming blue. Bloom scoops

YODC#16 - HeuerTag Wins Game 2 and Therefore Round 1 of YODC #16!!

Congrats to heuertag on his win. fluffybunnypants's deck almost had game two there, but a well timed Daze followed by Iona, Shield of Emeria stopped him in his tracks. MVC (most valued card) goes to Iona, Shield of Emeria , for winning both games. As a one-of, that card sure put in a lot of work.

January 23, 2014 2:13 p.m.

MrWorldwide says... #13

Whoa. I like your writing style, smash10101. Seriously, it's pretty good.

January 23, 2014 2:19 p.m.

I knew Iona was going to be a pain in the ass! Well played.

January 23, 2014 2:51 p.m.

Absinthman says... #16

The Fine Tradition of Having Boros for Dinner in Every Format. Looking forward to it :-)

January 23, 2014 4:53 p.m.

Apoptosis says... #17

Wow that 3rd pairing in round 1 was intense.

I think my luck is about over.

Good luck to everyone in round 2.

January 23, 2014 5:23 p.m.

smash10101 says... #18

Thanks MrWorldwide. Can't believe I forgot to close a header tag though. Also, I pretty much just copied what Spootyone does in his articles, or at least how I vaguely recall him doing it. Expect the same this weekend for my round two pairing.

fluffybunnypants: Yeah, game 2 I mostly kept Tag's hand because of Iona. It's a one of in that deck, and totally ruined yours. If only you'd had one more land game 2, you could have gone off. But yeah, reanimator was not a good matchup for you, since you play Show and Tell and are easily disrupted. It was a fun deck to play though.

January 23, 2014 6:35 p.m.

doinitwrong says... #19

Round 1 Results (Part 1):

Absinthman's Guess Who's Come for Dinner vs. Dritz's The Fine Tradition of Boros in Every Format

G1: Boros establishes a fearsome board presence quickly, and Dinner can neither quell it nor assemble his combo engine fast enough to survive the Hero of Oxid Ridge / Goblin Legionnaire onslaught.

G2: Dinner gets better sifting this game, but still gets taken down by the Kird Ape s and burn spells the turn before he could go off.

The Fine Tradition of Boros in Every Format wins 2-0

atreyujames's YODBC 16- Mombo vs. Azure124's U/W delver yodbc 16

G1: Delver holds Mombo back early, but doesnt produce much offense himself. Finally, Mombo goes off, chaining together triple Beck / Call and getting obscene amounts of mana from 3x Nettle Sentinel + Heritage Druid . Unfortunately, Delver had Misdirection in hand and made Mombo eat his own Fireball .

G2: Delver keeps an opening hand with Misdirection , but Mombo gets colorscrewed and can't combo off. Instead, a sword-wielding Insectile Aberration  Flip beats him down for the win.

U/W delver yodbc 16 wins 2-0

fluffybunnypants's turbo-bloom vs. Matsi883's Ye Olde Deckbuilding Challenge #1

G1: Bloom can't draw the right combo pieces before a 10/8 Academy Researchers with 4 auras attached beats him down for the win.

G2: Bloom wishes for Show and Tell turn 3 and plays it next turn. He drops Omniscience , plays Enter the Infinite , Cadaverous Bloom , and Banefire , ending the game before Olde can cast a spell.

G3: Bloom gets the perfect opening hand, going Lotus Petal , City of Traitors , Show and Tell -> Omniscience , Enter the Infinite , Cadaverous Bloom , Lotus Petal and Banefire for the T1 kill.

turbo-bloom wins 2-1

January 24, 2014 6 p.m.

Absinthman says... #20

Just as I expected. I invited Boros to come over for a dinner, and served myself.

@doinitwrong: Why must I always lose one turn shy of comboing off? Why can't it work like it's supposed to, lol:

Turn 1: Tropical Island
Turn 2: Ancient Tomb -> Food Chain
Turn 3: Tropical Island /Island -> Misthollow Griffin -> Emrakul, the Aeons Torn -> opponent runs in fear.

January 24, 2014 6:18 p.m.

Matsi883 says... #21

Ugg... can I win one match.

January 24, 2014 6:24 p.m.

doinitwrong says... #22

Absinthman I've been mulliganing aggressively to try and find combo pieces, but I don't want to start your games with card disadvantage you can't recover from.

January 24, 2014 7:02 p.m.

Apoptosis says... #23

Wow... Just... Wow

January 24, 2014 9:49 p.m.

atreyujames says... #24

lol I had guessed I would lose this one. When I looked at the list I was thinking "I hope he never has Misdirection "... ya saw that commin a mile away XD

January 25, 2014 12:51 a.m.

Dat T1 kill.

January 25, 2014 12:57 a.m.

doinitwrong says... #26

Round 1 Results (Part 2):

heuertag's YODC#16 - HeuerTag vs. gufymike's erhnamgeddon 2.0

G1: Heuer gets a T2 Jin-Gitaxias, Core Augur , but mana dorks allow Erhnam to respond with Wrath of God . Heuer then reanimates Iona, Shield of Emeria , naming White. Erhnam then topdecks Karakas , bouncing Iona. Erhnam Djinn gets Daze d, but Linvala, Keeper of Silence resolves. Ashen Rider removes Linvala, but gets promptly StP'd. Heuer can't play Griselbrand and use his ability because he's at 7 life. Aven Mindcensor prevents him from Entomb ing and reanimating Sphinx of the Steel Wind , and Erhnam beats him down.

G2: A T1 Iona, Shield of Emeria stops Erhnam from doing basically anything, and he can't topdeck Karakas in time to save himself.

G3: An almost exact copy of Game 2, except Iona didn't arrive until turn 2 this time.

YODC#16 - HeuerTag wins 2-1

Droxium's YODBC Challenge modern splash vs. GoldGhost012's YODC #16: Attack First, Ask Questions Never

G1: Attack gets a faster start with Goblin Guide and Raging Goblin , but manascrew stops him there. Splash abuses the synergy between Goblin Lackey and Goblin Matron to cheat out Krenko, Mob Boss , who in turn makes Goblin Piledriver a formidable force. Attack blocks and kills the Piledriver, but the tokens take him down.

G2: Splash encounters slight flood while Attack swarms the field with threats. After a great deal of attacks, Gempalm Incinerator s, and Goblin Lookout sacrifices, both fields are cleared and the life totals are 20-3 in favor of Attack. Splash starts recurring his goblins with Oversold Cemetery , but a pair of Goblin Guide s from Attack's hand end the game too quick for that.

G3: Splash starts early with Goblin Guide , but Attack soon surprises him with a hasty Goblin Lackey , cheating out Krenko, Mob Boss , who quickly gives Attack board advantage his opponent can't overcome, granting him victory in this goblin mirror match.

YODC #16: Attack First, Ask Questions Never wins 2-1

Apoptosis's Flare, imprison, and burn YODBC#16 vs. truble's UBG_CHALLENGE


Flare wins the roll and decides to play.

Flare keeps hand consisting of: Plateau , Taiga , Undiscovered Paradise , Wasteland , Birds of Paradise , Enlightened Tutor , Mana Flare .

UBG keeps hand consisting of: Bloodstained Mire , Forest, Polluted Delta , Wasteland , Ghastly Demise , Tarmogoyf and Hypnotic Specter .

F1: Plays Taiga . Plays Birds of Paradise . Passes.
U1: Draws Polluted Delta . Casts one of Deltas and fetches Underground Sea (F20/U19). Passes.

F2: Draws Sylvan Caryatid . Casts Plateau . Taps everything for Mana Flare . Passes. U2: Draws Tropical Island . Casts second Delta and fetches Bayou (F20/U18). Taps lands for BBBB and casts Hypnotic Specter and Ghastly Demise targeting Birds of Paradise . Passes.

F3: Draws Winter Orb . Good, very good. Plays Wasteland . Taps Taiga for RG and casts Winter Orb . Then he taps Plateau for WW and casts Enlightened Tutor , putting Candelabra of Tawnos on top. Passes.
U3: Untaps Bayou , but it's destroyed by Flare's Wasteland . Draws Tropical Island . Swings with Specter, no blocks (F18/U18). Flare discards caryatid. Casts Wasteland . Passes.

F4: Untaps Taiga , but it's destroyed by Ubg's Wasteland . Draws Candelabra of Tawnos . Plays Undiscovered Paradise and casts Candelabra. Passes.
U4: Untaps Underground Sea . Draws Underground Sea . Plays Bloodstained Mire and fetches Bayou (F18/U17). Swings with Spector, no blocks. (F16/U17). Taps Bayou for GG and casts Tarmogoyf , which is 2/3. Passes.

F5: Moves Paradise to hand and untaps Plateau . Draws Earthquake . Casts Undiscovered Paradise . Taps lands for RRRR, then using candelabra untaps them and again taps them for RRRR andcast Earthquake with X = 5, killing Tarmogoyf (F16/U12).
U5: Untaps Bayou . Draws Bloodstained Mire , plays it and fetches for Underground Sea (U11/F16). Swings with Spector (U11/F14). Passes.

F6: Paradise to hand, untaps Plateau . Draws Mogg Hollows . Plays Mogg Hollows . Passes.
U6: Draws Dark Confidant . Casts Tropical Island . Swings with hypnotic spector, discarding Undiscovered Paradise (U11/F12). Taps Underground Sea for BB and casts Confidant. Passes.

F7: Draws Birds of Paradise . Taps Mogg Hollows for GG, spending G on Candelabra to untap hollows and second G on Birds of Paradise . Passes.
U7: Untaps Underground Sea . Confidant reveals Crucible of Worlds (U8/F12). Draws Wasteland . Casts Crucible by tapping both Underground Sea s and casts Wasteland from graveyard and destroys Mogg Hollows . Swings with Confidant and Specter, no blocks (F8/U8). Passes.

F8: Draws Reflecting Pool and casts it. Passes.
U8: Untaps Underground Sea . Confidant reveals Counterspell (F8/U6). Draws another Dark Confidant . Swings with Spector and Confidant, first one is blocked by Birds (F6/U6). UBG casts Wasteland from grave and destroys flare's Reflecting Pool . Passes.

F9: Draws Plateau and casts it. Passes.
U9: Untaps Underground Sea . Confidant reveals Chainer's Edict (F6/U4). Draws Bloodstained Mire . Casts Wasteland from grave and destroys one of Plateau . Swings with Confidant and Specter (F2/U4). Passes.

F10: Draws Taiga . FLARE SCOOPS UP.



Flare decides to start.

Flare keeps this hand: Savannah , Plateau , 2x Enlightened Tutor , Winter Orb , Sylvan Caryatid and Heartbeat of Spring .

UBG mulls a one-lander. He keeps that one: Bayou , Underground Sea , Wasteland , Chainer's Edict , 2x Hymn to Tourach . Not aggressive, but Hymns and Edict should give us time.

F1: Puts Plateau , casts Enlightened Tutor , tutoring Candelabra of Tawnos . Passes.
U1: Draws Sylvan Library . Plays Bayou . Passes.

F2: Draws Candelabra of Tawnos . Plays Savannah . Casts Sylvan Caryatid . Passes.
U2: Draws Counterspell . Casts Underground Sea . Casts Hymn to Tourach , discarding Candelabra of Tawnos and Enlightened Tutor . Passes.

F3: Draws Mana Flare . Casts Mana Flare (thanks to Caryatid). Passes.
U3: Draws Polluted Delta . Casts Polluted Delta fetching Tropical Island (U19/F20). Taps Bayou for BB and casts Hymn to Tourach discarding Heartbeat of Spring and Winter Orb .Then he taps Tropical Island for GG and casts Sylvan Library . Passes.

F4: Draws Taiga and plays it. Passes.
U4: Draws Island , Liliana of the Veil and Hypnotic Specter . He puts on top Island and Hypnotic Specter . Plays Wasteland , destroying Taiga . He taps Bayou andUnderground Sea and casts Liliana of the Veil . Passes.

F5: Draws Enlightened Tutor . He tries to cast it, but it met a UBG's Counterspell . Passes.
U5: Draws Hypnotic Specter , Island and Polluted Delta . Puts on top Island and pays for Polluted Delta (U15/F20). Plays Polluted Delta and fetches Underground Sea (u14/F20). Plays Hypnotic Specter and Chainer's Edict , killing off Sylvan Caryatid . Passes.

F6: Draws Undiscovered Paradise and plays it. Passes.
U6: Draws Bayou , Counterspell and Dark Confidant . Puts on top Bayou and Counterspell . Swings with Specter (U14/F18). Casts Dark Confidant . Passes.

F7: Draws Ghostly Prison . Casts it. Passes.
U7: Confidant reveals Bayou . He draws Counterspell , Hymn to Tourach and Tarmogoyf . Puts Counterspell and Hymn on top. Plays Bayou . Pays 4 mana and swings with Specter and Confidant(U14/F14). Casts Tarmogoyf , which is 3/4. Passes.

F8: Draws Plateau . Plays it. Passes.
U8: Confidant reveals Hymn to Tourach . (U12/F14). Draws Counterspell , Bloodstained Mire and Underground Sea . He puts on top Mire and Sea. He pays 6 mana and swings with everything.(U12/F7). Passes.

F9: Draws Bonfire of the Damned for X = 7, but UBG responded with Counterspell . FLARE SCOOPS UP.



January 27, 2014 5:36 p.m.

Apoptosis says... #27

That one was rough. Not sure that I would have put out the flare before the prison was in place. I like to slow the game way down with the combos then get out mana flare once the game is stalled out. Anyway, GG!!

January 27, 2014 6:32 p.m.

smash10101 says... #28

Sorry for the shorter write up this time, and I apologize for getting it in late. We've got YODB #16: I WILL NEVER DIE vs. Bolt To The Dome

Game one Bolt does exactly what it says it will and wins game 1 with a flurry of burn spells, winning quickly.

Game two Bolt looks like it is running out of steam, and it's Vexing Devil dies to a turn 4 Penumbra Wurm , but manages to deal the final point of damage by attacking with Grim Lavamancer . I knew that guy was good.

Bolt to the Dome wins 2-0.

January 27, 2014 9:20 p.m.

truble says... #29

Other than Earthquake needing to deal its damage to both players in my game one, a good write up and game :) Happy I won!

January 28, 2014 10:51 a.m.

truble says... #30

Also, did you ever use the Liliana of the Veil in game two? Just curious?

January 28, 2014 10:53 a.m.

MrWorldwide says... #31

truble No, i didn't (because as you probably realized I did the write-up). I put her to use +1 and -2, but there wasn't a need to use them, so she just was sitting on the field.

Apoptosis Yeah, i should have know that. Sorry for that foolish mistake.

January 28, 2014 11:05 a.m.

truble says... #33

This game is not looking good for my deck... maindeck Bloodmoon?? yikes!

January 28, 2014 1:02 p.m.

GoldGhost012 says... #34

If it ever hits the field... doinitwrong, has Blood Moon been played in my previous matchups?

January 28, 2014 1:21 p.m.

Apoptosis says... #35

No worries MrWorldwide, hard to say whether it would have mattered.

I would never flare unless I can Banefire for lethal the next turn (maybe 2 turns, depending on board state). Also I would probably Enlightened Tutor for prison type effects like Ghostly Prison , Moat , or Winter Orb over grabbing the candelabra.

Sigh I almost mainboarded Burning Wish (instead of Earthquake , etc.) as it would have given me more access to a range of sorceries that could have been relevant (e.g. Hurricane , Detonate , etc.) In hindsight I should have; it would have made my deck much more flexible against fliers, artifacts, etc.... oh well.

Onto round 2!

January 28, 2014 1:51 p.m.

Apoptosis says... #36

ewww... this next round is going to be another slaughter.

January 28, 2014 1:53 p.m.

doinitwrong says... #37

GoldGhost012: It hit in one of the games last round. Kept your opponent from using Oversold Cemetery or Patriarch's Bidding . Didn't do much, though, as his deck was 80% red anyway.

January 28, 2014 1:58 p.m.

doinitwrong says... #38

Sorry, would have put this up yesterday, but I forgot to.

Round 3 Results (Part 1):

Absinthman's Guess Who's Come for Dinner vs. MrWorldwide's YODB #16: I WILL NEVER DIE.

G1: Counterspells and Venser, Shaper Savant hold off a great deal of Penumbras. He runs out eventually, though. Just as things start to look dire, he topdecks Emrakul, the Aeons Torn . He plays it with the mana from Food Chain / Misthollow Griffin and beats down Die.

G2: Dinner's opening hand has all 3 combo pieces, but he gets slightly manascrewed. Die is a turn away from winning with a Penumbra Bobcat with double Rancor when Dinner grabs the last land he needs and combos off, beating down Die soon thereafter.

Guess Who's Come for Dinner wins 2-0

Apoptosis's Flare, imprison, and burn YODBC#16 vs. gufymike's erhnamgeddon 2.0

G1: Winter Orb messes with players' mana early. Linvala, Keeper of Silence neutralizes Birds of Paradise and Magus of the Candelabra , but a pair of Ghostly Prison s slow Ernham's assault. Linvala still gets through for plenty of damage, though, thanks to mana dorks. 2 turns from death, Flare plays Mana Flare . A turn from death, he topdecks Banefire . He taps out, untaps with Candelabra of Tawnos , taps out again, and has just enough mana to Banefire for lethal.

G2: Winter Orb and an early Armageddon mess with mana, but not before 3x Ghostly Prison s hit. After some rebuilding, Flare goes off with 4 lands, 2 Candelabra of Tawnos es, and 2 Mana Flare effects to Banefire for lethal.

Flare, imprison, and burn YODBC#16 wins 2-0

Azure124's U/W delver yodbc 16 vs. Droxium's YODBC Challenge modern splash

Match writeup by MrWorldwide.


Splash wins the roll and decides to play.

Splash keeps a hand consisting of: Wasteland , Badlands , Mountain, Lightning Bolt , Goblin Matron , Goblin Sharpshooter and Patriarch's Bidding . Slow, but steady.

Delver keeps this hand: Flooded Strand , Tundra , Mother of Runes , 2x Delver of Secrets  Flip , Snapcaster Mage and Misdirection .

S1: Plays Badlands . Passes.
D1: Draws Wasteland . Plays Flooded Strand fetching Underground Sea (S20/D19). Plays Delver of Secrets  Flip . Passes.

S2: Draws Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker . Plays Wasteland . Passes.
D2: Delver reveals Swords to Plowshares , transforming Delver to Insectile Aberration  Flip . Plays Tundra . Swings with Insectile Aberration  Flip , but it ate Splash's Lightning Bolt . Casts secondDelver of Secrets  Flip and Mother of Runes . Passes.

S3: Draws Goblin Piledriver . Plays Mountain. Plays Goblin Matron , searching for Goblin Warchief . Passes.
D3: Delver reveals Daze , flipping delver. Plays Wasteland . Swings with Aberration, no block (S17/D19). Passes.

S4: Draws Goblin Matron . Knowing that delver haves Daze , he casts Goblin Piledriver , leaving one mana free. Passes. EoT Piledriver eats Swords to Plowshares (S19/D19).
D4: Draws Brainstorm . Swings with aberration, no blocks (S16/D19). Passes.

S5: Draws Bloodstained Mire , plays it and fetches Badlands (S15/D19). Casts Goblin Warchief . Passes. EoT Delver casts Brainstorm , drawing Rest in Peace , Counterspell and Polluted Delta . He puts Delta and Peace on top.
D5: Draws Polluted Delta , plays it and fetches Tundra . (S15/D18). Swings with flipped Delver, no blocks. (S12/D18). Passes.

S6: Draws Gempalm Incinerator . He tries to cast Goblin Matron , but it met Delvers Counterspell . Passes.
D6: Draws Swords to Plowshares . Swings with aberration, no blocks (S9/D18). Passes.

S7: DrawsLightning Bolt . Swings with both Warchief and Matron, second one is blocked by Mother that gave herself protection from red, while Warchief ate a Swords to Plowshares (S11/D18). Seeing that flipped delver is without protection, he risk casting Bolt at him, but it met a Delver's Misdirection (exiling known Daze), changing target to Splash (S8/D18). Passes.
D7: Draws Flooded Strand . Swings with delver, no block (S5/D18). Passes.

S8: Draws Krenko, Mob Boss and tries to cast it, but it met a snapcastered counterspell. Passes.
D8: Draws Polluted Delta . Swings with both Snapcaster Mage and flipped Delver, FORCING SPLASH TO SCOOP UP


Splash decides to play.

Splash mulled one-land hand without any one drops. He kept this hand: 2x Blood Crypt , Goblin Lackey and 2x Oversold Cemetery .

Delver keeps this hand: Karakas , Flooded Strand , 2x Delver of Secrets  Flip , Brainstorm , Daze and Sword of Fire and Ice .

S1: Plays Blood Crypt untapped (S18/D20) and casts Goblin Lackey . Passes.
D1: Draws Force of Will . Plays Flooded Strand and fetches Underground Sea (S18/D19). Casts Delver of Secrets  Flip . Passes.

S2: Draws Goblin Guide . Plays Blood Crypt tapped. Plays Goblin Guide and swings with him, no blocks (S18/D17). Guide reveals Path to Exile . Passes.
D2: Reveals Path to Exile , flipping Delver to Insectile Aberration  Flip . Plays Karakas . Swings with Aberration, no blocks. (S15/D17). Casts Delver of Secrets  Flip . Passes.

S3: Draws Patriarch's Bidding . Swings with Guide, but it got hit by Path to Exile , fetching Mountain . Casts Oversold Cemetery . Passes.
D3: Delver reveals Counterspell , flipping second delver to Insectile Aberration  Flip . Swings with both insects, no blocks (S9/D17). Passes.

S4: Draws another Patriarch's Bidding . Even if another draw would be Lightning Bolt that could kill one of Insects, the second delver would still survive, dealing lethal damage. SPLASH SCOOPS UP


January 31, 2014 12:55 p.m.

Apoptosis says... #39

Holy crap, I can't believe my deck went 2-0. I honestly thought gufymike's deck was going to slaughter mine. Love the fact that the combos worked as they were designed. GG gufymike!

January 31, 2014 2:19 p.m.

Absinthman says... #40

What kind of sorcery is this?! My deck actually won? Yeeehaaa!!

January 31, 2014 2:35 p.m.

heuertag says... #41

out of curiosity, is this thing still going on? it seems as if a part 1 to round 3 was posted a week ago but part 2 never came

(I understand if you just haven't had time - we are all buy with school work etc :) I was just wondering since I hadn't seen a notification pop up in a while)

February 6, 2014 7:58 a.m.

Apoptosis says... #42

They like to keep us in suspense, that or the fact that my deck actually went 2-0 versus gufymike was such a surprise they all died.

February 6, 2014 9:59 a.m.

doinitwrong says... #43

Sorry guys, I've just been busy. Part 2 should be finished up and posted later today.

February 6, 2014 1:51 p.m.

doinitwrong says... #44

Round 3 Results (Part 2):

Dritz's The Fine Tradition of Boros in Every Format vs. fluffybunnypants's turbo-bloom

G1: Boros gets a fast Kird Ape and Mirran Crusader , but Bloom combos off turn 4, going Burning Wish -> Show and Tell -> Omniscience , Enter the Infinite , Cadaverous Bloom , Banefire .

G2: Boros does as much damage as fast as he can, getting Bloom down to 6 life before he combos off in the same manner as before, killing Boros.

turbo-bloom wins 2-0

GoldGhost012's YODC #16: Attack First, Ask Questions Never vs. truble's UBG_CHALLENGE

G1: Attack starts early with a rush of Goblin Guide s and Goblin Lackey s. A barrage of Ghastly Demise s, Hymn to Tourach s, and Counterspell s, however, stall the onslaught and clear the board with 3 life left for UBG. Attack can't outmuscle the blockers UBG gets out, and a triad of Hypnotic Specter s pick up the win.

G2: Blood Moon screws over UBG's mana, leaving him with a 1/2 Tarmogoyf and a hand full of nothing he can play. Goyf eats a Goblin Grenade and Attacks onslaught takes UBG down soon thereafter.

G3: Attack mulligans into a slow hand with a pair of Blood Moon s, but Duress and Counterspell put them in the graveyard. A series of Ghastly Demise s, Diabolic Edict s, and Liliana of the Veil take control of the board, and soon a 6/7 Tarmogoyf ends the game in UBGs favor.


heuertag's YODC#16 - HeuerTag vs. MagicalHacker's Bolt To The Dome

G1: A T2 Griselbrand looks dangerous, but three burn spells take him down. Heuer has trouble finding other reanimation spells, leaving him vulnerable to Grim Lavamancer . Bolt gets Heuer down to 10 life before he Exhume s Ashen Rider , ending the burning and the game soon thereafter.

G2: A T2 Iona, Shield of Emeria ends the game almost as soon as it begins.

YODC#16 - HeuerTag wins 2-0

February 6, 2014 3:31 p.m.

truble says... #45

YAY for OP cards that win games!

February 6, 2014 3:34 p.m.

Apoptosis says... #46

Ooph... those combos... yikes!

February 6, 2014 4:54 p.m.

Dritz says... #47

Aww, yeah, combos! haha Seems like that is the deck type of this challenge. (Or at least this part of it, haha)

February 6, 2014 5:21 p.m.

truble says... #48

No combos in my deck??? Just good old 5/6s beating away

February 6, 2014 6:34 p.m.

Playing my deck must either be really entertaining or boring as all hell.

February 6, 2014 7:11 p.m.

MagicalHacker says... #50

Good games everyone!

February 6, 2014 7:31 p.m.

This discussion has been closed