Ye Olde Deckbuilding Challenge #16- Modern Splash
Challenges and Articles forum
Posted on Jan. 4, 2014, 10:02 a.m. by doinitwrong
This challenge is for two types of people: the Old Fogey that soothly misses the good olde days of Magic, before the mischievous age of Miracles, Infect, and Annihilator, and the Young whippersnapper that wants to know what the game was like when artifacts were brown.
Want to request a challenge? Visit the YODBC Request Page.
This is the deck with which Femme_Fatale won the previous challenge, Ye Olde Deckbuilding Challenge #15… Standard?:
Dr.Millington, How May I Help You? Playtest
SCORE: 0 | 0 COMMENTS | 98 VIEWSThis challenge was requested by Dritz.
What to do:
- Build 1 60-card deck (Thou shalt not count to 61, nor to 59).
- 48 of the cards must be Legacy legal cards first printed prior to 8th edition (printed with the old card frame).
- 10 must be Modern legal.
- The final 2 may be from either of those groups.
- No normal Sideboard will be used. However, if you run a card which would access the sideboard (Like the Judgment Wishes), then you may have a wishboard of up to 5 cards.
Post your deck here by Sunday, January 19th, at which time I shall take all submissions and have a tournament to determine the superlative one. The tournament will be a few rounds of swiss, with the top 4 (or 8 if enough submissions are made) doing single-elimination afterwards.
Good luck to all and may the best antiquarian win!
If anyone wants me to ping them when I post a new challenge so you don't miss out, let me know.
Help Wanted
If anyone would be willing to help out by playing a match or two each round and emailing me the writeup, let me know.
smash10101 says... #3
Sorry, I've been super busy as well. I'll do my match right now.
February 8, 2014 9:20 p.m.
smash10101 says... #4
Ok folks, sorry for the long wait. Today we have Matsi883's Ye Olde Deckbuilding Challenge #1, which will now be known as Pants vs atreyujames's YODBC 16- Mombo, or just Mombo. Let's start!
Game 1
Pants wins the flip and keeps a hand of Academy Researchers , Taoist Hermit , False Demise , Ethereal Armor , Tundra and Tropical Island . Not the best, but it seams better than going down to five.
Mombo keeps Heritage Druid , Multani's Acolyte , Beck , Forest , and Taiga . We got our Beck , and we got 2 lands, it's good enough.
Turn 1
Pants drops a Trop and passes turn.
Mombo draws a Heritage Druid , then plays a Taiga and said druid.
Turn 2
Pants draws a Windswept Heath , which he plays, and then passes turn.
Mombo draws Wirewood Symbiote , then plays a forest, followed by Multani's Acolyte , drawing a Llanowar Elves .
Turn 3
Pants draws and plays Tropical Island , and cracks the fetch (P 19) for a Savannah to play Taoist Hermit .
Mombo sacs the acolyte rather than paying the echo cost, and draws a Tropical Island , which goes right into play. Llanowar Elves and Heritage Druid #2 soon follow. One more turn till combo time!
Turn 4
Pants draws Invisible Stalker . If only we had that turn 2. Anyways, Pants plays Tundra and swings for 2. (M 18) Pants plays the Stalker and gives it some Ethereal Armor before passing turn.
Mombo draws Fyndhorn Elves . Perfect! Mombo time! After tapping the Forest and Tropical Island for Beck , Llanowar Elves taps to play his Fyndhornish brethren, who help draw Quirion Ranger . Tapping the rest of the elves for GGG, Mombo plays the ranger and Wirewood Symbiote , drawing Symbiote #2 and Beck #2. Using the ranger to bounce the Trop and untap Llanowar Elves , Mombo finds the mana to cast Beck #2. Symbiote #2 draws Priest of Titania and Tropical Island . Using both Symbiotes to untap both druids and bounce both mana elves, the druids and ranger tap for GGG. After replaying the bounced elves to draw more elves, and another Beck . And after about half a million elves, Mombo dances it's way to victory. (OK, it was actually a Fireball , but whatever.)
Game 2
Pants goes first, keeping a hand of Zuo Ci, the Mocking Sage , Taoist Hermit , Curiosity , Ethereal Armor , False Demise , Savannah , and Windswept Heath .
Mombo mulls to 6, keeping Beck , 2x Nomadic Elf , Fyndhorn Elves , Llanowar Elves , and Forest
Turn 1
Pants plays the fetch and passes turn.
Mombo draws and plays Taiga , tapping it to drop Fyndhorn Elves . EOT Pants cracks the fetch for a Tropical Island (P 19)
Turn 2
Pants draws and plays a Flooded Strand and passes turn. So boring.
Mombo draws Wirewood Symbiote , then plays Forest , Llanowar Elves and Nomadic Elf #1. EOT Pants cracks the fetch for a Tundra (P 18)
Turn 3
Pants draws Rancor , then plays Savannah and Taoist Hermit before passing the turn. Less boring.
Mombo draws Gaea's Herald . After swinging with Nomadic Elf (P 16) Mombo passes turn.
Turn 4
Pants draws and plays a land. After suiting up with Rancor , Ethereal Armor , and Curiosity , the hermit swings in for 7, (M 13) drawing a land. Not boring.
Mombo draws and plays Tropical Island . Yay blue mana! Beck is followed by Wirewood Symbiote , which draws Beck #2. Without much mana to work with, we're just going to play out as much as possible for a good turn 5. Nomadic Elf #2 turns into Beck #3, and the symbiote allows for Llanowar Elves to be replayed, drawing Llanowar Elves #2. With no more mana, Mombo looks to be in a good position for next turn, so might as well swing for 2 more with Nomad #1. (P 14) before passing turn.
Turn 5
A topdecked Rancor by Pants allows Taoist Hermit to swing for 11, (M 2)drawing Daybreak Coronet . If we survive the next turn, we should have the win.
After drawing and playing a Forest , Mombo casts Beck #2. Llanowar Elves #2 turns into Nettle Sentinel , which turns into Fyndhorn Elves #2, which becomes a 2 drop :( Luckily Wirewood Symbiote lets us turn replay Llanowar Elves #1, drawing Fireball . With one mana left, Mombo is forced to pass the turn, not quite dead on board.
Unfortunately for Mombo, Pants has one more pair, a Daybreak Coronet , which is enough to push through for lethal.
Game 3
All right, this one is for all the peanuts. Mombo gets a great hand of Beck , Nettle Sentinel , Fyndhorn Elves , Wirewood Symbiote , Taiga , and 2x Forest .
Pants keeps a hand of Invisible Stalker , Academy Researchers , Taoist Hermit , Ethereal Armor , Tundra , Savannah , and Windswept Heath . Looks OK, could use less creatures and more pants, but that Stalker looks really nice.
Mombo goes first and plays Taiga and Fyndhorn Elves before passing turn
Pants draws Daybreak Coronet . YES! Just what we need! A Windswept Heath is played before passing the turn.
Turn 2
Mombo draws and plays a forest, and passes turn, saving all the 1 drops for the Beck . EOT Pants cracks the fetch for a Tundra (P 19)
Pants draws Rancor . DOUBLE YES!! Savannah and Invisible Stalker hit the seen, and Pants passes the turn.
Turn 3
Mombo draws and plays Priest of Titania , which is joined by a Forest . We really need a source of blue next turn, or we face a BIG Invisible Stalker coming our way, and nothing in the world can stop it! (OK, maybe something in the world, but nothing in our deck can.)
Pants draws Elephant Guide . Kind of meh here, but no complaints based on what else we have. The Invisible Stalker puts on some invisible Rancor and Daybreak Coronet pants and swings for 6 lifelink. (P 25 M 14).
Turn 4
Mombo draws Llanowar Elves , wich is played, along with Forest #3. Common deck! We have one more turn to draw blue mana.
Pants draws Daybreak Coronet #2! That plus Ethereal Armor complete Invisible Stalker 's power armor. Pants passes the turn, after swinging for 13 lifelink, of course. (P 39 M 1).
Turn 5
Mombo draws... Llanowar Elves .
Mombo put in great work, but really did look like a fool without a source of blue game 3. Game two some more one drops would have been nice, but thems the draws. Great job to atreyujames and Matsi883!
February 9, 2014 4:11 a.m.
Absinthman says... #8
Well, I never aspired to make the top 8 with my mockery of a deck. I'm glad I could win a round. Good luck to the top8ers and see you in the next YODBC.
February 10, 2014 3:48 a.m.
There are more then 8 decks? I thought everyone made the top 8.
February 10, 2014 7:16 a.m.
I was sorta being silly, I figured doingitwrong wouldn't have posted a top 8 for no reason. My comment was more of a throwback to earlier challenges where we struggled to have enough decks. A poorly conceived joke that bombed badly....
February 17, 2014 8:50 a.m.
doinitwrong says... #13
Apoptosis I had a feeling that's what you meant, but I wasn't sure. I remember for the first challenge only 4 people signed up, so I let them submit 2 decks in order to get 8 for the tournament. Now even with 1 deck per person, there are 14 submissions. My, how the times have changed.
February 17, 2014 11:26 a.m.
doinitwrong says... #15
Top 8 Results:
truble's UBG_CHALLENGE vs. gufymike's erhnamgeddon 2.0
G1: Ernham has to mulligan to 5, and an early Hymn to Tourach hurts him even more. He plays Wrath of God , taking out Dark Confidant and Tarmogoyf , but UBG plays a second Goyf and continues the attack, with plenty of removal and counters to keep Ernham from saving himself.
G2: Ernham gets mana dorks and an early Armageddon , but UBG hits a small land pocket and is able to rebuild his mana base quickly and plays Tarmogoyf at 5/6. Ernham is able to chump for a while with mana dorks and Aven Mindcensor s, but edicts make them die much faster than planned. Ernham topdecks Swords to Plowshares , but it gets countered and UBG picks up the win next turn.
heuertag's YODC#16 - HeuerTag vs. MagicalHacker's Bolt To The Dome
G1: A T3 Jin-Gitaxias, Core Augur spells trouble for Bolt. He gets ready to kill Jin with Rift Bolt and Grim Lavamancer , but a reanimated Ashen Rider takes out the Lavamancer. Jin, Rider, and Griselbrand swing for lethal next turn.
G2: T2 Iona, Shield of Emeria . GG
YODC#16 - HeuerTag wins 2-0
For those of you keeping score, that's 6 games won by Iona alone.
February 18, 2014 12:18 p.m.
I'll probably be joining back in the next challenge, myself. Something about network at work and an update to the site made it impossible for me to really access much, but that access seems to have been improved to better tha ever recently. Stil entertaining to read everyone's matchups, though.
February 18, 2014 5:43 p.m.
GoldGhost012 says... #19
It seems the most sure-fire way to beat HeuerTag is to KEEP IONA FROM HITTING THE BOARD!! SOMEHOW!!
February 18, 2014 9:29 p.m.
smash10101 says... #20
yeah, for a 1-of, it seems to be winning way to many games.
February 18, 2014 10:43 p.m.
doinitwrong says... #22
I hope everyone's enjoyed this brief pause for dramatic tension.
fluffybunnypants's turbo-bloom vs. Azure124's U/W delver yodbc 16
G1: Bloom has trouble getting a third mana, but eventually gets it and plays Show and Tell for Omniscience . He then goes Enter the Infinite , Cadaverous Bloom , and Banefire . Delver replies with Misdirection , taking the game.
G2: Delver keeps mana open for counters, keeping Bloom from comboing off twice before Insectile Aberration Flip beats him down to take the match.
U/W delver yodbc 16 wins 2-0
February 28, 2014 4:50 p.m.
Saving the best for last I see (always important to have a dramatic ending).
February 28, 2014 5:25 p.m.
GoldGhost012 says... #25
I will admit that the suspense is killing me. I WANT TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENS!
February 28, 2014 5:29 p.m.
fluffybunnypants says... #27
So with the 4 Forces and 1 Pact, I couldn't get around Misdirection even though I drew my whole deck?
March 1, 2014 7:22 a.m.
smash10101 says... #29
Thank you all for waiting, and welcome to the final match of the round: Flare, imprison, and burn YODBC#16 (Flare) by Apoptosis vs. YODC #16: Attack First, Ask Questions Never (Attack!) by GoldGhost012!!!!!! I'm smash10101, and this is the TappedOut News Network Sports Special: Ye Olde Deckbuilding Challenge #16. Let's begin.
Game 1
Flare wins the flip, keeping a hand of Candelabra of Tawnos , Banefire , Enlightened Tutor , Heartbeat of Spring , Undiscovered Paradise , Reflecting Pool and Plateau . I don't know about you, but this seems like the best hand we could have asked for. Attack! mulls to 6, keeping Goblin Grenade , Goblin Matron , Goblin Guide , Goblin Lackey , Mountain and Cavern of Souls . Seems good.
Turn 1
Flare plays Plateau and passes turn.
Attack! draws Goblin Grenade #2, and plays the Cavern of Souls naming goblins. Attack! follows this up with an uncounterable Goblin Guide , which then attacks, revealing Mana Flare . ( Flare 18) End of turn, Flare casts Enlightened Tutor , putting it on top of the library.
Turn 2
Flare draws Winter Orb . (*Le Gasp!*) Reflecting Pool finds it's way to the battlefield, quickly followed by Winter Orb .
Attack! untaps and draws a second Goblin Matron . Goblin Guide attacks, revealing Winter Orb . ( Flare 16) Attack! plays a mountain and an uncounterable Goblin Lackey .
Turn 3
Flare untaps Plateau and draws Winter Orb #2. (*Le Gasp #2!*) Undiscovered Paradise hit's the field, and it taps to pay for Candelabra of Tawnos .
Attack! untaps and draws a Mountain , which is played. All three lands tap to play Goblin Matron #1 and searches up Goblin Chieftain . Goblin Guide and Goblin Lackey attack, revealing Mana Flare . ( Flare 13) Goblin Chieftain is cheated into play and Attack! passes the turn.
Turn 4
Flare draws Mana Flare , but doesn't have enough mana to play it and activate Candelabra of Tawnos , so passes turn.
Attack! untaps a Mountain and draws Goblin Guide #2. Attack! attacks all out, revealing Mogg Hollows , which goes to hand, ( Flare 4) Attack! cheats in Goblin Guide #2, then plays Goblin Grenade , sacing Goblin Matron to win the game.
Attack! wins Game 1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Game 2
Flare mulls to 6, keeping 2x Savannah , Reflecting Pool , Enlightened Tutor , Sylvan Caryatid , and Candelabra of Tawnos .Attack! keeps 3x Mountain , 2x Raging Goblin , Goblin Piledriver , and Voracious Dragon .
Turn 1
Flare plays Savannah #1 and Candelabra of Tawnos , then passes turn.
Attack! draws and plays a Mountain , then plays and attacks with Raging Goblin ( Flare 19) before passing turn.
Flare draws aynd plays Plateau and plays Sylvan Caryatid , then passes turn.
Attack! draws Goblin Guide , and then attacks with Raging Goblin , which gets blocked by the Sylvan Caryatid . Filled with rage at a fruitless attack, but mostly just raging, Attack! plays Goblin Piledriver and passes turn.
Turn 3
Flare untaps, and worried about the opposing Goblin Piledriver , casts enlightened tutor during the upkeep, finding Ghostly Prison , which, along with a Reflecting Pool , finds it's way onto the battlefield.
Attack! draws a Goblin Matron and plays a Mountain . Well this doesn't look too good. That's what Skirk Fire Marshal is for though, and we have Goblin Matron . Voracious Dragon also works here. Either way, we need to play a bunch of dudes. Goblin Guide and Raging Goblin both hit the table, and Attack! passes turn.
Turn 4
Flare draws a Wasteland , which gets rid of Attack!'s untapped mountain, and passes turn.
Attack! draws a Mountain . Yay. Goblin Matron finds Skirk Fire Marshal , and hopes to find both 5 more goblins and 5 mana before Flare does something scary.
Turn 5
Flare draws Peacekeeper . Well this is fun. It hits the table and it's Attack!'s turn.
Atttack rages at his opponent, at his hand, at his deck. But mostly he just rages. He also draws and plays Goblin Guide , and plays his last Mountain , but mostly he just rages.
Turn 6
Flare pays Peacekeeper 's upkeep cost, then draws Enlightened Tutor and passes the turn.
Attack! draws and plays Blood Moon . Well, it's something. I guess.
Turn 7
Flare pays Peacekeeper 's upkeep cost, using Sylvan Caryatid for the white mana, and draws Earthquake . After playing Savannah #2, a.k.a. Mountain , Flare casts Earthquake for 2, (17/18) wiping Attack!'s board.
Attack! draws and plays Goblin Lookout . And rages, despite, or perhaps because of, the death of Raging Goblin .
Turn 8
Flare draws Banefire . Well, that should be game next turn.
Attack! draws Mountain #5! Voracious Dragon gobbles up Goblin Lookout , who obviously wasn't looking out well enough, and deals 2 damage to Flare. (15) End of turn, Flare casts Enlightened Tutor , putting Mana Flare on top.
Turn 9
Flare draws and plays his namesake card, and uses Candelabra of Tawnos to help produce 667, and casts Banefire for 666, winning the game.
Flare wins game 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Game 3
Attack! mulls to 6, keeping a hand of Mountain , Blood Moon , Goblin Grenade , Goblin Guide , Goblin Chieftain , and Raging Goblin . Seems ok, could be better, but we have a strong turn 1 play, and ok turn 2. Wouldn't even mind drawing a land or two. Flare keeps a hand of Savannah , Plateau , Reflecting Pool , Winter Orb , Banefire , and Candelabra of Tawnos . Seems ok, Caryatid is pretty good in this match up.
Turn 1
Attack! plays a Mountain , then plays and attacks with Goblin Guide . Flare reveals Birds of Paradise , then drops to 18. Attack! passes turn.
Flare draws Birds of Paradise , then plays Savannah and said birds before passing turn.
Turn 2
Attack! draws Voracious Dragon , then plays Raging Goblin . Attack! then attacks with both goblins, and Flare reveals Savannah , which goes to hand. (15) Attack! passes turn.
Flare draws Moat , then plays Plateau and Candelabra of Tawnos before passing turn.
Turn 3
Attack! draws and plays Mountain #2, then swings for 3, and Flare reveals Plateau , which goes to hand, then blocks Goblin Guide with Sylvan Caryatid . (14) Attack! having already attacked, passes turn.
Flare draws Savannah , which is played, as is Moat , (using Birds of Paradise of mana) and passes turn.
Turn 4
Well crap... Robbed of it's sole purpose in life, Attack! has nothing to do but draw Goblin Warchief and pass turn.
Flare draws Birds of Paradise #2, which gets played, along with Reflecting Pool and Winter Orb .
Turn 5
Attack! draws and plays Goblin Lackey , not that it can really do much. I think the plan here is to just hope to hit 5 mana and play Voracious Dragon for a lot. But that's still three lands out. End of turn, Flare taps Birds of Paradise #1 and Sylvan Caryatid to untap two lands.
Flare draws Candelabra of Tawnos #2 and plays Plateau #2, then passes turn.
Turn 6
Attack! draws a Mountain , and uses it to help play Goblin Warchief . I know this could come to bite us, but it's better in the long run, like if we don't draw lands the next two turns.
Flare draws Mana Flare and combos off with a Banefire for 2,449,042,412,017,181 (my current cps in Cookie Clicker) damage.
Flare wins game 1 and the match!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Congratulations to both of our contestants on making it to the top 8, and good luck in the coming rounds. I hope you have enjoyed the match, I know I did, and have a great rest of your day. This is smash10101 with T/ONN, signing off.
March 1, 2014 11:05 a.m.
So that game where he could have forced the misdirection? What is going to happen? rematch?
March 1, 2014 11:14 a.m.
smash10101 says... #31
Maybe all 5 counterspells got used up trying to get that far? We'll have to wait for doinitwrong to find out.
March 1, 2014 11:21 a.m.
GoldGhost012 says... #32
Uh, did Wasteland get rid of one of my Mountains in the second game? Am I reading Wasteland wrong? It says "nonbasic land"...
Not sure if it would be game changing, but GG nonetheless Apoptosis.
March 1, 2014 11:58 a.m.
there was a mistake in my round two game with Earthquake not hitting both players also. Maybe we should be a little more careful in the write ups :) but im not complaining since its all done by volunteers for free :)
March 1, 2014 12:30 p.m.
smash10101 says... #34
Whoops. You can tell I don't play Legacy much. My bad. I don't think that would have won you the game, but if you do, with doinitwrong's permission, I will redo game two at your request.
March 1, 2014 12:30 p.m.
Don't think it would have mattered, moat hit making peacekeeper redundant and wasteland had no effect either. But if you want to redo em, go for it!
March 1, 2014 1:24 p.m.
Oh wait that was game 3, well whatever. If you want to do another game I'm all for it.
March 1, 2014 1:26 p.m.
GoldGhost012 says... #37
Well, I can't help wondering if it would change something, because there was an army of Goblins and I think only 1 mana short of Voracious Dragon by the time the board was wiped... Hmm.
March 1, 2014 1:28 p.m.
doinitwrong says... #38
Well, I screwed up. I'll redo G1 of my match, and do G3 if I have to.
Flare vs. Attack G2 also reeds redoing. I replayed the scenario and Attack won:
Flare draws and plays Wasteland
, Passes.
Attack draws and plays Mountain #4. Plays Goblin Matron
finding Skirk Fire Marshal
Flare draws Peacekeeper
. Plays it and the second Savannah
from his opening hand. Passes.
Attack draws Goblin Guide
. He then plays Mountain #5 and Skirk Fire Marshal
, activating it immediately (9/10), killing everyone but the Pro-red Marshal. Passes
Flare draws Enlightened Tutor
. Passes
Attack draws Blood Moon
. Plays it and Guide. Passes.
Flare draws Earthquake
and passes.
Attack draws Goblin Lookout
. He plays Voracious Dragon
, devouring Guide and Marshal, dealing 4 to Flare (5/10). Passes.
Flare draws Banefire
, but is 2 mana shy of killing the 6/6 Dragon. Passes.
Attack draws Mountain and swings for lethal.
If Flare had used Earthquake for 2 as soon as he drew it, he'd go down to 7 and the Marshal still would've lived. The Dragon would Devour it, knocking Flare down to 5. Flare would still be 1 mana shy of Banefiring it, and would have still died next turn.
March 2, 2014 9:16 p.m.
smash10101 says... #40
My bad. I guess it's a good thing I write out the whole game, so you guys can find all my misplays and stuff. Congrats GoldGhost012!
March 3, 2014 5:58 a.m.
So was that the redo? or are you redoing G2 from the beginning?
March 3, 2014 9:52 a.m.
doinitwrong says... #42
The game still needs redoing. There were ways that would have played out differently, but we don't know how exactly since they would rely on unknown topdecks.
fluffybunnypants's turbo-bloom vs. Azure124's U/W delver yodbc 16 (take 2)
G1: An early show and tell eats Daze . Delver quickly gets an Insectile Aberration Flip and starts beating away while Bloom hits a land pocket. A turn from death, Bloom topdecks Dream Halls . He plays Cabal Therapy , naming Force of Will , but Delver uses Misdirection to make Bloom discard his own Force. Bloom tries playing Dream Halls, but Delver has a Force ready. Aberration swings for lethal next turn.
U/W delver yodbc 16 still wins 2-0
March 3, 2014 10:19 a.m.
smash10101 says... #43
@Apoptosis: I assume that was the redo, but doinitwrong could clarify.
March 3, 2014 12:53 p.m.
Absinthman says... #44
"He plays Cabal Therapy
, naming Force of Will
, but Delver uses Misdirection
to make Bloom discard his own Force."
There's a misplay right here. With this type of cards, you don't name the card until the spell starts resolving. If Delver wants to use Misdirection
, they will be doing so without knowing what Bloom wants to name. And if they do use it, Bloom still controls the spell despite its target being changed, so they can name any card that they don't have in order for the misdirected Cabal Therapy
not to hurt them.
March 3, 2014 1:20 p.m.
doinitwrong says... #47
Son of a...
Alright, if Bloom kept his Force, then Delver would have no way to stop him from comboing off. Bloom wins Game 1. I'll do G3 tomorrow.
March 4, 2014 12:24 a.m.
doinitwrong says... #49
Matsi883: Misdirection doesn't change who the spell's controller is, so Bloom would still get to name the card.
heuertag says... #1
t2 iona is so nuts
February 6, 2014 8:26 p.m.