Blasphemous Act vs Cyclonic Rift
Commander Deck Help forum
Posted on March 7, 2021, 1:51 p.m. by Hardhitta7
I’m planning on building a Kykar token deck and wanted opinions on Blasphemous Act vs Cyclonic Rift , I wanna replace Thing in the Ice Flip with one of them.
Blasphemous Act would be pretty cheap to cast because of all the tokens I’m making and actually kills creatures but Cyclonic Rift can be put under Isochron Scepter and won’t hit my own board when overloaded and has the benefit of hitting non-land permanents, not just creatures.
I’m new to commander so I’ve never actually played either of these cards before so I have no experience with them.
Here’s the deck if you wanna see: Oops, I forgot my tokens
Hardhitta7 says... #4
Went with Omniscience_is_life’s suggestion and just added both and cut Fumigate !
March 7, 2021 2:43 p.m.
I would recommend against putting Cyclonic Rift under Isochron Scepter . There is one appropriate spell to put under Isochron Scepter - Dramatic Reversal .
The previous statement is a joke, but Cyclonic Rift 's power comes from being able to overload it. Sticking it under scepter just seems lieka waste, as one good overloaded Rift beats out activating like 5 or 6 times (in 99% of circumstances).
As a side note, since you aren't running Dramatic Reversal , I don't think you have enough value to be running Isochron Scepter here. You'd be better off with a just running a buyback spell or something instead.
March 7, 2021 8:36 p.m. Edited.
Hardhitta7 says... #6
Hmm you make good points. My main plan wasn’t to put Rift on Scepter but it might come up. Either way I’ve just included both in the deck.
You think I should just run a Snapcaster Mage over the Scepter? I have an extra I’m not using. Scepter is just so fun. Lol
March 7, 2021 9:04 p.m.
If you are looking to bring a Cyclonic Rift or Blasphemous Act back, Mission Briefing is superior to Snapcaster--Mission Briefing simply casts the card, not gives it flashback, allowing you to cast for alternate casting costs, such as Overload, or with costs reducers, such as Blasphemous Act has.
March 7, 2021 9:09 p.m.
Hardhitta7: Caerwyn makesa good point about alternate costs for flashback. Plus it's an additional non-creature spell for Kykar. Some cards I would look into adding though are:
Whispers of the Muse - this is better than some of your other draw card effects due to the buyback.
Haze of Rage - really strong recurable pump spell.
Recruit the Worthy - if you want to go down that token theme. Effectively 2 tokens for 4 mana.
Shattering Pulse - Can be potentially better than Abrade depending on your meta.
March 7, 2021 9:26 p.m.
Hardhitta7 says... #9
Good point, I’ll add Mission Briefing and cut Scepter.
Thanks for all the suggestions, I like Whispers of the Muse .
I think I would run Vandalblast over Abrade or Shattering Pulse since I’m cutting scepter anyways.
March 7, 2021 9:39 p.m.
Last_Laugh says... #10
I've always wanted to stick Narset's Reversal under Isochron Scepter. Essentially giving any spell you have buyback is really powerful. Think exile on resolution spells like Teferi's Protection lol.
March 8, 2021 11:30 a.m.
Last_Laugh I was going to make the same suggestion. Wile the Dramatic Scepter combo is defilitely the main money maker in terms of Isochron pairings, the Narset combo actually sets you up to abuse a lot of other possible spells (ex
Time Warp
Nexus of Fate
or boardwipes or anything else you want to recycle).
March 8, 2021 1:23 p.m.
Last_Laugh says... #12
He mentioned his meta is casual and no infinite combos is the only reason I didn't bring up extra turns. I did mention Teferi's Protection but that's just a personal fever dream lol.
March 8, 2021 1:34 p.m.
Last_Laugh I could be totally blind but I didn't see him say no infinite combos anywhere.
Either way I just meant to point out in agreeance with you that Narset Scepter is an undervalued engine that can help enable some cool shenanigans.
Alas Teferi's CMC keeps it relegated to the realm of fever dreams.
March 8, 2021 1:48 p.m.
Hardhitta7 says... #14
I didn’t say no infinite combos in this thread but it’s in the deck description.
Caerwyn says... #2
My vote would be for Cyclonic Rift for a number of reasons:
It is instant speed.
Since you are relying on tokens, you do not really want to kill your primary game plan with your own spell.
Rift is never a dead draw. Sure, you normally don’t want to cast it unless it is overloaded, but there are plenty of times where a two-mana, instant speed, any-permanent bounce spell can mean the difference between losing and staying in the game (I.e. they would otherwise combo off, but you can remove an in-play combo piece while the other is on the stack).
March 7, 2021 2:23 p.m.