Calling all Graveyard lovers
Commander Deck Help forum
Posted on July 6, 2022, 7:49 p.m. by Gleeock
My 1st deckhelp post! I'm building a deck that will Jund harder with recursion than ever before. Anyone that has really solid recursion ideas or experience with gems particularly experience. With new I am particularly interested in a lot of those cards that topdeck 1 to your hand & x to the graveyard. Also graveyard ramp options would be good. I just know after new Theros there is a whole lot of -splash gems that I was disinterested in that can huck a whole bunch into the bin.
My deck is very rough: Great Bhaals of Fire
I like Sudden Reclamation, Search for Blex, Grisly Salvage, Underrealm Lich, and Golgari Grave-Troll. There are plenty of self mill options (these and others), so you really just need to figure out which ones work for you.
July 6, 2022 9:38 p.m.
I always really like Enter the Unknown because it can put something in your yard, give a little pump, and ramp you all for one mana. Even at it's worst, it's a to shape your next draw a little, and that's not bad at all.
July 6, 2022 9:53 p.m.
evilsofthepast says... #6
So, I have a Jund deck as well with a land-sacrifice/recursion theme. I don’t know if you just want a full graveyard or if you’re specifically going self-mill, but you might find something of value From that Decklist
July 8, 2022 9:58 a.m.
Necrosis24 says... #7
I like Doom Whisperer quite a bit given enough life you can chuck usually about half your library into your graveyard while keeping essential cards on top. Otherwise some one time uses are Benefaction of Rhonas, Gather the Pack, and Commune with the Gods
Tomb Robber, Undercity Informer, Sanguine Spy are nice as they are also outlets for discard and sacrificing respectively.
For indiscriminate mill I use Splinterfright, Nyx Weaver, and Perpetual Timepiece.
If you are running creature heavy Altar of Dementia (Doubles as a win con) and if you run big creatures I like Greater Good.
Songs of the Damned, World Shaper, and Skull Prophet are usually an auto include for me if I'm chucking creatures into my graveyard.
July 9, 2022 1:25 a.m.
Nice Necrosis24 these were some of the exact things I was thinking of. I also don't mind instant life pay because there will be corner cases where I want to make Bhaal, Lord of Murder indestructible
enpc says... #2
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July 6, 2022 7:55 p.m.