Commander 2021 builds. Help wanted.
Commander Deck Help forum
Posted on March 30, 2021, 6:34 p.m. by RNR_Gaming
Primarily, I'm a spike or optimizer. However, with the new commanders that have been recently spoiled I decided to try my hand at non-optimized building or casual building. I've included the basic strategy with each deck as well as extensive sideboard and maybeboard options - in Hope's of appealing to multiple demographics of players. I'd like feedback from both casual players and veteran spikes on how I did - I'm looking to rework how I format my decks and possibly how I build. Also, suggestions on "casual" friendly improvements or "gimmicky"/"cheeky" combos are always welcomed.
This is the brew I'm most disappointed in - most of the other commanders had something wacky or very niche they could do but this felt like a mesh of a lot of things we've all seen before. It's a kci combo deck but the only real function is to basically make the combo lines more resilient.
Now, this was by far my favorite brew. High risk, high reward and a gimmicky 1-2 punch kind of feel. Using something that let's us freely expend life and a small lifelink creature we can just start donking everyone
Now, this commander also felt a bit like other things we've seen but it's sort of module in function and having a few different things that reward us for what we've done before is kind of cool. Though at its core it's just a tempo turns list, I think the ability to make 4/4s and advance the board as we sling spells kind of sets it apart
An Owl Warlock? So, one of my favorite strategies is king maker and even if this card isn't the best in the set it's a slam dunk for me - its basically a symmetrical tymna but perhaps a tad weaker due to the stipulation of having to attack certain players but that buff and ability that allows from sneaky poltics is just so fun.
Lastly, I never thought they'd give such an amazing token support legend to simic but here we are. Now, green definitely has token support and blue can do some nasty things with clone tokens but the coolest thing about this commander is its interaction with helm of the host - now it's no Godo but prepare for some fun maths lol
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March 30, 2021 7:11 p.m.