Does Vault of the Archangel Make Sense in These Decks?

Commander Deck Help forum

Posted on Jan. 27, 2025, 5:04 p.m. by DemonDragonJ

I have copies of Vault of the Archangel in several of my EDH decks, and that cards makes sense in my Liesa, Shroud of Dusk deck, but I am less certain if it works with the themes of my Sen Triplets or Tariel, Reckoner of Souls decks.

What does everyone else say, about this subject? Does Vault of the Archangel make sense in my Sen Triplets or Tariel decks, or should I replace it?

griffstick says... #2

The card makes sense in any deck. I wouldn't look at it as a enchantment or artifact like Whip of Erebos. I look at it like a utility land. A one off one time effect to get out of the red zone. Obviously you can use it over and over again. The 5 mana cost is to high for me to use it over and over again. I personally love the land. Do I put it in all my decks that contain black and white? No.

January 27, 2025 5:17 p.m.

RiotRunner789 says... #3

I found the death touch clause in my go-wide / token decks being more important (generally) than the lifelink, even with a big creature.

Ask yourself, how many utility lands can I reasonably fit without getting color screwed?

Does 5 mana for these key words provide enough value? Such as, will my creatures get through or force unattractive trades for my opponents? Does the lifegain matter?

January 27, 2025 5:48 p.m.

DemonDragonJ says... #4

griffstick, the vault is one of my favorite utility lands, as well, but I agree that it does not need to be put into every deck that supports its colors.

RiotRunner789, the vault would be useful in my Tariel deck, to help destroy my opponents' creatures, enabling my to take them, with Tariel, but I do not believe that that deck has a sufficient focus on tokens or creatures overall to justify its inclusion, in that deck.

January 27, 2025 5:52 p.m.

veritablecvn says... #5

Like others have said, it's a utility land, it fits in any deck you want it to. I think you should try looking at it with these questions in mind:

How often do you wish you had it on the battlefield when you don't have it?

When you actually have it on the battlefield, how often are you leaving up the mana to use it?

Does leaving up the mana cause you to not take an action or cast a spell that advances your board?

If you were to take it out, what would you replace it with? If you have a specific card in mind, try it out. Swap the cards and play a bunch of games and see how you like it. Then decide which card you want to keep.

January 29, 2025 7:49 a.m.

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