First ever EDH deck... help?
Commander Deck Help forum
Posted on Jan. 9, 2021, 3:57 p.m. by the_solitaire
I am really a 60 card deck kind of person, but the group I play with favors 100 card commander deck games.
In the past few days I tried to catch up with the current game (been out for 20 years) and tried to jumble together a few theoretical decks, trying to get to know some of the new cards. With some of that done, I now try to construct a 100 card singleton deck (look here: First attempt BW)
By all means, I tried to set a theme: Discard through spectres and assisting sorceries), then threw in some cards that have some kind of synergy with discarding Megrim Liliana's Caress The Rack
That left me with pretty much (after adding lands) a 60'ish card deck.
So here we go out on a limb. I added white. To get access to Wrath of God and Mageta the Lion as well as an additional tutor card.
I am not yet convinced that this wil lever work, so before I go out and buy a load of cards, maybe someone here would be kind enough to have a look at this jumble of cards and help me make some sense of it.
The best thing you can do is buy a commander precon to play with and get a sense for the format.
January 9, 2021 6:13 p.m.
I will comment on the deck itself, but the best advice I could give to a new Commander player is all encompassed in a series of articles by Suns_Champion:
One thing that you can't underestimate is the importance of discussing with your playgroup what power level they are playing. Typically in experienced groups there is a consensus between friends, to play competitive or not, and what is acceptable, are there house rules, etc.
If you come in too weak or too powerful that can make for a long evening.
January 9, 2021 10:25 p.m.
Or a short one Heliogabale haha. Also thanks for the link, I too am trying to get into commander.
January 10, 2021 12:31 a.m.
the_solitaire says... #6
Thank you for the useful link. I will read the contents of these articles later today.
Also, thanks for pointing out the obvious. Watch the power level. Maybe I should borrow a deck first and see how the others have constructed their decks.
Back when I played multiplayers (I played 3 or 4 multiplayer games when I started Magic) it wasn't too uncommon to see one of the casual players drop half of the power nine, followed by tutoring a Juzam Djinn and a Clone or Doppelganger out of a 60 card singleton deck, and next turn drop an infinite mana combo. I am a bit too focused on making stuff work fast, so I might have gone a few steps beyond an entertaining deck already.
Nonetheless, I will try to put most of the suggested cards in the deck, lose a few tutors and see how it plays before I bring the deck to a Magic night. At the moment we are in a lockdown anyways, so I have some time to get all of this sorted out.
Thank you again very much for all the help. I will try to update the card list later today.
January 10, 2021 3:29 a.m.
Suns_Champion says... #7
the_solitaire my articles are best suited for those with some familiarity with the format, more of a way to go from moderate to advanced deckbuilding. I hope you find some useful info in them!
For a better introduction to the format, try All About EDH or the following episodes of the command zone (available on youtube or anywhere with podcasts):
- The Command Zone #151 Deck template
- The Command Zone #199 Staple cards
- The Command Zone #105 EDH Essentials
I think the deck template episode is really important for understanding the deckbuilding fundamentals. Good luck!
January 10, 2021 8:05 p.m.
TriusMalarky says... #8
When it comes to EDH, I like to use a 5-point building strategy. This includes
Lands(largely fixing)
Ramp(the higher power stuff)
Card draw
Win Condition
Every card in your deck should be in one of those 5 slots. Additionally, I consider cards like Fellwar Stone, Signets, Talismans and Arcane Signet to fit largely in the 'land' slot. They're there for ramp, yes, but they're also largely there for color fixing.
Also, your win condition should be fairly compact. You can take a combo route, or you can have a couple specific cards that can win the game on their own or with a little support.
In discard themes . . . you don't get all that much. All the discard payoffs that help in other formats are too slow in EDH.
So I'd take the Pox plan -- use Smallpox, Pox, Hymn to Tourach, Wrench Mind and Vicious Rumors to throttle your opponent's hands. Use spells like Deafening Silence, Rule of Law, Spirit of the Labyrinth, Leonin Arbiter and Aven Mindcensor to prevent your opponents from getting back on their feet. Then, hit them with some win con of your choice. Make it quick, though, because they will eventually get out of your lock and come for your throat.
January 11, 2021 10:37 a.m.
TriusMalarky says... #9
*Clarification: That's how I'd build that sort of list. From what I hear, a lot of players get salty and you might get hated out of the game. If you don't find a group that is fine with such a cutthroat strategy, I recommend something like Dinosaurs, Cats and Dogs, or(especially if you really want to go the BW route) Black-White enchantress.
January 11, 2021 10:48 a.m.
Sounds like TriusMalarky is playing in a high-powered or competitive meta. Thanks for your clarification.
Again, it is paramount to ensure everyone around the table is playing the same game. Infinite combo is not welcome in my group.
January 11, 2021 10:55 a.m.
the_solitaire says... #11
I am trying to get agrip onthe power level. As it is, I am invited, but due yo the lockdown we arecurrently not able to set up a magic game. Competitive is what I was used to back in the 1990's. But the group that invited me is amix of 2 old timers and a few new players.
It is very well possible that the deck, as it is now, is far more effective then the other decks. In that case, I would have to sub in some cheaper and less effective cards.
I hope to get in touch with one of the more experienced players to discuss the mechanics and see how effective I am allowed to make this.
I am reading through the suggested articles now, and thank you for the information collected in there
January 11, 2021 2:38 p.m.
Glad to see you are building Commander. Its the right choice. ;D It already has been suggested, but i also recommend to buy a Precon Commander Deck that uses Stuff you want to play. From there just upgrade it or plunder it for some of the cards and build your own.
January 12, 2021 4:18 a.m.
the_solitaire says... #13
I just got some information on the power level of the gaming group I'm about to join. Apparently they are quite competitive. On my question: "Hey, in my usual style, I think I overdid it a bit on that commander deck. Should I tone it down a bit?" one of the players answered: "If you think it's too powerful, it should be about right"
So 1: I am going to learn a lot, fast and 2: I will go through the suggested articles, then sort my mana plan and see if I need more ramp, or lower mana cards. And from there on, there is nothing to it but to start ordering cards to complete the deck.
As far as the preconstructed decks go, I did not find any of the ones available that I really liked. An online store around here offers more competitive decks at different price points, from $20 to $150'ish, but again, none of the themes seemed to fit my preferences. Since the above deck is not all that unusual, I think I have missed something
January 12, 2021 12:12 p.m.
You will not find a precon that fits your theme. It boils down to desired effects vs color combinations. Decks that rely heavily on opponent to discard and draw to trigger effects are typically Grixis, not Orzhov. The specialty in Orzhov is generating value from creating and sacrificing creatures, and spot removal.
You may want to look a bit more into archetypes and established decks before going out on a limb with your own brew.
Before you start ordering cards, (especially expensive ones) playtest your deck at least 50 times using the Playtest feature on this site, and if at all possible against opponents. You may avoid buyer's remorse.
January 12, 2021 12:31 p.m.
the_solitaire Commander 2013: "Mind Seize" Deck that's the one you are searching for. Its very old so its unlikely to get a sealed one i guess but that would be the same theme as the one you are looking for.
I myself built my First Commander with that deck and Nekusar, the Mindrazer as Commander.
It was already suggested but its the strategy that is as close to what you are planning as it gets. You want to let them draw cards to let them discad even more so you add engines to punish draw and discard. This way you get the most out of it because almost all engines are worded with "each opponent" or "each player".
I may take the time to get my Commander online as a deck here on Tappedout. This way you could have a look. Its fairly consistent in winning games but could also use some more tutors.
Caerwyn says... #2
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January 9, 2021 4 p.m.