Help a modern player get his feet wet
Commander Deck Help forum
Posted on Sept. 13, 2022, 7:25 p.m. by SeekerofSecrets
So about every 6 months I get the urge to finally play commander... and every time I get sucked back into modern before I put the cards in my kart. A shop opened up, right down the street from my house, and the majority of players play commander. I think I'm finally gonna put something together, just so I can easily get games on work nights without having to drive another 40 minutes for modern.
I've looked at allot of different commanders but I think Roon of the Hidden Realm, will be a good fit. I tend to gravitate towards engine decks, interactive decks, and decks with high complexity levels so I won't get board. It also doesn't seem to be broken where I'll be playing archenimy (I proxied a Jhoria deck once and learned that lesson the hard way)
I've done some research and currently I'm at the above deck list. I think it has a decent mix and is fairly powerful for being so budget. I'd like to keep it around $50, and fairly fun to play against (hence the no stifle effects).
I'd like some help making the final cuts. I like Threats Undetected as a tutor, so I'm working on making packages of three for it. I've also created custom classes so that you can easily see my ratios.
Any help would be appreciated, cards that I missed, underpowered cards included, really anything! I’m assessing power through a 60 card lense, so I know ima little skewed
Thanks for your help! I hope to enjoy the format
Grind says... #2
Your deck looks good!!
I would lean into ramp a little more and prioritize cmc2 ramp cards over your 3s. Arcane Signet and Nature's Lore are good examples. Over your darksteel ingot i would run Cultivate or Skyclave Relic or Worn Powerstone or Coalition Relic.
Deck looks good, get out and play it!!!
September 14, 2022 11:08 p.m.